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Example sentences for "must acknowledge"

  • I must acknowledge that we all discovered many strong and almost insuperable difficulties in it; many of which related even to your own comfort and happiness, which will ever be a very principal consideration.

  • I have had some invitations & expect more, but I must acknowledge, I sometimes regret the small parties where an acquaintance may pass the evening & sup without form or invitation.

  • I must acknowledge that I had the least pleasure in what my companion enjoyed I believe the most; the Opera of Lucca.

  • I must acknowledge that an uncomfortable distrust existed in my mind, that had some slight effect in keeping me from slumbering, though fatigue soon overcame the apprehensions such a feeling would be likely to awaken.

  • It was a little awkward, at first, I must acknowledge, to be beckoned about in this manner; but there was something in the air and countenance of the daughter that induced me not to hesitate about complying.

  • I must acknowledge that I felt a good deal ashamed of the weakness I had betrayed.

  • I must acknowledge, however, that I always thought it very good.

  • Starch Reduced to Enters the Through the As glycogen As dextrose some of the capillaries portal chiefly by in different as dextrose.

  • Since formaldehyde is inflammable and easily boils over, it has to be evaporated with care.

  • Though no definite rule can be laid down, there is involved a hygienic principle which all should follow: Meals should not overlap.

  • He must acknowledge that it was crammed down his throat.

  • I must acknowledge Mr. Alexander oft did instigate me To kill him.

  • Willingly; For I must still be glad to take occasion To speak how much your Lordships and myself Ever stand bound to that most Christian King Whose favours, with all thancks, we must acknowledge As with all care preserve.

  • The murder, we must acknowledge, is a masterpiece.

  • Still, we must acknowledge that Mr. Walter Scott would have been much better employed in correcting some of the more obvious errors that appear in his series.

  • I must acknowledge, this trait in her character strikes me the most forcibly; and has amply justified her to the world for some trifling indiscretions in the outset of her widowhood.

  • I must acknowledge my weakness; my eyes were full, and I felt within me an involuntary but exquisite emotion.

  • But I must acknowledge that I cannot feel angry with Madeline.

  • I must acknowledge that I have been wrong in thinking that you gave her bad advice, and am now convinced that you acted with the best judgment on her behalf.

  • Here then are two particulars, which we are to consider as essential to necessity, viz, the constant union and the inference of the mind; and wherever we discover these we must acknowledge a necessity.

  • At last, she rose and said, "I know not whether you be sincere in what you say, but I must acknowledge that I hope you are; and I shall be very miserable if it should prove otherwise.

  • I must acknowledge that I was quite overjoyed at his narration.

  • I must acknowledge, that it was with trepidation I ventured into the street, but I had soon reason to take confidence, for I was met by one of my most intimate friends, who looked in my face, and passed on without the slightest recognition.

  • I said nothing, but I must acknowledge that, from her previous conversation with me, and the quantity of pilau which she devoured that evening for her supper, I very much doubted the fact.

  • Christians though they were, I must acknowledge that I had reason to love them better than any of the followers of Mahomet, my good brother only excepted.

  • I must acknowledge that; and, if she had all the clothes in the world, she would never know how to put any of them on; that's one comfort.

  • I must acknowledge that at that moment I felt the most embarrassed of mankind.

  • I thought, I must acknowledge, that they went to bed rather too early at my friend's.

  • It lends an especial charm to the look, I must acknowledge.

  • I must acknowledge, the notion of being discovered carried with it so many frightful ideas, and hurried my thoughts so much, that I was scarce myself any more than Amy, so dreadful a thing is a load of guilt upon the mind.

  • On the whole, I must acknowledge that I was chiefly to blame, though not altogether.

  • The above list will hopefully provide you with a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "must acknowledge" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this group of words.

    Some common collocations, pairs and triplets of words:
    before thee; great estimation; must accept; must admit; must allow; must begin; must believe; must bring; must come; must continue; must depend; must get; must hasten; must have been the; must hurry; must likewise; must make; must recollect; must regard; must remain; must remark; must still; must stop; must think; pregnant women; who made heaven and