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Example sentences for "chaunced"

Lexicographically close words:
chauffer; chauffeur; chauffeurs; chaumber; chaunce; chaunceth; chaunge; chaunged; chaungen; chaungeth
  1. It chaunced that of long time one of her husband's seruauntes did so disordinately loue her, as vppon a certaine day he could not forbeare but he muste vtter the effect of his loue borne vnto her.

  2. At that time a prodyge and myraculous wonder chaunced to bee seene in the Palace.

  3. The Loue was great betwene them, till it chaunced vpon shrouetide that the king went a masking into the citie, where euery man endeuoured to intertaine him the best he could.

  4. It chaunced that at one tyme both of them did mary two noble young Gentlewomen, excellent and fayre, both brought vp vnder one Nurse, and loued ech other lyke two Sisters, and as though they had been both borne of one body.

  5. And yet mine affection for all that was not decreased, but rather more tormented, and my gryefe increased, hopelesse of help, which now is chaunced to me as you shall heare.

  6. It chaunced (sore against her will I dare say) that the woman died first.

  7. Then they caste them selues vpon the bedde, as they were wonte to doe, solacing the time together, vntill it chaunced that the Prince awaked, heard and sawe what Guiscardo and his doughter did.

  8. But it chaunced that whiles he was thus clensing him selfe in the pitte: the watche of the citie (because they swette and the night was very hot), being drie and thirstie came to the pitte to drinke.

  9. It chaunced that the king and his sonne, being at the warres aforesaide, the wife of the Erle died in the meane whyle, leauing him onely twoo litle yong children, a sonne and a doughter, whiche he had by her.

  10. It chaunced that this Prince in al his life time, had but that doughter: but more happie had he ben if she had neuer ben borne.

  11. But Araspas chaunced to fall in loue with the Ladie, in suche wise as he was forced to breake his minde vnto her, for the satisfying of his pleasure: which request, like a faithfull and louing woman to her absent husband, she denyed.

  12. It chaunced that he was paying wages that day to his souldiours, by whom his Secretarie did sit in such apparell, almost as the king himselfe did weare.

  13. And it chaunced as Israel dwelt in that lande/ that Ruben went & laye with Bilha his fathers concubyne/ & it came to Israels eare.

  14. Soch thinges chaunced partely for ensamples/ partely God thorow synne healeth synne Pryde can nether be healed nor yet appere but thorow soch horrible deades.

  15. And it chaunced after this/ that the chefe butlar of the kynge of Egipte and his chefe baker had offended there lorde the kynge of Egypte.

  16. And it chaunced the same season/ that Abimelech and Phicoll his chefe captayne spake vnto Abraham saynge: God is wyth the in all that thou doist.

  17. The like chaunced vnto the Gentiles in times past, as it appeareth by the first chap.

  18. It chaunced once at Tigurin where we dwel, that certaine pleasant yong men disguising themselues, daunced about the Churchyard, one of them playing on a béere with two bones, as it were on a drumme.

  19. A certaine Doctor which for his learning and integritie of life was very famous, chaunced to die, when he should haue bene buried in a certaine Church, he cried out with an horrible voyce: I am by the iust iudgement of God accused.

  20. It chaunced on a tyme (quod he), that she and I dydde suche a thyng to gether, and she tolde hit to her mother.

  21. And so [he] apparayled his hooste to assaute the towne: in whiche assaute he chaunced to be taken in his lodgynge by them of the cyte, and so bounden lyke a prysoner, they ledde hym in to theyr cite.

  22. So it chaunced at a banket that the sayed image of the dyuell was lost and gone.

  23. And not longe after, it chaunced through a sedycion that arose amonge the Aegypcyans, whan Agesilaus was gone from him, the king was constreyned to flee to the Persians.

  24. In the ciuile seditious time of Edwarde the fourth and Henry the syxte,[301] one chaunced to mete with a company, that quickly asked him: whose man art thou?

  25. The place where Brute is said to haue first landed, was Totnes in Cornwall, and therefore this wrastling likely to haue chaunced there, sooner then elsewhere.

  26. But it is daungerous, perchaunce, for a man to reprove them for it: least asmuch happen to him, as chaunced to Socrates him selfe, for his over lavish controuling and checking of every mans fault.

  27. It chaunced in his time, a noble gentleman called Count Richard, passed that way, to spend a fewe dayes with the Bishop and his householde together: which was thoroughly furnished w^t honest gentlemen and very well learned.

  28. Therefore I wil now go to the fourth especial cause of infection, the pent aier, breaking out of the ground in yearthquakes, as chaunced at Uenice in the first yeare of Andrea Dandulo, then Duke, the xxiiij.

  29. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "chaunced" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.