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Example sentences for "alligators"

Lexicographically close words:
alliance; alliances; allied; allies; alligator; alliteration; alliterations; alliterative; allmost; allness
  1. He had heard the negroes say that alligators were particularly fond of boys, and that snapping turtles never let go till it thundered.

  2. He could swim, but he did not wish for a wetting, and besides there were a good many alligators in these Louisiana waters and some very fierce snapping turtles.

  3. In the course of the day, we passed a channel in which we saw several huge alligators basking on the bank.

  4. The eastern districts of Travancore, intersected by lakes and rivers, abound with amphibious animals, especially alligators and seals.

  5. Far from attacking him, the alligators turned their backs and swam away.

  6. He showed us the "Pool of Terrors," filled with sacred alligators that he assured us were fed on goats provided by the superstitious townsfolk.

  7. But if the Mahatma supposed that a coat of soot and ashes provided either King or me with a satisfactory reason for hobnobbing with alligators in their home pool, he was emphatically mistaken.

  8. And throw your body to the alligators afterward?

  9. Tom fired bullet after bullet from his wonderful rifle into the spot, but though he killed some of the alligators this did not save the man's life.

  10. It's the alligators in the river I guess.

  11. The waters seethed and bubbled as the alligators fought under it for possession of the paddler.

  12. The alligators aren't much worse," asserted Jacinto with a visible shiver.

  13. Many alligators were seen, and Tom and Ned shot several with the electric rifle.

  14. Three more alligators had appeared, and, even as they watched, more and more of the hideous monsters rose in ominous silence above the quiet water and came gliding slowly onward toward the causeway.

  15. Immediately the whole horde of alligators began moving up.

  16. In America alligators are protected part of the year, because they kill things which damage the crops.

  17. Alligators are, in this respect, more fortunate than human beings.

  18. Illustration: The alligators have a covering of horny plates, and terrible jaws and teeth.

  19. From the sandbanks and mudbanks alligators slid into the water with a splash.

  20. Alligators and snakes haunted the spot, but she had no fear so long as the clamour of the crowd continued.

  21. Kindly convey my thanks to Jervis for three alligators in a swamp.

  22. Couldn't you bring back some baby alligators and a pelican?

  23. You must be very cautious before you venture to swim across this creek, for the alligators are numerous and near twenty feet long.

  24. Though I had built high enough to escape the prowling alligators I had not built high enough to get above the deadly malaria distilled by that cantankerous bayou.

  25. Out on the surface of the lake numerous old gray-backed alligators lay sleeping, and ever and anon a musket would crack and one of those old gators would clap his hand on his side and go out of sight with a splash.

  26. We crossed some streams upon pontoon bridges, and saw our first alligators in that bayou.

  27. Fortunately the alligators at no time made their appearance in such numbers as the tales of the natives had led us to anticipate.

  28. Our guides maintained it would be advisable to take a dog with us, whose howl would have aroused the alligators and brought them up to the surface in hope as of prey.

  29. They saw several alligators and in the afternoon chased one with the canoe.

  30. The hummock was only a pile of loose grass such as alligators often collect and under which they live in the Everglades and the submerged prairies about them.

  31. There were plenty of 'coons, a few wildcats, some deer, and one bear, while between the little ponds alligators had worn regular paths.

  32. There were tracks of wild animals in the meadows and regular trails of alligators between the ponds.

  33. There were always birds to be shot, alligators which he could kill with a club, and palmetto cabbage which he could dig out with his knife.

  34. Alligators were abundant and otters could often be seen sliding down the banks, or in families, playing together in the water.

  35. Alligators were plentiful, large and small, but the boys were not hunting for hides and Dick said that Tom was all the pet he cared to have charge of for the present.

  36. Better take a piece of light, waterproofed canvas big enough to keep off some of the rain when it storms, an axe, a bag of salt to save the hides of the alligators you will be sure to kill if Johnny goes with you, and some grits and bacon.

  37. The crocodile was as quick as the alligators had been slow.

  38. You don't see any way to take my alligators along, do you?

  39. As the Irene sailed up the river birds flew from the trees on her approach, alligators slid from their beds on the banks, and otters lifted their round heads above the surface of the stream.

  40. Ned's wounds were so painful that for several days the explorers stayed around the camp and Dick amused himself and his chum by worrying a family of young alligators that lived in a pond near the camp.

  41. The present generation of alligators know them as easy as a burglar knows a roundsman; when they see one coming, they break camp and go for the woods.

  42. If you had had as much experience of alligators as I have, you wouldn't talk like that.

  43. Do you ever get aground on the alligators now?

  44. All the alligators are Government property--just like the live-oaks.

  45. I take nineteen alligators and a bar'l of whiskey for breakfast when I'm in robust health, and a bushel of rattlesnakes and a dead body when I'm ailing!

  46. The boys set up a shouting, and threw sticks at the saurians; but the more noise they made, the more alligators assembled around the island.

  47. Two or three curious alligators crawled up on the land to ascertain the cause of the alarm.

  48. At last they found themselves in water knee deep, with the alligators close upon them.

  49. The boys walked around their narrow prison, and tried to frighten the alligators away; but they were unsuccessful in this attempt.

  50. Their corner in alligators was over with, and ever afterward they took good care to see that they were not cornered before they counted their gains in cornering the market in 'gator skins.

  51. The pursuing alligators were close upon them, but, with their strange support, they easily held their own in the race.

  52. I saw many of the latter swimming about exposed to a heavy fire of six-shooters; but the alligators were frightened away by the leading boat.

  53. These bayous and swamps abound with alligators and snakes of the most venomous description.

  54. A fair estimate of the number of alligators killed for sale in Florida alone, and not counting those shot by tourists, would be ten thousand annually.

  55. In dry seasons alligators will traverse long distances overland to reach water, and travelers have come suddenly upon alligators crawling amid prairies or woods, in the most unexpected manner.

  56. The alligators of the Amazon River in South America are very numerous, and owing to scarcity of hunters attain a very great size.

  57. Buried an inch deep in one of these dead alligators I once found a piraƱa, that troublesome fish which makes swimming in some parts of the Amazon a risky matter.

  58. We tied up for the night, and shortly after were boarded by two men who said that their camp was near by and that they shot alligators and plume-birds for a living.

  59. But alligators and crocodiles differ in the arrangement of the teeth, and the snout of the crocodile is more sharply pointed.

  60. Man is rarely attacked by alligators in Florida, except by the female alligator called upon to defend her young.

  61. The flesh of young alligators is considered a delicacy in Brazil and is regularly sold in the markets.

  62. We would if we could, you know, but alligators are not fond of such cold weather as you'd been having, nor do they frequent the seashore.

  63. It had been known that there were alligators in the river, a young one about a yard long having been captured and tied up like a dog in the camp, with a string round its neck.

  64. I was struck by the immense number of alligators which infest the river.

  65. Alligators were enjoying their morning swim, and, disturbed by our approach, they plunged under the water to escape from our keels.

  66. It was erected at a cost of $4,500, and yet was destroyed in ten minutes by these vicious alligators from the slimy depths of southern swamps.

  67. I used to go in swimming with the alligators on the Alabama River; but they all kept their distance," added the seaman.

  68. Crocodiles and alligators do not nibble at their prey, but bolt it as a snake does a frog.

  69. Alligators are very voracious, but, like Serpents and Turtles, they can live a long time without nourishment.

  70. Alligators do not appear to leave fresh water.

  71. Alligators are found by thousands in Mexican waters, and nearly all North American rivers to the south of them.

  72. In certain countries, such as the neighbourhood of Cayenne and Surinam, the eggs are buried under a kind of mound which the Alligators raise in damp places by gathering together leaves and herbaceous stems.

  73. Another method of capturing Alligators is practised by the residents on the upper waters of the giant river Orinoco.

  74. The Alligators pursue and devour them in the water, whilst the ibis destroys those which seek the banks for refuge.

  75. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "alligators" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.