A copie of the commission given to Sir Jerome Bowes, authorizing him her majesties ambassadour unto the Emperour of Russia XXXI.
Anthonie Ienkinson, Ambassadourfrom the Queens most excellent Maiestie, to the Emperour of Russia, from the time of his ariuall there, being the 26.
English merchants, for the discouerie of new trades: and hither sent by Thomas Randolfe esquire, her Maiesties Ambassadour to the sayd Emperour, and by Andrew Sauin his Ambassadourin the yere of our Lord God, 1569.
The Ambassadour (being my selfe) was conueyed into an office where one of the chancellors doeth vse to sit, being there accompanied with the two foresayd gentlemen: I taried two long houres before I was sent for to the Emperor.
A Commission giuen by vs Thomas Randolfe Ambassadour for the Queenes Maiestie in Russia, and Thomas Bannister, &c.
While I stopped to refresh my mules at a little village, the inhabitants came crouding about me as an ambassadour going to their General.
The Pope's Corsican guards in some fit of passion insulted the French ambassadour at Rome.
Another Ambassadour vsed the like ouersight by ouerweening himselfe that he could naturally speake the French tongue, whereas in troth he was not skilfull in their termes.
This Ambassadour being a Bohemian, sent from the Emperour to the French Court, whereafter his first audience, he was highly feasted and banquetted.
To which the Ambassadour answered vnwares and not knowing the French terme, Par ma foy elle chenauche fort bien; & si en prend grand plaisir.
In which respect it is to be wished, that none Ambassadour speake his principall commandements but in his own language or in another as naturall to him as his owne, and so it is vsed in all places of the world sauing in England.
The Ambassadour of the French king heretofore enioyed the like: but of late yeeres by meanes of displeasure conceiued by Mahumet then Viceroy, it was reduced to sixe crownes the day, beside the prouision of his Esquire of his stable.
A letter of directions of the English Ambassadourto M.
The Ambassadour of the Emperour is allowed one thousand Aspers the day.
In the meane time there came anambassadour to the K.
Which the Kings Ambassadour taking to be a degree of yeelding, did more earnestly insist, and said: that the King his master would not for the Crowne of his Realme, loose the authoritie of inuesting his Prelates.
Thus Anselme, with full saile of victorie and ioy returned towards England; but the Kings Ambassadour stayed behind, to assay whether by any meanes hee could worke the Pope to a milder minde.
The voyage, wherein Osep Napea the Moscouite Ambassadour returned home into his countrey, with his entertainement at his arriuall, at Colmogro: and a large description of the maners of the Countrey.
Wee doe not finde the Ambassadour nowe at the last so conformable to reason as wee had thought wee shoulde.
Walk in simplicity and purenes of lyfe, as it becumethe the trew servand and ambassadour of the Lord Jesus.
At the same time arrived the Counte de Briance, Ambassadourof the King of France, who had a great train.
That symmer, thair cam aneAmbassadour from the King of Swaden, requyring marriage of our Soverane to his Maister the King.
With many fair words the Queen let the Ambassadour depart, promising to do all she could to satisfie the Queen of England; and for the same purpose she would send an Ambassador to her.
Monsieur de Barillon writ to the Count d' Avaux, the French Ambassadour at the Hague, certain Discourses which the King had concerning the Hollanders.
That Ambassadour had no part in it, but on the very Instant when the affair was concluding.
Looke what is spent vppon this ambassadour in all his iourney, and vppon them that doo beare him companie for all necessaries, is vppon the kings cost and charges, and is paide by the kinges treasurers in euerie place whereas they doo go.
The wordes of Popilius the Romayn ambassadour to Antiochus the kynge.
The oration of the ambassadour sent to Pope Urban.
Nat moch vnlike the forsayd tale, Plutarche reciteth that, whan the ambassadour of the Abderites had at laste ended a longe tale to the prynce Agis, he asked what answere he shulde make to them that sent him?
Whan a couetous man on a time was come vnto a certain cite, whither he was sent as ambassadour for his contrey, anon the mynstrels of the cite came to him to fil his eares with swete din, to th' intente he shuld fyl their purses with money.
The oration of th ambassadour that was sent to Pope Urban.
Of the ambassadour that was sent to the prince Agis.
When wee came first on land there was way made for vs by two or three Bassaes and diuers chauses on horsebacke with their men on foot, to accompany our Ambassadour to the Court.
The Queenes Commission vnder the great seale, to her seruant master William Hareborne, to be her maiesties Ambassadour or Agent, in the partes of Turkie.
Then our Ambassadour wrote vnto him another letter to answer that, and gaue him thanks for his men that he had sent him, and also for his good will, and sent him a present.
Then our Ambassadour did write another letter, and sent it by them to the Viceroy, in like order as he did before, but he receiued no answere of any of them.
Sidenote: The Ambassadour repaireth to the great Turks court.
Our Ambassadour and his gentlemen kissed his hand, and then the gentlemen were commanded out, and ourAmbassadour sate downe by him on his left hand, and the chaus stood before him.
William Hareborne her Maiesties Ambassadour to the Turke, and his company, and sailed thence to Yarmouth in the foresayd Isle of Wight.
They did present ourAmbassadour with an Ape, wherefore he made very much of them, and had them often aboord.
Sidenote: The Ambassadour giueth a present to the great Bassa.
After the Ambassadour with his gentlemen had sitten an houre and more, there came three or foure chauses, and brought them into the great Turkes presence.
The Ambassadourwhen hee had eaten, passed by vs, with the chauses aforesayd, and sate him downe in an inner roome.
And among all other things our ambassadour demaunded of Acmek, and prayed him to tell for trueth how many men died of the campe while the siege was laied.
The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "ambassadour" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.