This in the mouth of every man the loathly Goddess lays, And thence to King Iarbas straight she wendeth on her ways, To set his mind on fire with words, and high his wrath to lead.
Nor is one sight of him enough; it joyeth them to stay And pace beside, asking for why he wendeth such a way.
On comes he, hurrying on the host black o'er the open plain: 450 As when a storm cast on the world from heaven asunder rent, Wendeth across the middle sea: out!
The set of the ground was still steadily up to the east and north-east, and he followed it as one who wendeth an assured way.
Is it thus then that endeth man's days on Mid-earth, For no man therewendeth in sorrow or mirth?
Moreover it were best indeed that ye meet Thiodolf betimes; for I deem not but that he wendeth leisurely, though always warily, because he deemeth not that Otter will ride before to-morrow morning.
And as light as onewendeth Whereas the wood endeth, When of nought is our need, And none telleth our deed, So Rodgeir unwearied and Reidfari wan The town where none tarried the shield-shaking man.
How then may the road he wendeth be hard for my feet to find?
And she rose and kissed her sweetly as one that wendeth away: But Brynhild looked upon her and said: "Wilt thou depart, And leave the word unspoken that lieth on thine heart?
Wherever wendeth a fairy face a devil wendeth with her.
But never shalt thou know the worthy joy when a man wendeth with a woman.
The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "wendeth" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.