He has the wide vision, the metaphysical passion of the philosopher and the poet; and in his work he is ever pressing towards more exact description, more suggestive and evocative speech.
A terrible malady is she, a malady the ancients knew of and called nympholepsy--a beautiful name evocative and symbolic of its ideal aspect, "the breast of the nymph in the brake.
Son and father both have gout then, because each has innate germinal tendencies which when subjected to certain evocative stimuli become expressed as gout.
Who can truthfully answer how many individuals there are who are not potentially criminals to some extent, given sufficient evocative conditions of ignorance, vice, adverse economic pressure and undue temptation?
Strictly, therefore, we ought perhaps to call Literature neither a Presentative nor a Representative, but an Evocative art.
The familiar country, evocative of a great part of my childhood, carried my thoughts hither and thither.
Because, dear, it is evocative of you, of that slender body moving among fragrances of scented cambrics, and breathing its own dear odour as I come forward to greet you.
Considering Marius as a story, a work of imagination, one finds the same evocative method used in the telling of it, and in the portrayal of character, as Pater employs in its descriptive passages.
The image of tree and creeper was a common symbol in poetry for the lover embraced by his beloved and peacocks, thirsting for rain, were evocative of desire.
The scene was so evocative of the civilization from which Mike had fled, that he at once was drawn by a power he could not explain towards them.
The soul of an epoch lives in that name, evocative as it is of shadowy trees, lawny spaces, brocade, pointed bodices, high heels and guitars.
Turning from the old Latin inscription he viewed the church, so evocative in its fortress form of an earlier and more romantic century.
What misfit music for such a joyous name, a name evocative of all that is gay, refined, witty, sparkling, and spontaneous in music!
Summoned forth by those strange and radiant evocative forces that even in the dullest minds "Greece" stirs into life, they had temporarily escaped.
A terrible malady is she, a malady the ancients knew of and called nympholepsy--a beautiful name evocative and symbolic of its ideal aspect, "the breasts of the nymphs in the brake.
II This edition has not been printed from old plates, no chicanery of that kind: it has been printed from new type, and it was brought about by Walter Pater's evocative letter.
The evocative power of perfume with regard to memory is compelling.