Approaching these poor creatures, as they are gazing about them with the timidity and loneliness of strangers in a strange land, the scoundrels will accost them in their own language.
Send them to me when they accost you, and not one in fifty will dare to show his face in my office.
At length the boy thought he was on the point of succeeding when the Earl came down to the lower part of the hall; but just as he was about to accost him, he was prevented by Tressilian.
Boys, do you see this gentleman who condescends to accost us?
Mrs. Channing did not particularly observe her, and turned to accost Mr. Yorke.
As I ride slowly past, they accost me with their customary "huk yah huk," and promise to pray Allah for a safe journey to wherever I am going, if I will only favor them with the necessary backsheesh to command their good offices.
Doctor's accost in a strong, Low Dutch method of pronouncing English.
Lord Baltimore received the itinerant physician with that bland and benignant accost which was habitual to him, and proceeded with brief ceremony to interrogate him as to the purport of his visit.
With a furious glance, Duroy then exclaimed: "How dare you accost me?
If she should see me, she would take in the situation and not accost me.
A few you know to be genuine, and you give them gladly, but cannot resist the conviction that the majority of those who accost you are simply impostors, as, indeed, they are.
Drawing more near, his curiosity was gratified with a sight he little expected: he was just about to accost her with the salutation of the morning, when she went into the arbour, and seated herself in the manner already described.
The first to accost my master were his wife and children; and when he saw them, he was confounded and laughed and said to them, "How is it with you all and what befell you in the house?
Meanwhile he kept a watch upon the old woman and saw heraccost one man after another and carry them to the house.
How sad and insipid do all objects accost us that are not conveyed in the vehicle of delusion!
This man willaccost Don Mariano by pronouncing two names, those of his wife and daughter.
Sir Artavan de Hautlieu, says the story, considered in what way he should accost the sleeping damsel, when it occurred to him in what manner the charm would be most likely to be reversed.
Ben Rymer, crossing the road from his own shop to accost Lee, as the latter came out of Salmon's.
Some one turned on her seat to accost Sir Geoffry: a slight, upright girl, with finely-carved features of that creamy white rarely seen, and a haughty expression in her very light eyes.
She knew that he was in the act of plunging into fresh dangers and--in the modest manner in which she was always wont to accost the brother who so far surpassed all others in every gift of mind and body,--expressed her anxiety.
They first accost them, and interest them, without making any direct advances.
But this class are no more permitted than the rest, either in the street or at their favorite evening resorts, to accost people for purposes of commerce.
I have already told you that I dared not accost her.
The obscurity was such that he did not fear to accost the first lawyer whom he met.
Jean Valjean, who, an instant previously, in his then state of mind, would not have spoken to or even answered any one, felt irresistibly impelled to accost that child.
And, being too far off to accost the wedding party, and fearing also, the rebuke of the police, the two maskers turned their eyes elsewhere.
When the congregation left the church, I did not venture to accost her, much less to accompany her, and was perfectly delighted if she seemed to have remarked me and to have returned my greeting with a nod.
The alternate and horrible but well-sounding curses flowed only thus from our mouths, and we seized every opportunity to accost each other with these infernal phrases.
I who cared not if I moved him, Who could so carelessly accost him, Henceforth never shall get free Of his ghostly company.
It had evidently been in the minds of some to accost him then, but his eyes did not turn once in their direction.
In any circumstance of life which as far as he truly believed, they had yet encountered, they would have been privileged to accost him in every form of their remarkable vocabulary.
At length, he chose as his best course, with words Of seeming strangeness toaccost his ear, And, with that purpose, moved direct toward him.
She had come out of her house in her bonnet and shawl, bent on some errand and stopped to accost Mary.
He could wear a fair outside, and accost me in a pleasant voice, like you.