That if ony prouide not for his and specially for theim of his houshold / the same hathe denied the faith / ãd is worse than an infidell.
Besids this / our men do counte this Masse hauntinge a fault to be either contemned / or not so depely to be considered in theim bicause they do not synne with mynde will and affection / but as it wer compelled and of necessite.
And that so oft as neede shall require / to reproue theim with greate libertie and boldenes: So farr must we be from dissemblinge with them / that we must (he saithe) reproue them.
LVIII The Kyng gaf Moch and Litull John Twenti pound in sertan, And made theim yemen of the crown, And bade theim go agayn.
Anone as I theim overtook, I said, 'Hail, frendes!
The kyng gaf Moche and Litul Jon xx pound in sertan, And made theim zemen of the crowne, And bade theim go agayn.
They shewed him, how they came daily to that heath, and all the brome, that thei and their asse coud cary home, was lyttell enough to findetheim and their poor children meat.
Will gentlemen learne howe to prosecute vertue, and to profligat from their minde, disordinate Loue, and affection, I referre theim to the Historie of Tancredi, and to Galgano of Siena?
Loue holding in full possession the hartes of these twoo louers, blynded theim so muche, as leauing the brydle to large for their honour, they vsed theimselues priuely and apertlye at all tymes one with an other, without anye respect.
After the commissioners had willed theim to consulte vppon some determinate aunswere, they retourned to Rome, to make reporte to the Senate, of the peoples requestes.
Then Erasistratus was wel assured and certaine that Antiochus was feruently inflamed with his mother in lawe, but that shame constrained him to conceale the hotte firebrandes that tormented him, and to keepe theim close and secrete.
To John ffelde my late srˀvaunt all my other bookes bothe of Surgerie and others excepet ffoure of theim w{ch} I give unto John Griffine my Apprentice.
ALSO that yef eny matˀe of debate or difference be betwene eny pˀsoones of the said craft Which god defend, that none of theim shall make eny pursuyt at the comˀon lawe unto the tyme y{t.
D, which two lines crosse one an other, but yet they go not by the centre, wherefore accordinge to the woordes of the theoreme, eche of theim doth cuytte the other into equall portions.
Yet I vtterly reproue theim not, if the hurt may be auoyded.
Suche I aduise to appointe theim selues to sweat againe to ridde their bodies of that remaineth, & abide it out vntill they fele their bodies lanke & light, and to moue the sweat as before I said, if thesame come not kyndly by the selfe.
If other causes ther be supernatural, theim I leue to the diuines to serche, and the diseases thereof to cure, as a matter with out the compasse of my facultie.
For y^e impure spirites corrupte in theim selues and by the infectiue aier.
We commaunde as kynges, and pray as men, that al thyng be forgiuen totheim that be olde and broken, and to theim that be yonge and lusty, to dissimulate for a time, and nothyng to be forgiuen to very yong children.
Have not you a Proverbe, whiche fortefieth my reasons, whiche saieth, that warre maketh Theves, and peace hangeththeim up?
Poetes and Oratours doe applie theim to their vse.
How impudentlie doe thei set forthe the Goddes, to bee louers of women, and their adulterous luste: and how thei haue transformed theim selues, into diuers shapes of beastes and foules, to followe after beastly luste.
Suche lawes haue they that none of theim may nether gyue nor sell nothing.
Howe many thousandes doth suche lubricite bring to beggery theft and idelnesse whiche shuld haue kept theire good name and haue set theim silues to worke had not ben this excesse treasure of the spiritualtie?
These sort of folkes they call heretikes, these they burne, these they rage ageinst, put to open shame and make theim bere fagottes.
Britons euer stode fre And this wil they haue or els they wil procure him that will not giue ittheim to be taken as an heretike.
For this I am sure your grace thinketh (as the truth is) I am as good as my father, whye may I not aswell gyue theim as moche as my father did.
One part therfore yn foure hundreth partes deuided were to moche for theim except they did laboure.
Compare theim to the nombre of men, so are they not the.
And then is he a cruell tyraunt without all charite if he kepe theim there in pryson and in paine till men will giue him money.
And that that is ones gyuen theim comith neuer from theim agein.
I esteme theim most happie whych haue neuer defyled theyr youthe, but euer haue increased in vertu, til thei haue coomne vnto the last puincte of age.
Furthermore, no menne louê their wiues more vehemêtly then thei that loue theim euê soo, as Christ loued the churche.
Next them thei ar too bee commended that haue wythdrawne theim selues from the folie of youth in tyme.
The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "theim" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.