I got up and saw to the fastenings of the door, for though I cared not for mortal man, I did care for what I believed was surrounding the house, in evil might and power.
But the door shook as though it, too, were in deadly terror, and I thought the fastenings would give way.
But she listened a while longer, determined to be certain before loosening the fastenings of the door.
Then, moved by a sudden impulse--an accession of courage inspired by the continued silence--she cautiously loosened the fastenings and swung the door slowly open.
Allen closed the door and adjusted the fastenings carefully.
She felt his weight against it, but he had been taken by surprise by the movement; there was the strength of desperation in her body and she held the door closed against him while she shoved the fastenings into place.
By nine the Vandalia dropped down on her too fast to be avoided, and clapped her stern under the bowsprit of the English ship, the fastenings of which were burst asunder as she rose.
Commonly, in the earliest of them, dating from the sixth or seventh century, the iron clamps or fastenings form the principal or only ornament.
The woodwork of these cabinets is often without carving; but generally in such cases their bareness is relieved by massive and elaborately ornamented iron fastenings and a decorative key.
Several times Maria held the barrel of her pistol close to the temples of the peasant who was busy with the iron fastenings of the window, and he did not so much as move his head.
She presently untied the last of the fastenings and lifted the thing from the man's shoulders, moving away with the gliding step of the Oriental, and leaving him standing there in his short white tunic, bare-legged and sandalled.
The paper lamps were thrashing in the wind, many extinguished; others were in flames; a number of electric globes fell from their fastenings amid the palm tops, and burst bomb-like upon the ground.
He flung off his helmet, unbuckled the fastenings of his breast plate and back piece, undid the belt of his sword, and leaped in.
When four had taken their place on the great raft at the end, the fastenings which secured it to the rest of the structure were cut, and a large number of boats and barges filled with rowers began to tow the raft across the river.
A horse which had broken loose from its fastenings behind one of the barges was swimming down, frightened and confused at the din.
At present he was powerless to do anything, and with his sword grasped in his hand he lay on the couch in readiness to start up and fight his way out, as soon as he heard those without undoing the fastenings of the door.
He went into the kitchen, put what questions he pleased to the servants, looked at the fastenings of the doors generally, examined the outside of the window and walked about the garden.
Luckily, the sole fasteningsof the lid consisted of two sliding bolts.
Balked of my intention, I consoled myself by remembering that I had never had need of fastenings yet, and returned to my bed.
Without raising any objection he ordered his men to fall back and guard the stairs; and I on my side began to undo the fastenings of the door.
In a moment he had thrown himself upon his knees and was looking into the pallid face of the prostrate man, and almost unconsciously his hand pushed itself in through the fastenings of the fur coat.
All the external doors and shutters giving upon the gardens were closed, their fastenings intact; only that of an antechamber, leading to the staircase which communicated with the Duke’s bedroom on the floor above, was open.
In a trice he was out of bed and trying all the fastenings of the windows of his room.
As she threw open the fastenings a noisy gust of wind rioted in, and slammed all the doors with claps like thunder.
The scarphs are also bolted, but the remainingfastenings are lashings in the old style, to obtain flexibility in the frame.
All scarphs are of the hooked type and are usually quite short (the hooked scarph is the best one when the fastenings are lashings).
Rigid fastenings of the peg and metal types are used only in scarphs and in securing the chines and keelson to the floors timbers, as in the modern Alaskan umiaks.
Lashings are used as fastenings except at the ends of the hull, where pegs secure the keelson to the stem and stern; at this point, on some kayaks examined, sinew lashings are also found.
In recent times the use of pegging has increased and iron fastenings are now quite common.
That for your fasteningsand your lubberly knots together!
The canvas broke from all its fastenings with a loud explosion, and, for an instant, was seen sailing in the air ahead of the ship, as though sustained on the wings of an eagle.
This box was grated, only the grating of it was not of gilded wood, as at the opera; it was a monstrous lattice of iron bars, hideously interlaced and riveted to the wall by enormous fastenings which resembled clenched fists.
This cluster supported a trellis-work of brass wire which was simply placed upon it, but artistically applied, and held by fastenings of iron wire, so that it enveloped all three holes.
A cannon that breaks loose from itsfastenings is suddenly transformed into a supernatural beast.
The canvas broke from its fastenings with a loud explosion, and, for an instant, it was seen sailing in the air ahead of the ship, as if it were sustained on wings.
Couttet's hat was torn from its fastenings and went on a tour in Switzerland.
In a subsequent journey over the same road, the fastenings of Miss Fiske's saddle gave way, and she fell, but providentially without injury.
The next morning, the Griffin came to the church, and tearing the stone image of himself from its fastenings over the great door, he grasped it with his powerful fore-legs and flew up into the air.
Plug was in a boat whose crew had left it for an hour or so, engaged in the exercise of his profession; that is, he was digging the caulking out of the bottom, when the squall came on rather prematurely and broke the fastenings of the boat.
Instantly the fastenings were rent like pack-thread, and the raft was hurled forward in disconnected fragments.
The rag of sail with which they had previously courted the breeze in vain was hastily taken in; the fastenings of everything were looked to.
In addition to the violence of the wind and constant breaking over them of heavy seas, the darkness became so intense that it was difficult to see where damage to the fastenings occurred, and repairs became almost impossible.
The seas broke clean over them, several articles not properly secured were swept off, and weak points in the mainfastenings were made plain, as the spars, beams, and planks writhed and struggled to get free.
Among other things the long-boat was carried away, and ere long all the other boats were torn from their fastenings or destroyed.
The horn fastenings are extremely varied, and those for celts, intended to be used with wooden handles, terminate either in a split or are squarely cut.
The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "fastenings" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.