Thys knyghtewas called Sir Johan Assueton,[97] a hardy man and a couragyous.
Therefore he retourned as fast as he myght: so there the sayd knyghte was slayne.
Lett hymm bee sett asyde, tylle hee doth see A tyltynge forr a knyghte of gentle wourthe.
To evry erle and knyghte the worde is gyven, And cries a guerre and slughornes shake the vaulted heaven.
A standarde made of sylke and jewells rare, Wherein alle coloures wroughte aboute in bighes, An armydknyghte was seen deth-doynge there, Under this motte, He conquers or he dies.
O Chryste, it is a grief for me to telle, How manie a nobil erle and valrous knyghte In fyghtynge for Kynge Harrold noblie fell, Al sleyne in Hastyngs feeld in bloudie fyghte.
Next Fescampe felle; O Chrieste, howe harde his fate To die the leckedst knyghte of all the thronge!
Picking at a pink she stood-- And the knyghte at once admitted That he rather thought he could.
Then she flung him down the tickets Well the knyghte their import knew-- "Take this gold, and win thy armour From the unbelieving Jew.
But the champion bowed his knee, "Royal blood may not be wasted On a simple knyghte like me.
But pert young pages point their thumbes, Her maids look glumme, in shorte All wondere how the good Knyghte comes To tarrie at his sporte.
And gay agen are maids and men, Nor knyghte nor ladye mournes, Though Valentyne may trembel when He sees a bulle with hornnes.
But whan a knyghte comethe, that is so hardy to kisse hire, he schalle not dye; but he schalle turne the damysele in to hire righte forme and kyndely schapp, and he schal be lord of alle the contreyes and iles aboveseyd.
And siththen hidrewards, myghte no knyghte se hire, but that he dyede anon.
And whan the knyghte saw hire in that forme so hidous and so horrible, he fleyghe awey.
And the dragoun bare the knyghte upon a roche, mawgre his hede; and from that roche, sche caste him in to the see: and so was lost bothe hors and man.
And it is not long siththen, that a knyghte of the Rodes, that was hardy and doughty in armes, seyde that he wole kyssen hire.
But the knyghte nothing moued with what she sayde determined to brynge hir in sutch feare, as he had bene vexed with heauinesse, which came to passe at the expyred tyme.
Hee well beaten in the schoole of shame, vttered vnto the Maide the whole compact and bargayne made betweene him and his Companion, and the Boeme knyghte hir mayster, and afterwards shewed vnto hir his Spyndle ful of threde.
In the meane whyle that the knyghte thus thought/ the Esquyer demaunded of hym/ wherof he was so pensyf/ P.
For a disordynate knyghte is he/ that maketh a knyghte/ and can not shewe the ordre to hym/ ne the customme of chyualry.
And thou were the sternest knyghteto thy mortall foo that euer put spere in the reyst.
Slee me ye may wel, said Accolon, and it please yow, for ye ar the bestknyghte that euer I fonde, and I see wel that god is with yow.
And as they thus talked, ther came a knyghte that hyght Harsouse le Berbuse, and axed parte of sir Alysanders speres.
Gaberdines in countless number Did the taylzeour knyghte repair, And entirely on cucumber And on cabbage lived he there.
He rydes untoe ye Dragon's Gate, And blowes a ryngynge calle: A gallant Knyghte in armoure bryghte, 'Twere sadde toe see him falle.
True Knyghte of God, whose arme is stronge, Whose harte is pure, whose lance is longe.
Whyche boke was reduced in to Englysshe by the well dysposyd knyghte afore namyd.
And here foloweth the seuententh book which is of the noble knyghte syre Galahad.
I wille yow telle of a knyghte That bothe was stalworthe and wyghte.
The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "knyghte" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.