Now hear, fellow, I pray thee, whitherwendest thou than?
Bulukiya approached and saluted the Angel, who returned his salam adding, 'Who art thou and whence comest thou and whither wendest thou and what is thy story?
And after, I her styred to drawe thee to house; and yet wendestthou utterly for ever 80 have ben refused.
But now thou seest the impossibilite of the case, and the possibilite of thilke that thou wendest had been impossible; wherfore the repugnaunce is adnulled.
Woeful wretch thou wendest to the woeful doom, that GOD dooms men to; for as thou hast served so shalt thou be judged.
So Zuhayr said, "Whence comest thou and whither wendest thou?
The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "wendest" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.