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Example sentences for "encore"

Lexicographically close words:
encompasseth; encompassing; encontrar; encontre; encor; encored; encores; encounter; encountered; encountering
  1. On observing this, my guide added: "oui, et je veux le faire couvrir d'une teinte encore plus blanche!

  2. One night there was a quicker call than usual, owing to Ada Howard's failing to get her usual encore for her waltz song, and Brady hurried them.

  3. It was quite unnecessary, for her dinner carried with it the added virtue of being the last of the season, an encore to all that had gone before--a special number by request on the social programme.

  4. Why, I've had one tumbleronicon of seven octaves that I used to play the 'Anvil Chorus' on, and always got a double encore for it.

  5. Anyway, the people were so much interested that they stopped encoring Percy, and seemed inclined to encore the bewildered rabbit.

  6. Il n'y a pas de proposition fausse que nous ne soyons disposes d'admettre comme axiome, quand rien ne nous a encore autorises a la repousser" (p.

  7. An encore to that waltz was starting just as they reached the entrance to the green recess, and Mr. Bennet hesitated.

  8. It went up again, an encore to much applause, then down; then up and down swiftly several times.

  9. There was one last wild romp of a dance as an encore from the more good-natured members of the orchestra, while the other musicians packed their instruments, and then the First Real Party was only a thing to be remembered.

  10. Encore after encore was given, and the bravos of the troisiemes were enough to stir the most sluggish of pulses.

  11. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "encore" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.
    Other words:
    acclaim; acclamation; afresh; again; anew; applaud; applause; cheer; clap; clapping; ditto; echo; eclat; encore; hail; hand; new; newly; ovation; over; plaudit; popularity; repeat; root