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Example sentences for "arrival here"

  • This Prince, to whom I was introduc'd on the very day of my Arrival here, took the trouble himself to shew me his Palace, and all about it.

  • The next day after my Arrival here, I had the Honour to see the King, who was then seeing his Soldiers mount guard.

  • Not many Days after my Arrival here, the King being gone to visit his Kingdom, I had the Honour of waiting on the Queen.

  • On my arrival here, I spoke with the minister on the subject.

  • Sir, In another letter of this day, I stated to you what had passed with public characters since my arrival here.

  • Your letter of the 22d of November greeted me on my arrival here.

  • On my arrival here I was delighted to receive your letter of the 30th, with the journal of that and the preceding days.

  • I wrote you the day after my arrival here, but it being past the post hour, kept it till Tuesday; made a small addition, and gave it to Mat.

  • Two days after my arrival here my mate and the two seamen arrived from the wreck of the sloop.

  • On the evening of the third day after my arrival here my Indians returned much intoxicated, without the pilot.

  • Admiral Drummer hearing of my arrival here, sent an Indian slave with a gold headed cane, which he considered as a badge of his office, inviting me to his house to take some breakfast.

  • On my arrival here, I thought I would avail myself of the opportunity of paying your balance, to make a little acquaintance with Sir John Lambert.

  • On my arrival here, I spoke with the minister on that subject.

  • Before I left Spain, and by letters since my arrival here, I desired Mr Carmichael to make out and transmit the public accounts.

  • Upon my arrival here, I found a strong apprehension prevailing, that we should rival this country in the other parts of Europe, especially in the important articles of iron and hemp.

  • In this condition, I found things on my arrival here.

  • On my arrival here (Philadelphia), I handed the pieces to Mr. Solomon W.

  • He has literally been going about doing good among them since our first arrival here in 1822.

  • Between our selves, I can not say I am not embarrassd with Mr Ts Arrival here; He is highly recommended, and I believe him to be an honest American.

  • Since my Arrival here in July, I have availd my self of the Practice of the Delegates of every State, by applying to Congress for a Warrant on their Treasury for a Sum of Money to pay the extravagant, though necessary Expence of living.

  • I should have written to you before this time, but on my Arrival here I found the Gen1 Assembly sitting, unluckily for me as it engagd me in publick Business; and I have been obligd to spend a Fortnight in the Country.

  • Kamrasi expected us to advance next day, when some men would go on ahead to announce our arrival, and bring a letter which was brought with beads by Gani before Baraka's arrival here.

  • Bombay and his brother Mabruki were bound to me of old, and the first to greet me on my arrival here; while my old friends the Beluchs begged me to take them again.

  • Whatever advantages may be derived from that circumstance and from the Emperor's arrival here would be altogether lost at Gottenburg.

  • Since my arrival here I had two such lists prepared for the Provinces Willigamme and Waddamoraatschie covering two sheets of paper each.

  • On my arrival here I found that it had been granted to the Vryburger Jurrian Verwyk, who is an old man and almost unable to serve as an assayer.

  • On my arrival here I found your letter of the 1st, which I acknowledge gratefully.

  • If I have delayed a reply to your letter of last month, which I found on my arrival here, it is not, as your guilty conscience will whisper, in retaliation for your remissness in sending me any word of yourself.

  • Upon my arrival here I found every one occupied in preparations to celebrate the anniversary of the hostess.

  • A few days previous to my arrival here in 1877, three Boers, with their waggons, were endeavouring to find a new drift in the Limpopo river, and went in to cross to the opposite side.

  • A few weeks before my arrival here, some wolves and hyenas broke into the sheep-kraal, killing seven, carrying three half a mile away, where their remains were found next morning.

  • After my arrival here, these assurances were repeated to me, by persons whose names I could mention, and who I thought could not be deceived themselves, nor deceive me.

  • Upon my arrival here, some gentlemen were inquisitive about our forms of government.

  • And after my arrival here, I had the opinion of persons whom I had every reason to think knew best, that if proper powers should arrive from the thirteen United States, money might be had.

  • The above list will hopefully provide you with a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "arrival here" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this group of words.

    Some common collocations, pairs and triplets of words:
    acting president; afraid that; animated nature; arrival here; became secretary; conducting material; fight against the children; full suit; got into; her new; here alone; internal evidence; long been; long duration; many teachers; night like; open question; pastoral staff; said the district attorney; the father; thou diest; turned sharply