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Example sentences for "ambatch"

Lexicographically close words:
ambassadorship; ambassadour; ambassadours; ambassadress; ambassage; amber; ambergris; ambidextrous; ambient; ambiguities
  1. The crack of the ball and the absence of any splash from the bullet told me that he was hit; the ambatch float remained perfectly stationary upon the surface.

  2. Upon both sides of the river the people now advanced, dragging the rope on the surface of the water until they reached the ambatch float that was swimming to and fro, according to the movements of the hippopotamus below.

  3. The men on the opposite bank now dropped their line, and our men hauled in upon the ambatch float that was held fast between the ropes.

  4. There is a wood called ambatch (Anemone mirabilis) that is brought down by the river from the upper country; this is lighter than cork, and I have obtained four large pieces for my raft.

  5. To the iron point is attached one end of a rope, and to the other end, which is held in the left hand of the harpooner, a float of ambatch wood is fastened.

  6. The natives navigate the river in two kinds of canoes-one of which is a curious combination of raft and canoe formed of the Ambatch wood, which is so light, that the whole affair is portable.

  7. They hunt the hippo with great daring, pursuing the beasts in tiny ambatch canoes, which are often broken up by the infuriated bulls.

  8. They were strong enough to defy resistance at the hands of the Shilluks, who have nothing but ambatch canoes, and once entrenched at Fashoda they would have been poor creatures if they could not have beaten off a handful of Dervishes.

  9. By and by it gives place to the ambatch as the characteristic tree of the Nile.

  10. I was walking on the quay, when I heard a great commotion, and I saw a splashing in the river, the surface of which was covered with the ambatch fragments of a native canoe.

  11. There was no ambatch wood, but I thought we might form rafts by cutting and then drying in the sun the long tough stems of the papyrus rush.

  12. I always carried a harpoon in the boat with the rope and ambatch float.

  13. I sent Abdullah with orders to the king, Quat Kare, to collect all his people with their ambatch canoes to assist us in raising the wreck.

  14. Last year we were five hours from the ambatch bush to the dubba.

  15. Our native traders arrived daily in fleets of ambatch canoes from a considerable distance.

  16. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "ambatch" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.