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Example sentences for "femininity"

Lexicographically close words:
feme; femina; feminine; femininely; feminines; feminism; feminist; feminists; feminization; femme
  1. We need not adduce the members of the Pioneer Club, who show their increasing femininity by donning male attire; nor need we question that large numbers of women in industry continue to remain feminine still.

  2. Femininity and masculinity have a definite chemical basis in the reactions of the internal secretions of which they are the expression.

  3. Femininity in a woman, the womanly woman, or the eternal feminine, may indeed be defined by the degree of somatic and psychic exhibitionism she presents.

  4. Femininity and masculinity are expressions of the interplay of all the internal secretions.

  5. Under the right conditions recession of the most marked virility or femininity becomes conceivable, and occurs.

  6. But his thymus condition forces him also to live for femininity and misery.

  7. He found himself treating her with a measure of freedom from the constraint which men often place upon themselves because of the recognition of the personal element which will obtrude between them and femininity in general.

  8. He not only believes in degrees of femininity in women, but has worked out classifications which he claims to have found of great practical value in surgery.

  9. There's a little girl of twelve, that is the most captivating piece of femininity you can imagine.

  10. Following in the wake of one of the front door loads of fluttering femininity came a somewhat somber pedestrian.

  11. She tasted and ate and looked about her as frankly as a happy child, yet never, with it all, lost her little air of serene dignity, which set her apart from the flaming, flaring type of femininity which abounds in such places.

  12. Small men, with midget minds, know femininity much better than do the great ones.

  13. No woman can be summed up in an algebraic formula, and when a mathematician does a problem to his lady's eyebrow, he forgets entirely that femininity forever equals x.

  14. Whereupon he placed a generous sum of money at her account in a Boston bank and sent her away with his blessing and an amused smile at the femininity of females.

  15. I thought it was just femininity cropping out after a dull season.

  16. One uses the word artist advisedly, for they are really artists, those men who picture modish femininity for the Parisian fashion journals of the highest class.

  17. There are charming women all over the world, but nowhere is femininity so conscientiously occupied in being charming as it is in Paris.

  18. Nowhere else do the kindred cults of frocks and femininity kindle such ardent devotion.

  19. More by instinct than calculated effect Alys on such occasions managed to create an aura of fastidious and dainty femininity while stopping short of invitation.

  20. Anna's secret poison, she seriously considered taking advantage of young Rush's infatuation, changing her notorious name for his and receiving the protection that her awakened femininity craved.

  21. For instance, should the feminine "predominate" in a man, the fact would merely indicate that the percentage of femininity in his bisexuality had over-balanced the normal ratio.

  22. In his earlier portraits there are undeniable traces of the German master: the Lawrence influence exhibited itself in his femininity more than in actual technical innovations.

  23. His designs are almost entirely of nude femininity and his method of expression the etching.

  24. She herself was a victim--as was the gentleman after whom she was named--of a surplusage of femininity about the house.

  25. We have seen the loss of femininity produced by the constant campaigning for suffrage.

  26. Their femininity topples me over, and there's no work to be got out of me while I'm like that.

  27. Like others whose ideal of concupiscence is deteriorated and deviated, he certainly comes to be disgusted by the delicacy of the grain of the skin of women and by that odour of femininity which all sodomists abhor.

  28. In Fleet Street femininity is an absolution, not an accident.

  29. For in the first place it is much more difficult for him to refuse viva voce (especially to a woman [Footnote: I by no means suggest that a woman should exploit her femininity in order to gain points against a man.

  30. How pervasive this femininity is, which is slowly transforming our schools, is strikingly seen in the church.

  31. More than one-half of the schoolgirls in these censuses choose male ideals, as if those of femininity are disintegrating.

  32. Well, the world has been brutal enough; it had better try a little femininity now.

  33. Perhaps she was more highly entertained by the manner in which Tinkletown femininity paired its venom with masculine admiration.

  34. His quaint streak of femininity showed itself in the bowls of "White Enchantress" carnations with which the tables and mantelpiece were adorned.

  35. Gifted with the intelligence and cold intellect of an empire-ruler she seldom yielded to the divine femininity which was her birthright.

  36. Her quick transition from melting femininity to stern dominance surprised him as greatly as aught that had gone before.

  37. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "femininity" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.
    Other words:
    femininity; woman; womanhood