Cotton fibres are unacted upon by caustic alkali, so that the soap used in cleaning and preparing cotton goods for dyeing need not be neutral, in fact alkalinity is a distinct advantage in order to assist the cleansing.
An alternative method is to determine the alkalinity before and after the elimination of carbonate by chloride of barium.
In view of these considerations we may well conclude that the maintenance of the normal potential alkalinity of the blood is to be estimated as the keystone of the foundation of life itself.
To determine what conditions tend to diminish the normal alkalinity of the blood, many observations were made for me in my laboratory by Dr.
Any variation from the normal alkalinity of the body must change the difference in potential.
The first effect of a change in the reaction toward acidity of the protoplasm is a decrease in the rate of respiration of the tissue, while increased alkalinity stimulates respiratory activity.
The anthocyanin pigments are soluble in water, alcohol, and ether, the solutions being red or blue in color according to the acidity or alkalinity of the medium.
During this time the alkalinity was reduced to the equivalent of 30 mg.
The total acid added in determining both causticity and alkalinity in this case is the measure of the alkalinity.
Alkalinity and causticity are tested with a standard solution of sulphuric acid.
The alkalinity may be determined from the same sample tested for causticity by the coloring with methylorange and adding the acid until the sample is on the point of turning red.
Where too great a quantity of soda is used, the hardness is lowered and the alkalinity raised.
If too little soda, the hardness is raised and the alkalinity lowered.
Tables have been carefully constructed, such that for every degree of specific gravity a corresponding percentage strength of acidity andalkalinity may be looked up.
It is known that in solutions like sea-water the degree of alkalinity must increase when the amount of carbon-dioxide in the atmosphere is diminished.
We thus see that by increasing the alkalinity of the sea-water it is possible to effect heterogeneous hybridisations which are at present impossible in the natural environment of these animals.
This result could only be obtained in sea-water the alkalinity of which had been increased (through the addition of 0.
A diminished alkalinity of the blood would always increase the likelihood of an augmented amount of pericardial or endocardial inflammation.
Whether a diminished alkalinity of the blood in rheumatism has anything to do with the cause of the frequent complication of endocarditis has not been determined.
The soluble ash gives the yellow sodium flame, if sodium salts have been added; the alkalinity may also be determined in the soluble ash.
When perfectly pure it is white, solid, very soluble in water and in alcohol; very deliquescent; intensely acrid and corrosive; and exhibiting the usual signs of alkalinity in the highest degree.
The amount of acid formed was estimated from the diminished alkalinity of the blood, as comparatively shown by the quantity of dilute phosphoric acid required for exact saturation.
Salkowsky[71] has, indeed, shown that the effect of lessening the alkalinity of the blood by giving a rabbit food from which it can extract no alkali produces a similar effect to the actual dosing with an acid.
The operation is performed by making the liquid alkaline with soda, so that the alkalinity is equal to about 10 per cent.
The alkalinity of the last-named solution when nitrification commenced was equal to 447 mgs.
The gypsum neutralises the alkalinity of nitrifying solutions by converting the alkaline ammonium carbonate into neutral ammonium sulphate, the calcium carbonate being precipitated.
The amount of carbonate of ammonia generated in them by putrefaction renders the development of nitrification impossible by rendering the alkalinity of the solution too great.
Fermentation of organic matter goes on when there is a certain amount of alkalinity present; while, on the other hand, the presence of acidity seems to retard and check it.
In such soils humic acids are present and the requisite alkalinity is thus awanting.
So far as there is a proper degree of alkalinity maintained, the presence of large quantities of saline matter does not seem to interfere with the process.
Where, therefore, too great alkalinity exists for the maximum development of nitrification, the best specific will be found to be gypsum.
The reason of its favourable action is probably because it neutralises the alkalinity of nitrifying solutions.
It would seem that an alkalinity much exceeding four parts of nitrogen per million is prejudicial to the process.
But while a certain slight amount of alkalinity is necessary, this must not exceed a certain strength, otherwise the process is retarded.
It is of high alkalinity (about seventh normal), contains all the pancreatic ferments, and corresponds in all respects to the juice obtained in digestion from permanent pancreatic fistulas.
The assumption that blood alkalinity is lowered in irritant and itching disease is unsupported by evidence in medical literature and the recommendation is incorrect and misleading.
The alkalinity required to split off formaldehyd from anhydromethylencitric acid is greater than exists in the urine, even in advanced ammoniacal fermentation.
The last statement concerning the high alkalinity is neither clear nor accurate.
Alkalinity of the Soluble Ash--Official Cool the filtrate from 9 and titrate with N/10 hydrochloric acid, using methyl orange as an indicator.
Express the alkalinity in terms of the number of cc.
Regulating the body processes, maintaining the proper alkalinity and acidity of the various fluids throughout the body, regulating the proper degree of temperature, and determining the osmotic pressure, etc.
The slight occasional alkalinity would be physiologically insignificant, and it is absurd to claim that thisalkalinity causes “indigestion, loss of appetite and depression.
The Chemical Laboratory of the American Medical Association reports that the alkalinity of Germiletum corresponds approximately to a 1 per cent.
Later Puckner pointed out[51] that while such a combination as benzo-salicylate of sodium is known, it could not possibly be present in Glyco-Thymoline because the alkalinity of this mixture would decompose the compound.
By this chemical action Sulphuric Acid is rendered useful inalkalinity of the blood, which may occur in fevers; or of the urine, as in Phosphaturia.
Acids are used to correct a phosphatic deposit in the urine, caused by an alkalinity of that secretion.
The alkalinity of the blood seems not to be changed, although Chotin and Bouvier noticed a slight increase.
Thus, they will appear in the feces, and not even be absorbed in the intestines, because of the alkalinity of the intestinal secretion, by which the lime cannot be dissolved.
So long as the neutral state or the alkalinity of the bile is maintained, the cholesterin will be kept in solution, although its relative proportion may be in excess of the normal.
To increase the alkalinity of the blood and urine, they must be taken after meals, for then the acid materials of digestion are pouring into the blood.
It is tolerably certain that an excess of acid in the intestinal canal, diminishing thus the alkalinity of the blood, will have as a symptom sugar in the urine.
Acidity and alkalinity undoubtedly play an important part in the generation of electricity and magnetism in the human organism.
Gradually, however, the blood regains its alkalinity and its acid-dissolving power and enough of the acid deposits are reabsorbed by the circulation to cause a return of the symptoms of collaemia.
In comparing the alkalinity and cyanide strength of a solution the simplest plan is to take 65 c.
In systematic assays of this kind, the alkalinity would no doubt be generally in excess of that required by the cyanide present: there would be no inconvenience in recording such excess in terms of potassium cyanide.
With sodic carbonate and caustic soda, a given weight of the sample is titrated with standard acid, and the equivalent of soda estimated from the alkalinity of the solution.
The less pure samples will show an excess of alkalinity because of the presence of sodium carbonate or of potassium carbonate.
Most ores have the power of destroying more or less of the alkalinity of a cyanide solution and in a proportionate degree of damaging its efficiency.
Unfortunately the difference in the two titrations does not depend merely on the quantity of zinc present; as it is also influenced by the extent of dilution, the degree of alkalinity of the solution, and the quantity of cyanide present.
Alkalinity of commercial potassium cyanide and of cyanide solutions.
While the sample is being tested for alkalinityit is advisable to add sulfate of alumina, which may be dissolving while the sample is being titrated.
In order to determine the alkalinity of any of the above mentioned alkalis, it is first necessary to obtain a representative sample of the substance to be analyzed.
It is out of the question to use chemically pure alkalis in soap making, hence it is often necessary to determine the alkalinity of an alkali.
To quickly determine total alkali in soap a weighed portion of the soap may be ignited to a white ash and the ash titrated for alkalinityusing methyl orange as an indicator.
Then, if there is any possibility of change of color due to alkalinity of the soap, it will exhibit itself before the color is added.
To avoid the formation of polyglycerols this alkalinity must not be exceeded.
Asterias ochracea) and Holothurians by slightly raising the alkalinity of the sea water, through the addition of some base (NaOH or tetraethylammoniumhydroxide or various amines), the optimum being reached when 0.
The solubility of a dye was improved by increasing its acidity (sulphonation) or by increasing its alkalinity (alkylation).
NaOH be added to the sample, the marked alkalinity is evidenced by the deep colour here shown.
Note the extremes of acidity and alkalinity in which macroscopical growth has developed (Range of reaction).