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Example sentences for "amie"

Lexicographically close words:
amido; amids; amidship; amidships; amidst; amiga; amigo; amigos; amikoj; amine
  1. He writes, obviously in answer to remonstrances: 'Nous nous prometons de suivre en tout les volontes et les arrangemens de notre fidele amie et alliee, L.

  2. The one lady whom the mantle fits is in the latter Carados vrindinne, in the other l'amie Caraduel Briefbras.

  3. At the posting hostelry, which stands immediately at the rear of the cathedral, Stainville bargained for a fresh horse, and left Belle Amie in charge of mine host to be tended and cared for against his return, probably on the morrow.

  4. At Nantes, Stainville partook of a frugal breakfast, and Belle Amie had a rest and a mouthful of corn.

  5. She had not the spirit of Belle Amie but she made up in stolidity what she had lacked in swiftness.

  6. Belle Amie dropped on the roadside and he himself had to cover the rest of the distance on foot.

  7. I saw them that time in Petersburg avec cette chere amie (oh, how I used to wound her then), and I wasn't afraid of their abuse or even of their praise.

  8. Enfin, this Praskovya, as cette chere amie calls her, is a type.

  9. Stepan Trofimovitch sent me that evening to cette chere amie to implore her to allow him to come to her, but she would not see me.

  10. La pauvre amie was always angry at the untidiness here.

  11. More belle amie than Joseph about him, I rather guess!

  12. When I was a boy, I read Miss Edgeworth's "L'Amie Inconnue.

  13. Some of these Nimphs here will reward you; this, This pretty Maid, although but with a kisse; [Forces Amie to kiss Karolin.

  14. They are about to go off together when Maudlin again appears in the shape of Marian, with the news that Amie is recovered and their presence no longer required.

  15. In the next scene we find Amie suffering from the effect of Karol's kiss.

  16. The Amie du Drapeau tossed off her sixth glass of champagne.

  17. Under which mass of overwhelming proofs of nationality the Amie du Drapeau gave in.

  18. Yet there were tales told in the barrack-yards and under canvas of the little Amie du Drapeau that had a gentler side.

  19. Here is a list sent to 'L' Amie du People', but of which prudence yet prohibits the publication.

  20. Parents now beside her pray, AMIE watches her by day-- Moving round with softest tread.

  21. Turns the man in haste his head And the youth does recognize, Tells him, "In the lake's clean bed Some one found poor AMIE dead!

  22. He had heard fair AMIE speak Of a place above the sky, Where dear BESS with spirit meek Would be taken, though so weak, If at present she should die.

  23. He at once loved and hated to see her there, his new little "amie Anglaise!

  24. Sylvia, his "petite amie Anglaise," seemed to have come very near to him in the last few moments.

  25. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "amie" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.