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Example sentences for "inferiour"

Lexicographically close words:
inferiori; inferioris; inferiority; inferiorly; inferiors; inferius; infernal; infernall; infernally; inferno
  1. These also wyll picke and steale as the vpright men, and hath their women and metinges at places apoynted, and nothinge to them inferiour in all kynde of knauery.

  2. Her piety was not inferiour to her understanding; and to her must be ascribed those early impressions of religion upon the mind of her son, from which the world afterwards derived so much benefit.

  3. A man of inferiour talents to yours may furnish us with useful observations upon that country.

  4. The truth, however, is, that he was not so well qualified for being a teacher of elements, and a conductor in learning by regular gradations, as men of inferiour powers of mind.

  5. Now it is the practice in high life to undervalue, and avoid as much as possible, every thing which descends to the inferiour classes of society.

  6. Besides the advantage of being entirely free from other bad habits, children who are not taught by inferiour masters, will not contract habits of listless application.

  7. Thus the ambition of young people will be directed to high objects, and all inferiour qualifications may be attained without contracting the understanding.

  8. He was read, at least in some of the inferiour schools of this kingdom, to the beginning of the present [eighteenth] century.

  9. His conversation and his letters of this year were in no respect inferiour to those of former years.

  10. This command over the inferiour creatures is one of the noblest prerogatives of man, and among the greatest efforts of his wisdom and power.

  11. As an instance of this, it seems that an inferiour domestick of the Duke of Leeds had attempted to celebrate his Grace's marriage in such homely rhimes as he could make; and this curious composition having been sung to Dr.

  12. They whose inferiour exertions are recorded, as serving to explain or illustrate the sayings of such men, may be proud of being thus associated, and of their names being transmitted to posterity, by being appended to an illustrious character.

  13. And til the teares that she hath shed for thee, Like enuious flouds ore-run her louely face, She was the fairest creature in the world, And yet shee is inferiour to none Beg.

  14. And these shall be all Figures, which from the inferiour Base upwards, grow lesser and lesser; the which we shall exemplifie for this time in Piramides or Cones, of which Figures the passions are common.

  15. And likewise it seems necessary, that the graver Solids do go to the Bottom, as being of a Force more than sufficient for the raising a Masse of water, equall to its own, though inferiour in weight.

  16. And were none of your little sylphs, Sir, at hand, to point out to you some one who was disinterested in her nature, however inferiour in her fortune?

  17. The Understanding is to order all the inferiour services of the lower Faculties; but yet it is to do this only as a lawful Master, and not at a Tyrant.

  18. As for the tenacity of the substance of Flax, out of which the thread is made, it seems much inferiour to that of Silk, the one being a vegetable, the other an animal substance.

  19. That doctrine of Epicurus, that denied the Providence of God, was no Atheism, but a magnificent and high strained conceit of his Majesty, which he deemed too sublime to mind the trivial Actions of those inferiour Creatures.

  20. What the Art of man can do in these inferiour pieces, what blasphemy is it to affirm the finger of God cannot do in these more perfect and sensible structures?

  21. That every Editour shall appoint his own inferiour Correctour to attend yͤ press.

  22. Garth is mentioned, perhaps, with too much honour; but all are confessed to be inferiour to Pope.

  23. The Manilla ransome has, I think, been most mentioned by the inferiour bellowers of sedition.

  24. This also may be a speciall lesson for all men, and namelie for princes, noblemen, and gentlemen, who oftentimes to enlarge their owne commodities, doo not regard what wrong they offer to the inferiour sort.

  25. We come now to that other system of reasoning, which is always applied, when the former is confuted; "that the Africans are an inferiour link of the chain of nature, and are made for slavery.

  26. Must we conclude that one species is inferiour to another, and that the inferiority depends upon their colour, or their features, or their form?

  27. It is necessary that all property should be inferiour to its possessor.

  28. To these truly ingenious, and philosophical works of Æsop, we shall add those of his imitator Phoedrus, which in purity and elegance of style, are inferiour to none.

  29. If, upon such a fair and impartial view, there should be any reason to suppose, that they are at all inferiour to others in the same situation, the argument will then gain some of that weight and importance, which it wants at present.

  30. These trees beare a very good Nut, something smaller, but nothing inferiour in sweetnesse and goodnesse to the English Nut, having no bitter pill.

  31. I suppose they be much inferiour to the Cedars of Lebanon so much commended in holy writ.

  32. A King of large Dominions hath his Viceroyes, or inferiour Kings under him, to agitate his State-affaires, and keepe his Subjects in good decorum.

  33. Now when the inferiour meets with his superiour, the sayd inferiour, for the most part kneeling lowly on his knees, enclineth his countenance downe to the earth.

  34. The sayd Magistrates also haue their peculiar barges wherein to take the water; being in breadth and length not much vnlike to galleys of Europe, but for swiftnesse and multitude of orres, farre inferiour vnto them.

  35. In the principall Cities of the shires be foure chiefe Louteas, before whom are brought all matters of the inferiour Townes, throughout the whole Realme.

  36. These Tundi are greatly honoured of all sorts: they doe giue benefices vnto inferiour ministers, and do grant licences for many things as to eate flesh vpon those dayes they goe in pilgrimage to their Idoles with such like priuileges.

  37. The number of the greater cities throughout the whole kingdom is more then 150, and there is the same or rather a greater multitude of inferiour cities.

  38. Had I formed my opinion of Corsica from what I saw this morning, I might have been in as bad humour with it, as Seneca was, whose reflections in prose are not inferiour to his epigrams.

  39. There is in the church here a tabernacle carved in wood, in the manner of that at the Franciscans', but much inferiour to it.

  40. And yitt sche refuised nott one far inferiour to a vertouse King.

  41. Queene one whit, for as yet she could not resolve to be wife to the King of Sweden, having been lately Queene of France: And yet she refused not one much inferiour to a Soveraigne King.

  42. And for that purpose was send unto thame the Lord Ruthven, a man of great experience, and inferiour to few in stowtnes.

  43. But unless those vacant spots be dug afresh, the transplanted roots will be much inferiour to their transplanted neighbours; as I found in my last year's experiment.

  44. The like is in all other places which the King bestows: if they know not what belongs to their places, there are Inferiour Officers under them, that do teach and direct them how to Act.

  45. Event he inferiour characters of this play would be very conspicuous in any other piece, not only for their justness but their strength.

  46. Among these candidates of inferiour fame, I am now to stand the judgment of the publick; and wish that I could confidently produce my commentary as equal to the encouragement which I have had the honour of receiving.

  47. We haue also vpon our coast the white corall, nothing inferiour to that which is found beyond the sea in the albe, neere to the fall of Tangra, or to the red and blacke, whereof Dioscorides intreateth, Lib.

  48. The discipline of firme peace also that is mainteined within a certeine compasse of the princes palace, is such, as is nothing inferiour to that we see dailie practised in the best gouerned holds & fortresses.

  49. Iona was sometime called Columkill, in fame and estimation nothing inferiour to anie of the other, although in length it exceed little aboue two miles, and in breadth one.

  50. Wherefore, we must needs confesse, that the situation of our Iland (for benefit of the heauens) is nothing inferiour to that of anie countrie of the maine, where so euer it lie vnder the open firmament.

  51. Panem Cibarium, and it is not onlie the woorst and weakest of all the other sorts, but also appointed in old time for seruants, slaues, and the inferiour kind of people to feed vpon.

  52. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "inferiour" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.