And he ful softe and sleighly gan hir seye, `Now hold your day, and dooth me not to deye.
So at the laste her-of they felle at oon, 565 Or elles, softe he swor hir in hir ere, He nolde never come ther she were.
And whan he was from every mannes sighte, 635 With softe voys he, of his lady dere, That was absent, gan singe as ye may here.
Ther-with his herte gan to sprede and ryse, And softe sighed, lest men mighte him here, And caughte a-yein his firste pleyinge chere.
Cryseyda gan al his chere aspyen, And leet so softeit in hir herte sinke, 650 That to hir-self she seyde, `Who yaf me drinke?
Comenly the wyse speken esily and softe for many skilles.
Right so this lady esely and in a softe maner gan say these wordes.
Doun by a floury grene wente Ful thikke of gras, ful softe and swete,.
Whereupon they went downe softly to the dore, and there without opening the same, shee with a softe voyce out at a little whole, called the Scholler vnto hir.
Other times the softe Bark of some tender and new growen spray serued him in steede of Paper, or Parchment.
In a somer seson In a some seyson, Whan softe was the sonne, Whan softe was the sonne, I shop me into shroudes Y shop into shrobbis As I a sheep weere, As y shepherde were.
He was long and lene, 5130 Lik to noon other; Was no pride on his apparaille, Ne poverte neither; Sad of his semblaunt, And of softe chere.
And thanne, as I behield, Me thoghte I sih upon the field, Where Elde cam a softe pas Toward Venus, ther as sche was.
The hovedance and the Carole, 2680 In such a wise as love hath bede, A softe pas thei dance and trede; And with the wommen otherwhile With sobre chier among thei smyle, For laghtre was ther non on hyh.
Heavye sleepe Presses me to her bossome; gentyll sweete, Let me not hurte thy goodnes, for my rest Shall but like softe ayre gentlye cover thee.
Nay, softe a little yet; I wold not tel it my sister, the matter is so great.
Upon the softe and swote grene gras 225 +They setten hem ful softely adoun, (B.
Here have I eten many a mery meel'; And fro the bench he droof awey the cat, 1775 And leyde adoun his potente and his hat, And eek his scrippe, and sette him softe adoun.
Where been thanne the gaye robes and the softe shetes and the smale shertes?
A softe paas he wente over the strete 3760 Un-til a smith men cleped daun Gerveys, That in his forge smithed plough-harneys; He sharpeth shaar and culter bisily.
Under a shepherde softe and necligent The wolf hath many a sheep and lamb to-rent.
Cryseyda gan al his chere aspyen, And leet so softe it in hir herte sinke, 650 That to hir-self she seyde, 'who yaf me drinke?
And he ful softe and sleighly gan hir seye, 'Now hold your day, and dooth me not to deye.
But now is tyme that thou drinke and ataste some softe and delitable thinges; so that, whan they ben entred with-in thee, it mowe maken wey to strengere drinkes of medicynes.
And softe tak me in youre armes tweye, two For love of God, and herkneth what I seye.
And this was on the sixte morwe of May,[167] Which May had peynted with his softe schoures This gardyn ful of leves and of floures.
I would not yet have a man go so softe and demurely, as a maide or a wife.
Let us therefore leave these softe and wanton behaviours to women.
It had a veluet cap, And wold syt upon my lap, And seke after small wormes, And somtyme white bred crommes; And many tymes and ofte Betwene my brestes softe It wolde lye and rest; It was propre and prest.
Those who were condemned to be smothered to death by sinking downe into the softe bottome of an high built bedde of roses, neuer dide so sweete a death as I shoulde die, if her rose coloured disdaine were my deathsman.
And heo nomen Arthur anan And they took Arthur anon And an eovste hine vereden And bore him hurriedly, And softe hine adun leiden, And softly laid him down, And forth gunnen lithen.
It is made softe and easy, that is done whẽ it shuld be.
Claye if it be to moyste wyl not kepe the fashion that is prynted in it: the waxe may be so softe that nothynge can bee made of it.
A gẽtle horse is better tamed with puping of the mouth or softe handlyng, then wyth whyp or spurres.
Softe as the sommer flowreets, Birtha, looke, Fulle ylle I canne thie frownes & harde dyspleasaunce brooke.
The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "softe" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.