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Example sentences for "yaks"

Lexicographically close words:
yahoos; yair; yaird; yairds; yaka; yalla; yaller; yallow; yamen; yammer
  1. To buy yaks would therefore be useless waste of money.

  2. We might not hire yaks also--which was very inconvenient, as we had only a horse and a mule after all the hired animals had gone.

  3. We still have hired horses, and now yaks also, and the caravan is divided into the same detachments as before.

  4. And then they passed on with their light-stepping yaks towards Saka-dzong.

  5. Our horses and yaks were made to swim over the river after they had grazed at night on the steppes on the left bank.

  6. We twice met with fresh spoor of small herds of wild yaks which had moved off to the right bank of the Kubi-tsangpo.

  7. Tsongpun Tashi's errand had been to take farewell of the prelate, who was setting out this day for Mendong-gompa, absolutely unknown in all the maps in the world, and his yaks stood tethered and surrounded by a troop of servants.

  8. The yaks stand still as shadows, and now and then their teeth are heard grinding against the cartilaginous process of the upper jaw.

  9. Next morning Tundup Sonam appeared with the news that the Gova of Tokchen would not let his yaks on hire for the journey to Serolung.

  10. While their five horses and five yaks were being loaded with all their belongings, they came to me in my tent, one after another, to receive their pay and an extra present.

  11. Four big wild yaks were moving over the slopes, tramping like snow-ploughs.

  12. But Nima Tashi and Panchor put all kinds of difficulties in the way: their yaks would perish where there was no grazing, and it was impossible to hire yaks, for all had lately gone to Tabie-tsaka for salt.

  13. Here grey granite predominates; wild yaks are everywhere; the country is barren and of a high alpine character.

  14. We crossed a great road running to the north-west; hundreds of yaks had recently passed--no doubt a salt caravan on the way to Tabie-tsaka.

  15. As the air became rarer, respiration was more difficult, and even the yaks halted frequently to recover their breath.

  16. Many of them also are skilful hunters of yaks and antelopes.

  17. The yaks prod the horses' loins with their horns.

  18. It was a great contrast to the fine camel caravans of Persia and Turkestan, for it marched like a regiment in separate detachments of thirty or forty yaks each.

  19. We were following a clear, well-trodden path, along which a herd of yaks had recently been driven.

  20. The ten yaks stood tethered in the snow outside, and the Kirghizes curled themselves up in their skin coats like hedgehogs.

  21. In the home of the wild yaks the ground is almost everywhere bare and barren, and yet these great beasts roam about and thrive excellently.

  22. The yaks of the Kirghizes are wonderfully sure-footed, and one can ride on them over slippery hillocky ice where a man could not possibly walk.

  23. On the slope of a hill was encamped a large tea caravan; its twenty-five men were sitting round their fires, while the three hundred yaks were grazing close at hand.

  24. WILD ASSES AND YAKS If I had counted all the wild asses I saw during my travels in Tibet the number would amount to many, many thousands.

  25. Still worse becomes the tumult when a couple of men on yaks push themselves into the scrimmage.

  26. The young men are out with the sheep or are looking after the yaks grazing in the mountains.

  27. The yaks stood out jet black against the snow, their nostrils steaming, and the snow crunching under them.

  28. Still the game could not go clear away; and although the yaks might get off on an occasion, they were sure to turn up again; and Caspar trusted to his skill to be able to circumvent them at one time or another.

  29. He did not move one inch forward without looking well before him into the plain where the yaks were feeding, but quite as anxiously did he bend his eyes around the edge of the boulder, where he surmised the bull might be.

  30. It was a herd of wild yaks they had fallen in with, for they were just in the very country where these animals exist in their wild state.

  31. Some, also, he obtained from the barking-deer, which Caspar had killed in the morning; and others he took from the limbs of the yaks that had been brought home in their skins.

  32. He hoped to find the herd of yaks among the rocks--for Karl, who knew something of the natural history of these animals, had told him that they frequented steep rocky places in preference to level ground.

  33. The yaks were skinned and quartered, and then carried home to the hut.

  34. Caspar had no fear that he should be able to kill all the yaks they had seen.

  35. Once or twice when he had lost the track, the yaks led him back to it.

  36. Much quicker journeys may be made, however, by taking fresh yaks at certain posts or stages.

  37. So long as he allowed the yaks to go their own way, they went on willingly, and the traveller soon discovered that it was best to leave them alone and simply follow them.

  38. Not only are yaks used for draught and for carrying loads, but they are also ridden, a special saddle being then used.

  39. An English traveller, who once drove a pair of loaded yaks in Thibet, noticed that they showed a great reluctance to go any way but their own.

  40. Large herds of yaks are driven from place to place by the wandering Thibetans, who pitch their black tents where there is pasturage for their flocks.

  41. The Tartars say that these mottled wild yaks are hybrids between the tame bulls, which are turned out to graze on the hills in the summer, and wild cows.

  42. Wild yaks with white patches have occasionally been shot, but only cows as far as the writer can learn; wild bulls appear always to be black.

  43. Tame yaks have often a good deal of white about them.

  44. In addition to this, the loss of the yaks was now severely felt.

  45. And he would ask that if they released the two Lachung men we should release the yaks and men whom we had seized last year in retaliation.

  46. But as they were in excellent health and well fed, and as we had, while at Khamba Jong, seized over 200 yaks in retaliation, I did not pursue the matter farther.

  47. The strengthening of my escort and the appearance of the Nepalese yaks might be made to coincide with the concentration of the 23rd Pioneers in the neighbourhood of the Jelap-la (pass) in about a month’s time.

  48. The rush of a herd of bellowing yaks at a wild gallop, waving their huge tails, is a grand sight.

  49. The 'three acres and a cow' is with them four acres of alluvial soil to a family on an average, with 'runs' for yaks and sheep on the mountains.

  50. We started on a grim snowy morning, with six yaks carrying our baggage or ridden by ourselves, four led horses, and a number of Tibetans, several more having been sent on in advance to cut steps in the glacier and roughen them with gravel.

  51. The yaks and sheep are the load carriers of Rupchu.

  52. There the Chang-pas and their yaks and horses who had served me pleasantly and faithfully from Tsala left me, and returned to the freedom of their desert life.

  53. This latter occurrence is what amused John the most, and suggested that probably if they had adopted some of the hitches which sailors used the yaks could have been controlled more easily.

  54. With their bolos they cut out a space at one side of the undergrowth, into which the yaks were driven and thus afforded protection, and the guns were taken out and arranged in order to enable them to be readily handled.

  55. His presence near the yaks always gave them confidence, and on this occasion he took his position on the pole between them and near the yoke, and thus gently urged them forward.

  56. An early breakfast was prepared, and the yaks yoked up, preliminary to a start for the south.

  57. But this, unfortunately, left the yaks exposed to the assaults of the spears and arrows, and John suggested a novel addition to the wagon equipment.

  58. During the day, when the posts and the fastenings were all ready, the wagon was brought out and the yaks yoked up.

  59. The yaks were hitched up shortly after breakfast, and the long, sloping descent began.

  60. Run to the wagon quickly and tell them to force the yaks forwardly as fast as possible.

  61. Before night they came to a small stream, which was an admirable camping spot, and the yaks fairly reveled in the sweet, fresh water.

  62. The yaks were urged along, and their motion considerably accelerated by the shrieks and howls of the demons, as they brandished their arrows and spears.

  63. The Mongols would not consent even to attempt journeys with oxen and yaks which made but ten or twelve miles a day.

  64. She left the capital of China to go to Khara Bolgasun, where she fell in love with the brave shepherd Damcharen, who overtook the wind on his steed and who captured wild yaks and horses with his bare hands.

  65. On the mountains were seen the grazing herds of reindeers and yaks and approaching Soyots confirmed our supposition.

  66. In some places yaks and oxen were seen on the high slopes of the mountains.

  67. The Mongolians value their yaks for their white tails.

  68. For warmth's sake most of the rooms are underground, and in these subterranean dens Tibetans, black as coal-heavers, huddle together with yaks and mules.

  69. The yaks are hired and employed on the line of communications.

  70. They are Kasi's yaks coming from some blind valley which no one but a hunter or mountaineer would have imagined to exist.

  71. All that were now left were the zooms, or halfbreeds from the bull-yaks and the cow, and the cross from the bull and female yaks.

  72. After the Dzama Tang engagement many of the wounded came in riding on yaks from a distance of fifty or sixty miles.

  73. The epic of the yaks does not comprise the whole tale of disaster.

  74. In a basket that had been carried on one of the yaks I saw an infant a few months old.

  75. While crossing the Neo (Tsambo) River one of Mr. Landor's yaks went under.

  76. The soldiers demanded fresh relays of yaks and ponies, and food for themselves, at all the encampments, so that we travelled fast.

  77. Apparently my yaks knew this part of the country well.

  78. When I got near enough I claimed my two yaks back.

  79. The tantalizing restlessness of the yaks forced us to make many attempts before we actually succeeded in properly fastening the loads, particularly as the Shoka deserters had stolen our best pieces of rope and the leather straps.

  80. I want them to sell me some yaks and some ponies," I said.

  81. They further agreed to endeavor to obtain yaks and food for me, and I was then to dismiss them.

  82. It was about an hour before sunrise when we were placed on our yaks and, surrounded by some thirty soldiers, rode off.

  83. Half a mile on the other side of the river was an encampment of some fifty or sixty tents, with hundreds of yaks and sheep grazing near it.

  84. I got one of them to carry the stuff to my camp, while I, without further trouble, recovered my yaks and drove them back to where Chanden Sing and Mansing were busy lighting a fire to make some tea.

  85. In their desperate struggle to keep afloat, and powerless against the current, the two yaks collided violently in mid-stream.

  86. We moved away, driving our yaks before us and dragging the newly purchased sheep.

  87. We found plenty of grass for our yaks and low shrubs for our fires.

  88. Unhampered, and good swimmers as they are, the two yaks floated away with the current and reached the other side.

  89. Mr. Ney Elias tells me he found Yaks common everywhere along his route in Mongolia, between the Tui river (long.

  90. The Kirghiz between the Yangi Hissar River and Sirikol are the only people using the horse generally in the plough, oxen being employed in the plains, and yaks in Sirikol.

  91. He has also seen Yaks in the neighbourhood of Kwei-hwa-ch'eng.

  92. Yaks are capable of offering formidable resistance to the sportsman.

  93. Traders with loaded yaks or ponies push across the Karakorum Mountains by passes where a migrating horde would starve and freeze.

  94. Morning came, but the yaks did not, and after gathering together the most useful belongings, and putting them into convenient bundles for carrying purposes, set out for home.

  95. During the entire night one of the trio kept watch, not so much from a feeling of fear as in the hope the yaks would return during the night; but they were doomed to disappointment.

  96. Two weeks of very vigorous work had now been put in since the yaks had disappeared, and the wagon was still at the edge of the forest.

  97. The yaks could be ridden as well as horses, but the greater part of the way were driven.

  98. Only one of the yokes was found, but there was evidence that both of the yaks were freed, since the part of the other yoke was still attached to the part found.

  99. The yaks were calmed down after some effort, and it was found that the shoulder of Jack had been lacerated by the claws of the puma, but beyond that no damage was done.

  100. Angel, who was with them, now began one of his peculiar chattering exhibitions which betokened alarm, and the yaks exhibited a restless disposition.

  101. They had gone fully one hundred feet before the yaks made any sign, and then slowly followed, thus assuring them that no care or attention would be required in that direction.

  102. Well, I am thankful that we have the wagon, even though the yaks are gone," said George, as he crawled into it.

  103. At other times he would be in the wagon, or shamble along, and sometimes leap on the backs of the yaks and ride there.

  104. The first real surprise manifested by John was when the yaks were hitched up and he was invited to join them on a trip.

  105. The Professor searched for one of the lanterns, when he heard the yaks becoming uneasy, and running back and forth in the little enclosure.

  106. The yaks appeared to be in a frenzy now, and the howling beyond increased in intensity.

  107. They were wrought up to the highest tension, and the only fear was that either Angel or the yaks would make some noise which might attract the passers-by.

  108. Tungu village, with yaks in the foreground.

  109. The yaks are driven out to pasture at sunrise, and home at sunset, till the middle of the month, when they return to Yeumtong.

  110. On several occasions large parties of traders, with thirty or forty yaks* [About 600 loaded yaks are said to cross the Donkia pass annually.

  111. The grazing for yaks and small cattle is excellent in Choombi, and the Pinus excelsa is said to grow abundantly there, though unknown in Sikkim, but I have not heard of any other peculiarity in its productions.

  112. The yaks are also troublesome, and bad sleepers; they used to try to effect an entrance into my tent, pushing their muzzles under the flaps at the bottom, and awakening me with a snort and moist hot blast.

  113. But why," asked Chuba, "should yaks feel both good and bad?

  114. Now that the yaks had gone their way, a dispute appeared to be in the making as to who was the chief guide of the party.

  115. They are animals that carry packs in the Andes, as yaks do here.

  116. I saw Tikse pet the yaks and say good-by," returned Chandra.

  117. The boys watched Tikse turn the yaks over to two other Ladakhis, who promptly drove them off along the trail.

  118. So Tikse is sending the yaks on to another shelter.

  119. Tibetan bears were death on yaks and sheep; that Biff had also heard.

  120. These yaks feel good," explained Tikse, "because they know they get to shelter ahead of snow.

  121. But the yaks were up, ready and grunting--some because they liked snow; others because they hated it.

  122. The big bear followed, hoping people have yaks that bear can kill and eat.

  123. When mules were unobtainable we employed yaks, and if yaks were not to be had my baggage was carried by Tibetan men, and still more frequently by women.

  124. Man has learned to use them, so they will work just as surely as our yaks work for us under our direction.

  125. The yaks were brought out and a start made for the cliffs.

  126. Without further words the yaks were yoked up, and taking a hearty luncheon they were off for the east coast, where the bay indented the land.

  127. All yaks, male and female, have horns, and the Texas steer has no horns to compare with the yaks in size and gracefulness of curve.

  128. When they arrived home, which was not without considerable misgiving, owing to their long absence, they were overjoyed at finding everything at the house in perfect order, but their yaks were missing.

  129. Reaching the South River the yaks were tethered, and taking advantage of the raft which they had used on the first trip, they were soon on the way into the forest.

  130. It might be amusing to the Professor, if he found we had taken the truck across before we knew whether the yaks could be induced to go over.

  131. Do you think we can induce the yaks to swim across the river?

  132. Having finished breakfast, the yaks were yoked, and before the sun was visible they were on their way to the north, as fast as the yaks could travel.

  133. He returned by the time the yaks were disposed of and the implements prepared, as stated.

  134. They had run fully a quarter of a mile, and when the running stopped, the yaks leisurely turned around and slowly walked back.

  135. The yaks dislike the warmth of summer; and during that season seek to hide themselves in the shade, or under water, in which they swim well.

  136. The men till the ground, and keep yaks and sheep, and sometimes come down into the warm plains to trade--penetrating even to Calcutta.

  137. In their wild state yaks are fierce and dangerous.

  138. Wild yaks are found in considerable numbers near the limits of perpetual snow, but at the approach of winter they descend to the wooded valleys just below the snow line.

  139. Milk is obtained not only from the yaks but from the sheep and goats.

  140. Men, donkeys, and loads there: others encamped with yaks designed for hire by merchants whose horses might knock up.

  141. I turned in, excited by the visions of the mighty yaks I should encounter in this field unexplored by European hunter.

  142. At Abdoolah's suggestion I had engaged three of the yaks to relieve my tottering horses and carry the baggage, the horses coming on unloaded, by which plan I hope to save their lives.

  143. Within an hour the main river was reached and the float sections attached, so that the yaks plunged in and drew the wagon across, while the boat was drawn up on shore to await their return.

  144. What a difference there is in things, now," mused Harry, as he drove the yaks along.

  145. At the suggestion of the Professor, eight more of the steers had been trained to work, and he gathered together a dozen of the best men, and gave instructions to secure as many of the yaks as could be found.

  146. It was fortunate that during the time the yaks were lost, some months before, they had trained a pair to drive, and these were now again yoked up to give them experimental training for the coming journey.

  147. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "yaks" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.