An aircar came bulleting away from the butte and landed on the mesa as the Lester Dawes set down.
An aircar was one place where they could talk safely.
The gunboat was struggling to regain her equilibrium, and the aircar had vanished in a fireball.
Electric-light units, household-appliance units, aircar and airboat units, any size at all.
The aircar was a hopeless wreck, but its radio was still functioning.
Conn took one quick look in the direction in which it was firing, saw an aircar that had broken through the police line and was rushing toward them, and dived under the lifter after his father.
They made it just before the coffin-shaped thing that had carried off the aircar came over to investigate.
They all heard the aircar before any of the human people did, and they all ran over and climbed up on the bench beside the kitchen door.
He was still talking when the Fuzzies heard another aircar and called attention to it.
They kissed good-bye, and he went to where his driver was holding open the door of the aircar and got in.
After all, none of them had ever heard a Constabulary aircar klaxon before.
Walden set the aircar down between the two largest buildings.
He had his own aircar now, and sometimes he flew it home and visited with his parents.
Yet, though he wasn't dependent on other people any more, and could fly theaircar as he chose, he didn't do much exploring.
Without the aircar he would be lost in a few minutes.
He landed the aircar and climbed out and walked across to the building, still feeling unreal, still not believing that the events of this day had actually happened.
But you could take me for a ride in the aircar sometime and show me things.
He couldn't think of himself hiding, creeping through the gorges like a hunted animal, flattening himself in the underbrush whenever an aircar passed by.
They said goodbye and he went out and got into the aircar and started back.
Eric landed in the canyon and made sure that the aircar was hidden under a ledge, with branches drawn about it so that no one could spot it from above.
He set the aircar down on the valley floor and got out and walked away from it, upstream, following the little creek that tumbled past him over the rocks.
He climbed down out of the aircar and stood facing Eric, his body a dim shadow.
Their thoughts were confused and a bit irritated as they went out to the aircar that had brought them.
The aircar made the trip in just a few hours--but it was farther than Eric had ever traveled in his life, and farther than most people ever bothered traveling.
The nearestaircar drifted still closer to him, escorting him west-ward, toward the museum.
They didn't see the aircar dropping in for a landing until it was almost upon them, until its lights arced down over the museum walls.
Run to other hills and leave the aircar and hide, and live as Lisa had lived, as others of their kind had lived.
The two of them marched back to their aircar and climbed inside.
The CAA aircar slowed to a halt, its fans died, and it settled to its wheels.
That" was a Cadillac aircarcoming over a ridge in the distance, its fans making an ever-louder throaty hum as it approached.
It is possible that this aircar will be found wrecked in the mountains some four hundred miles north of here early tomorrow morning.
Just visible twenty thousand feet below Phil--almost directly beneath him now as the aircar made its third leisurely crossing of the central belt of the peninsula--was another.
He glanced at his watch again, swung the aircar about and started back inland.
It was curious, Phil Boles reflected as hisaircar moved out over the craggy, plunging coastline to the north some while later, that a few bold minds could be all that was needed to change the fate of a world.
Side by side sat Sarka and Jaska, their eager eyes peering through the forward end of the flashing aircar toward the Earth, growing minute by minute larger.
Sarka turned to the cubes, which had formed in a line just inside the Exit Dome, and issued a mental command to the cube that had piloted his aircar from the Moon.
The next morning, he and Harkaman took an aircar and went to look at the city at the forks of the river.
After a little, an aircar with the blue crescent blazonry lifted and sped away.
When they turned and stepped off, the orange and blue aircar had let down directly in front of them, blocking their way.
They had gotten it unlimbered and were trying to get it on a target when a rocket from an aircar landed directly under the muzzle.
They turned the aircar west again along the river.
The viewscreen came on, and in it the city, as seen from an aircar at two thousand feet, spread out with the Palace visible in the distance, the golden pile of the Octagon Tower jutting up from it.
They talked more about mediums, and then about aircars and aircar racing, and about the Emperor's Cup race that was to be flown in a month.
The officer who had gone to the aircar to use the radio returned and reported that Colonel Handrosan was bringing the Chancellor and both professors from the University in his command-car, having anticipated that they would be wanted.
Two contragravity vehicles, an aircarand an air-lorry, that went out to meet the ship, are unaccounted for.
The aircar let down on the hospital landing stage.
The aircar came in, circling slowly over the town on the big rock, and let down on the roof of the castle-like building from which the watchtower rose.
The aircar lost altitude, and the hot-jet stopped firing.
However, before the aircar had passed over them, the lead company of one regiment, armed with Terran rifles, had begun firing.
On the little hundred-foot-square parade ground in front of the keep, his aircar was parked, and the soldiers were assembled.
Gurgurk, they reported, had fled to Keegark by air the night before, which explained the incident of the unaccountable aircarand lorry.
We can't take a chance that some fanatic may load one into an aircar and make a kamikaze-raid on Gongonk Island.
The Shadow of Niflheim The sun slid lower and lower toward the horizon behind them as the aircar bulleted south along the broad valley and dry bed of the Hoork River, nearing the zone of equal day and night.
By this time, an aircar fitted with a sound-amplifier was circling overhead, while a loyal native-officer of the Sixth N.
An emptyaircar stood in the port; there was no one in sight.
Gurgurk, they reported had fled to Keegark by air the night before, which explained the incident of the unaccountable aircar and lorry.
The sun slid lower and lower toward the horizon behind them as the aircar bulleted south along the broad valley and dry bed of the Hoork River, nearing the zone of equal day and night.
The aircar swung out over Konkrook Channel and headed toward the blue-gray Company buildings on Gongonk Island, and the Company airport.
Four days later they stood together as the aircar passed over the Kraggork Swamps--pleasantly close together, von Schlichten realized.
It seemed to satisfy her, as the aircar let down on the hospital landing stage.
So, while she's yelling at him, he puts his aircar on hover.
It was Patrolman Flanders' immediate ambition to be promoted to traffic patrol, so that he could be in an aircar above the city instead of watching pedestrians down here on the streets.
The light of the cube made the interior of the aircar as light as day, and Sarka was struck at once with another phenomenon.
But at the end of two hours, while the men of Cleric fought like men inspired against the aircar of the crimson slashes, a cessation in the outward speed of the earth could be noted.
The door swung shut, and in the forward end of the vast aircar gleamed the cube which had obeyed his command!
Closer now and closer, and at last theaircar of the crimson splashes was drawing away, losing in the race for life.
He'd been stalling her along until the aircar could be found.
From the aircar which brought them across Port Nichay the evening before, Telzey had seen occasional strings of guest houses, similar to the one Halet had rented, nestling along the park slopes.
They'd be looking for her by aircar presently, but there was nothing to tell them in which direction to turn first.
Telzey wrinkled her nose disdainfully, and walked up the aircar to stand behind Delquos' seat.
Except in the pursuit of various classes of flying animals, a shikari would not, for example, be permitted the use of an aircar other than as means of simple transportation.
He wrote, "Take the aircar up farther, so that I can see this village from above.
With every motion, the aircar bored a tunnel into the stone to the exact depth required, and backed out again.
Outside, the hovering aircar duplicated the motion: the grinder at its tip bit with a screech into the side of the huge stone.
Looking through the windows, He could see the enormous block of stone in the center of the plaza, and the tiny robot aircar hovering near it, and the tiny ant-shapes of the crowd on the opposite side.
At the first one, he had been probed, examined and twittered over interminably; then the aircar had arrived, they had strapped him into this ridiculous seat and begun what looked very much like a triumphal tour.
In the plaza, the aircar ground at the huge stone head, outlining the stern mouth, the resolute, bearded jaw.
The aircar moved over and began the other, leaving the head still buried in stone.
The aircar screeched, driving a tunnel along the edge of the parted vestments.
In the morning, there were crowds massed outside the building where he had slept; but they did not put him into the aircarwith the revolving arm again.
Sothran Barth, the lieutenant in charge of the landing stage, was bawling orders, and men were coming out of the ready-room and piling into vehicles to pursue the aircar which had brought the assassins.
Skordran Kirv asked, as the aircar lifted from the landing stage.
The aircar lost speed and altitude; below, the countryside was dotted with conveyer heads, each spatially coexistent with some outtime police post or operation.
The green aircar settled onto the landing stage; Verkan Vall, on the front seat beside the driver, opened the door.
An aircar which must have been above the reach of the gas was streaking away toward the west, with three police cars after it.
They had a few minutes to wait, under the marquee, before the green police aircar landed and came rolling across the rain-wet surface of the landing stage.
Salgath Trod left his aircar at the top landing stage of his apartment building and sent it away to the hangars under robot control; he glanced about him as he went toward the antigrav shaft.
Cleric was sending out men to rescue Jaska from the Aircar which pursued her!
She fled at top speed, yet the Aircar was gaining, proof that the Moon had developed speed greater than Earth had attained.
You may call it fun to scare people to death by flying your aircarbelow roof level along the city streets, but the Department of Air Traffic says that it is both dangerous and illegal.
It would not have been prohibitive to trans-ship the basic tools and dies for aircarassembly from Earth, Sol, to Eden, Tau Ceti.
A Precol aircar picked him up and let him out on a platform of the Headquarters dome near Commissioner Tate's offices.
At the exact instant the monitor released its new flight of targets, she became aware of the aircar gliding down toward her from the administration buildings on the right.
As the line swayed up on her left, there was a shadowy settling of an aircar at the curb to her right.
Then she turned to face the aircar as it settled slowly to the ground twenty feet away.
There was a lurching twist as the aircar shot upward.
The aircar dropped the last four feet to a jolting landing.
They joined Mantelish and his plasmoid weirdie in what looked like the dining room of what had looked like an old-fashioned hunting lodge when the aircar came diving down on it between two ice-sheeted mountain peaks.
The merchant who sold the aircar is normally in the dry-goods business, and the one who sold the auto-rifle runs a toy shop.
But the aircar had obviously been waiting for Mr. Cumshaw; the Bonneys must have had advance knowledge.
Mr. Cumshaw left the Embassy in an aircar a few minutes later.
When he got there, there was an aircar circling about, near the ranchhouse.
An aircar carried Winstead to the roof of a hotel overlooking a considerable metropolis.
Queen Bess had not yet poked her corona above the horizon when the aircar delivered him to a little island spaceport south of the city.
There would be an aircar on the hotel roof for Winstead in half an hour.
The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "aircar" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.