Plants and animals are living forms of faith, or faiths of form, whichever the reader pleases.
If your brother be disappointed this time, I go on the same journey every year, and for your hospitable entertainment will think it no trouble to bring each of you whichever leaf you desire.
They went round him so fast that poor Jan was quite bewildered, and whichever way he looked there were these Little Men and Little Women giggling up into his bearded face.
And it was also said that their outlawry might be proclaimed either at the Harvest-Thing or Spring-Thing, whichever men chose; and Flosi was to stay abroad three winters.
Directly a player has a set of four complete he lays the cards on the table, either very stealthily or with a bang, whichever he likes.
To decide which player is to begin, it is customary for them all to aim at the ring from the knuckling-down line, and whichever one places his taw nearest to the middle of the ring has the right to lead.
There is an irregular cavity in the rock supposed to have been made by Buddha's or Adam's foot, whichever may best accord with the pilgrim's faith.
It is much simpler to give size in inches or in centimeters, whichever you prefer, rather than to use the symbol which denotes fold.
She distributes the books through the county, they come back to her library for exchange, or are passed on to the next exchange, whichever is most convenient; but they come under her direction.
Marco Visconti was so presumptuous as to request King Robert to fight with him in single combat, and whichever was victorious should be lord, which put the king into great scorn.
Each innings lasts until one side has gained eight points, the points going to whichever player makes the successful stroke.
Whichever mountant we have used, the slides must be put away out of the dust, and they must be flat and not placed on edge.
But whichever be cause, and whichever effect, the law, I believe, stands true, that on the two together depends the physical welfare of a people.
Whichever of us falls, they, not we, will be the stronger.
We asked them what they wanted us to do, and they said that they had decided that they would leave the matter to the Missionary and his wife, and whichever we thought ought to leave, would go away, and try to get her own living.
Their plan was probably this: an advance detachment was sent to both mountains, and this reinforcing body was to hurry to whichever hill should offer the better opportunity for a counter-attack.
Whichever it might be, we could not cut the wires with ordinary scissors so long as they were charged with electricity, so we contrived to bind bamboo sticks to the handles of the shears to make them non-conducting.
From whichever source the man might have got the money first, if the money had been twice got, the second payment had been fraudulently obtained.
Mr. Slide did not care which it might be, but, whichever it might be, the poor country had to suffer when such a state of things was permitted.
The country goes on its own way, either for better or for worse, whichever of them are in.
Whichever tale is correct it is stated that in later years he more than regretted that he had not voted for her death, but he was probably a degenerate man, for the face in yonder portrait was worth fighting for.
Still, she had seen a good deal--or a bad deal--whichever you prefer.
On this side, then, whichever way you turn your eyes, you see nothing but perplexity and distress.
Being two we still were one, or being one we still were two, whichever way you like to put it.
Further, Amada has not taken her final vows and therefore the high priests can absolve her from her marriage to the goddess, or to her son Horus, whichever it may be, for I do not understand these mysteries.
Whichever it is they are waiting for us yonder, on the other side of the hills.
Whichever way he looked at it the horrible tangle grew more horrible.
Whether the abbot was constant, and received some conditional pardon, or whether his heart again for the moment failed him--whichever he did, the records are silent.
Some fabric dipped in a non-inflammable mixture should be used; either green, white, or black, whichever you find suits your eyesight best.
If you only have one pistol have it with my front sight, sighted to your normal or average shooting, at twenty or fifty yards, to whichever you decide to confine yourself, and both back and front sights made fixtures.
Care should be taken to work Rathlin Island Sound with the tide, whichever way it is wished to sail, as the tide rush there is very strong.
Here, in Hund's case, is guilt shaping out visions whichever way he turns.
Why, the people saw grand spectacles every day, and heard wonders whichever way they turned; and they supposed that the whole universe was alive.
Whichever might be the case, Hund was very uneasy; and he could think of nothing but the islet, and look no other way.
I cannot stay to die by slow degrees, of sloth, or weariness, or discontent, whicheverit may be.
She says it will be all right whicheverway it turns.
Whichever way he turned--night or day--her face haunted him.
The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "whichever" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.