Afterward they retired dansing in signe of ioy, to aduertise all the kings Satouriouaes kinsmen to repaire thither the next day to make a league of amitie with the Frenchmen.
Wherefore perceiuing they could not haue their purpose, and that they were already discouered, they sent to aduertise me that as yet they could not helpe me to victuals, and that the corne was not yet ripe.
The Gouernour sent by one of them to offer her his friendship, and to aduertise her how he was comming thither.
If at their returne, which will be God willing about Magdalene tyde, they haue learned any new thing worthy the writing, I will not faile to aduertise you thereof.
This may suffice here to aduertise you of the contrarietie in writers.
Whereof he would not aduertise her whome he loued, for greuing her, knowing well that she would bee tormented with the newes.
Now I thought it conuenient to aduertise your maiestie what hath fallen out since that time, which is as foloweth.
And for that amongst them the degrees are diuers both in name and office, I will tell you onely of some principals, being not able to aduertise you of all.
I would to God I had better newes to write vnto your lordship: neuerthelesse I must say the trueth: And as I wrote to your lordship from Culiacan, I am now to aduertise your honour as wel of the good as of the bad.
And this done, Fernando Aluarado returned to aduertise mee that certaine Indians were come vnto them in peaceable maner, and that two of them stayed for my comming with the master of the fielde.
In the meane time came messengers from the French king, to aduertise the Scots of the conclusion of the truce.
And this done, Fernando Aluardo returned to aduertise mee that certaine Indians were come vnto them in peaceable maner, and that two of them stayed for my comming with the master of the fielde.
I would to God I had better newes to write vnto your lordship: neuerthelesse, I must say the trueth: And as I wrote to your lordship from Culiacan, I am nowe to aduertise your honour as wel of the good as of the bad.
And for that amongst them the degrees are diuers both in name and office, I will tell you onely of some principalles, beyng not able to aduertise you of all.
King Edward had euer good espials, to aduertise him still what his enimies did, and which waie they tooke.
At that time he ordeined that the kings chamberleine should go with the ancient and well nurtered knight, to aduertise and teach the order of knighthood to the esquiers, being in the baine.
In the time that this royle company had furnished and prepared themselues in readinesse, Gunfort sente a gentleman of that troupe toward the Emperour, to aduertise him of the successe of their iourney.
And all the matter being put in order he sent away two currors with diligence, the one into Englande to aduertise the king her brother, and the other to the Duke: who being arriued, ech man in his place, presented their charges.
Praised be God (quoth she then) I haue seruauntes to aduertise your host that you be here with me, to the intente hee shall not tarrie for you.
These Conditions promysed, the Commissaries went toaduertise the Knight, how a gentlewoman of Piedmont was of purpose come into Fraunce to helpe him: whereof he was maruelously astonned.
And what if mariage was concluded, be we of so little respect, as the carion beast could not vouchsafe to aduertise vs of hir entent?
All which when I haue (by my espial and secret practize sounded) I will spedily aduertise you, to the end that you may provide for the sauegard of your faithfull and louing seruaunt.
Afterwards she sent one of hir Seruaunts in poast to the Courte, to aduertise hir husband of all that which chaunced.
The king hauing aduertisement of this siege of Excester, hasted foorth with his host, in as much speed as was possible, and sent the lord Daubeneie with certeine bands of light horssemen before, to aduertise all men of his comming at hand.
Ireland, whose name was Loit Lucas, and maister Stephan Friham, to aduertise me to come into France.
The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "aduertise" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.