Following this they left theairdrome and went to their hotels.
By 22 October they reported that all the proposed airdrome sites except Tacloban were unfit for use during the rainy season.
All units that could be spared from airdrome and road construction were used to build either hospitals or port and POL (petrol, oil, and lubricants) installations.
It was to advance northwest, capture the Tacloban airdrome and seize the Cataisan Peninsula, reaching Cataisan Point, the northern extremity of the peninsula, by 1400.
So, as I was saying, we swipe two single-seaters from their trick airdrome and high-tail for the Russian front.
That very trick airdrome of theirs," he said shortly.
That shouldn’t be so hard, for the airdrome is quite large.
The mountains were all covered with timber, roads were few, there were no railroads at all after leaving the immediate vicinity of the airdrome and the details of the ground all looked the same.
The lights here on the airdrome will be sufficient to land by.
It reminded him of the first bomb that he had heard when the Germans bombed the airdrome from which he was flying in France—no advance warning, nothing to herald its approach, just the crash and “wham” of the exploding bomb.
The afternoon’s flying events started with the two Flights leaving the airdrome in formation.
Here they established a newairdrome along the shores of the bay almost within hailing distance of the Golden Gate.
He saw the airdrome with the other Squadron ships and led his formation low toward the flying field.
Smith taxied across the airdromeand the plane was soon in the air.
Bill landed his plane on the airdrome and was glad to be back at the base.
Bill Bruce immediately started to work, using the officers and men of his Flight to clean up the airdrome and close the hangars and other buildings.
Soon after leaving the airdrome Bill found that the flying conditions were exactly as he had anticipated.
When it became dark, the lights were turned on and the airdrome was as light as day.
Simmons of Bill as they stood out in theairdrome looking into the sky.
The flight to the airdrome some six kilometers south of Epernay was made without incident.
Other aircraft are usually met by the Airdrome Officer, who is appointed for one day only, and acts as the Base Commander's representative.
The first plane in line was poised at the end of a runway that cut straight through the middle of the huge disc-shaped airdrome in an east to west direction.
Now I'll just stay up here, wait until the storm is over, and after that beat it so fast for the airdrome that a marmite wouldn't stand any chance in the race.
Very soon it began to rain--rain like the dickens, too, and before I got within miles of the airdrome my bus was doing everything but turning somersaults.
A large airdrome was constructed, as it was planned to make Staaken the post-war center of Zeppelin airship activity.
On three occasions the regular flights were postponed because of heavy cross winds which made it difficult and dangerous to start the Zeppelin from the fixed shed of the airdrome at Staaken.
So many boys from the airdrome have brought in their boots.
At that moment the Commander at the airdrome had just dropped to a place beside the young Lord in the squadron mess room.
The men from the airdrome were greatly angered at the strange aviator for not being cautious in landing.
At that moment two men from the airdrome came running out and demanded an explanation of what had happened.
The airdrome where the squadron landed was but four hours' drive by motorcar from the point from which Bob and Dicky had started the flight that had ended so strangely for them.
The second in command at the airdrome gave Parker and Jimmy their final instructions.
The bigairdrome that was to be placed on the Frisbie property gradually took a sort of being, though everything about it seemed to progress with maddening deliberation.
A couple of days after his arrival at the airdrome he was assigned to duty with an experienced aviator named Parker.
I arrived at theairdrome full of conceit, thinking I was a real pilot.
Parks had not great respect for anyone around an airdrome who was not intimately connected with the actual flying.
The familiar points near the airdrome have a strangely different appearance at night.
Garbed in their new feathers and "all their war paint," as Mr. Mann called it, they reported at the airdrome main gate just as the first big wooden crate came past on a giant truck.
At last the home airdrome came into sight far below.
The colonel is a very nice man, and when he hears that you boys are so eager to get into the game maybe he will not object to your being attached regularly to the airdrome for a while.
He came down not a long way from an airdromewhere I was stationed.
He accounted for one, crippled another, and outsped the third---but when he landed his machine in his home airdrome he settled back quietly in the driving seat as the machine came to rest.
The flight commander of the Britishers gladly sent the American lads to their own airdrome in a car, and they arrived at dinner-time.
Everybody believes it must be the airdrome sheltering the dirigible Britain sent over here for use, and which lies further down the coast.
There's some sort of British airdromein that quarter, I'm informed; and possibly they had an accident there.
Perhaps visitors to this secret airdrome were common to them.
In a few words, that area of the Burma jungle covered an entire active service airdrome complete from cook stoves to death dealing winged chariots of war.
Perhaps the most pronounced fear of all regarding the wild, crazy venture into which they were plunging blindly was the fear of their fuel running out on them before they had reached the hidden airdrome in the wild Burmese mountains.
And when he wasn't pouring death into some Jap plane, he was hurtling down on the jungle airdrome and raking it from one end to the other with his explosive and incendiary bullets.
The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "airdrome" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.