Fairy-tales have a real value to the child; they are a mental food he needs, if he is not to be spiritually starved; to deprive him of fairy-tales at this age is to do him a wrong which can never be made up at any subsequent age.
The sexual act is important from the point of view of erotic art, not only from the ignorance and prejudices which surround it, but also because it has a real value even in regard to the psychic side of married life.
The nature of things has stamped upon corn a real value, which cannot be altered by merely altering its money price.
But this no more proves that my hat has advanced in real value according to that proportion, than a double money price will prove it.
The dispute concerning the definition thus acquires a real value, and becomes a question concerning true and false.
Real value in exchange may be defined to be the power of an object to command in exchange the necessaries and conveniences of life, including labour,' Malthus, Pol.
In such an extreme (but by no means unheard-of) case physical value bears no relation to real value.
Mr. Riggs, however, believes that the determination of the cost of replacement is an essential first step toward the ascertainment of real value.
The difference between a dead plant and a live one is a real value, and is independent of any franchise to go on, or any mere good will as between such a plant and its customers.
Of these I had a surplus, many of them of no real value to me, but that letter was beyond price, beyond uncledom, and unsparable.
The above list will hopefully provide you with a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "real value" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this group of words.