Jumping on to a chair, Dalroy promptly twisted an electric bulb out of its socket, and plunged the room in semi-darkness, which he increased by hiding the hand-lamp in the folds of his blouse.
He reached over, pulled the shotgun out of the holster and fired both barrels at the jumping dogs.
Far ahead, a long, declining plane of jumping frosted waves played dark and white with the moonbeams.
He felt like jumping up in the air and whooping the length of the street.
By this time other dark figures were detaching themselves from amidst their heaped-up wraps from the top of the coach and jumping down, stamping their feet upon the iron and ice of the frozen ruts.
Some one who called to him, who hurried forward, jumping the brook.
In other forms these anal bristles or stylets are united at the base and bent under the body and become a powerful jumping organ, giving them the very appropriate name of Spring-tails.
Certain forms, like the Mole-cricket and the Jumping Water-crickets (Trydactylus spp.
I have already referred to the wonderful spine-jumping and rotating which is described in The Mystery of Golf.
I have not gone in for athletics since I have been here, because I don't care for such things, but I can do considerable in the running and jumping line.
I have done all sorts of running and jumping there just to tire myself out so that I could sleep.
He ordered out a great punt from his boat-house, and jumping in with his thralls, rowed to the holm to rescue those who were there.
Gisli ran over this lava bed, jumping the cracks, then dived through a wood of birch that intervened between the lava and the river Haf.
Fandor had the good luck to find another taxi at once; jumping in, he said to the driver: "Follow the 4227 G.
The flower-beds are too wide, too big, for a man jumping from here, to jump clear of them!
The girls picked their way at first along the bank, then by jumping from stone to stone, but finally the water grew so deep it was impossible to proceed farther without wading.
Nick Ellhorn, jumping to the ground from his perch on the coal box.
They're the ones we're after," Tom exclaimed, jumping up.
He reached her just as she was jumping into the vehicle, and getting in after her, he almost fell onto her, and then tumbled onto the bottom of the cab as it started.
There was unmistakably the sound of some one jumpingaside as if startled.
Very well," said the boy, jumping up with a sudden flush in his cheeks, showing a return of feverishness.
As for jumping across, I took the chiefs word for it, that the feat was impossible.
It is my quarrel," said the chief, not jumping at the offer.
Compton, you don't mean it," said the other, jumping from his seat.
Barnes felt that an eye was watching through the slit, so he lost no time in jumping to his feet, getting his money out of his wallet and dropping two one-hundred-dollar bills on the floor.
Phelan exploded, jumping to his feet and turning white as his boiled shirt.
The lords climbed trees and turned somersaults, the ladies gathered flowers and told secrets under the sweetfern-bushes, the queen lost her shoe jumping over the waterfall, and the king paddled into the pool below and rescued it.
Jumping off their animals, both boys busied themselves in cutting out the choice pieces for their supper, packed them on the mule, and started back for the train.
Jumping into their wagon, Lieutenant Hallowell took the reins and away they went rattling over the old log bridge that used to span the Walnut at the crossing of the Old Santa Fe Trail, as light of heart as if riding to a dance.
The near mule was constantly pushed further and further from the Trail by his mate, which was jumping frantically, scared out of his senses by the Indian.
Satanta was eventually pardoned; but before he was made aware of the efforts that were being taken for his release, he attempted to escape, and, in jumping from a window, fell and broke his neck.
So desperate and sudden had been the attack of the Americans that, after the first resistance, the Germans gave way and ran back, jumping down into the trenches whence they had come.
Jerry, jumping up and swinging his cap, disregarding possible German snipers.
I have enjoyed myself," said the girl, jumping up.
Soon they were fawning about her andjumping on her and licking her hands.
Our volunteers were just jumping and yowling, like chained dogs, to be at her too; but the colonel, Sir Hugh, would do nothing without orders from his superiors.
Jumping in with remarkable speed, he rose in a series of the most breakneck evolutions, and flew to the scene of the accident.
As luck would have it, I was a few feet low and had to chance jumping the trees with none too much speed.
He testified his joy at again seeing his mistress by a thousand wild pranks; bounding and jumping about her.
Kent, jumpingup to meet his sister, who drove her big car through the gate and up the driveway as though she had been running an automobile all her life.
The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "jumping" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.