I may prove it to you, however, by advising you to abandon all efforts to help me from now on.
Of course, I am advising you in one breath to avoid the crowd up there and in the next I ask you to do nothing of the kind.
Far from advising violence, I have always advised against it.
His Highness discussed with me the case of Allah Nur, advising amputation.
Roches in February the latter strongly urged resistance, and that the officers of the French Military Mission were persistent in advising the fortification of the Hakone pass and other measures of a warlike nature.
They produced a copy of the Tosa memorial of last month, advising the Tycoon to take the step he had since adopted, and proposing various reforms.
He had received a letter from the Tycoon stating that he had heard there was strong evidence against Tosa, and advising him to punish the offenders.
Old Yodo said that he had received a letter from a friend advising him to try and compromise the matter, as the English were greatly incensed at the murder of their men, but he would do nothing of the kind.
It is entitled John Bull Advising with His Superiors: the superiors being George and his brother Frederick, who sit under the portraits of their respective mistresses, "Mrs Fitz" and Mrs Clarke.
I do recall on a few occasions advising persons who had come into the Embassy in one way or another and who were in dire need that they go to the Soviet Red Cross.
Yes; we received a letter from the Commission advising us that the incident referred to was an informal discussion rather than actual testimony before the Commission.
I am not quite sure about the National Security Council as such because as I recall, the President himself is the Chairman of that, so he would be advising himself, and I suppose this would be a group to advise the President.
You had also sent forth 2 days earlier a telegramadvising them about Oswald.
The chief blamed the English for trading with such pitiful tribes as Cusciddidah's and the Pishapocanoes, advising them instead to settle at Moose River, where, he asserted, the Upland Indians would come and trade with them.
In the uncertainty of our present knowledge considerable hesitation must be felt in advising vaccine treatment as a curative measure.
I cannot urge too strongly the importance of caution in advising such exercises.
Chevreuse went out to make sick-calls after his Mass was over, and returned quite convinced that his friends had been right in advising him to remain in-doors.
We had long discussions in camp as to what course we should pursue, Pierre advising that we should strike northward, and then take one of the passes through the Rocky Mountains generally followed by the emigrants to California.
I now shouted to him, threatening to kill his horse, and advising him to take himself off.
He says he made a mistake in advising you to give David to me.
Thus the workers knew how to advise the queen that something was as yet to be done, but they knew not how to show her where it had to be done.
No sooner would a body or fragment thereof be dropped by one bearer than another would take it up and begin the restless circuit.
With these considerations he wrote to the Count de Rochambeau, then at Baltimore, advising him, for the good of the common cause, to march his troops to the banks of the Hudson, and form a junction with the American army.
Thus, it chanced that, shortly before Willard's ill-omened visit to Bison, an Eastern agent wrote advising Power to attend a sale in New York.
This is a genuine instance of the pot advising the kettle not to be black.
Are you sure some mischief-making woman is not advising you?
He could not, he says, be a party to advising the Queen to announce in her Speech that the present system is all wrong, and must be amended, which he assumes must and will be done.
The Duke of Bedford has persuaded Lord John not to say anything about resigning in his speech, and instead of at once advising the Queen to send for Stanley, to consult Peel as to the advice he shall give her.
Louis and all the Archbishop's friends concurred in advising him never to come to any terms without this seal of friend ship, and entirely on this ground the treaty was broken off.
My reason for advising you not to have your hair cut in Port Said was that I wanted you to have long hair by the time we reached Hongkong.
A fourth girl, well-meaning but less helpful than she would have liked to be, was advising the victim not to worry.
You now enjoy the proud distinction of advising and assisting, on public grounds, to form a government, from which, on personal grounds, you have felt it your duty to retire.
Ryerson's views and remonstrance, that he took the unusual course of advising His Excellency to suspend the operation of the new Act until Dr.
Some are advising concentrating efforts in the villages and centralizing church work there on the plan of the centralization of the public schools.
Rural reading circles and literary clubs can serve their communities well by helping to popularize the reading habit, and advising in the choice of books.
Some medical faculties are advising their graduates not to stay in the city but to settle in country villages where they are most needed, and where quite possibly they would find greatest success.