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Example sentences for "narrower"

Lexicographically close words:
narrators; narrer; narrow; narrowe; narrowed; narrowest; narrowing; narrowly; narrowness; narrownesses
  1. The supreme masters of an art ought to be the objects of constant study and thought; there is more of life, truth, and beauty in them than in their fellow-artists of narrower range of experience and artistic achievement.

  2. In the course of further growth the area pellucida soon becomes pyriform, the narrower extremity being the posterior.

  3. In a slightly older embryo of nine days there appears (Hensen, Koelliker) round the embryonic area a delicate clear ring which is narrower in front than behind (fig.

  4. It soon straightens out, and, with the disappearance of the yolk, the tail becomes narrower than the head.

  5. It is somewhat pyriform in shape, the narrower end corresponding with the future posterior end of the embryo.

  6. Accompanying this increase in size, the folding off from the yolk has considerably progressed, and the stalk which unites the embryo with the yolk is proportionately narrower and longer than before.

  7. Early on the seventh day the embryonic area becomes pyriform, and at its posterior and narrower end a primitive streak makes its appearance, which is due to a proliferation of rounded cells from the epiblast.

  8. In later stages the pituitary involution becomes longer and is dilated terminally; while the passage connecting it with the mouth becomes narrower and narrower, and is finally reduced to a solid cord, which in its turn disappears.

  9. There is a persistent and continuous notochord which, owing to the small development of the intervertebral cartilages, is narrower in the vertebral than in the intervertebral regions.

  10. Presently we came in sight of several men in a narrower part of the Pass, striving to capture another white billy-goat of greater size and even longer horns.

  11. De Commines tells us that the cage invented by Cardinal Balue, and in which he languished for eleven years, was narrower still.

  12. More fondly still my memory clings to many a narrower perspective, the view of my beloved Dijon from its vine-clad hills or of Autun as approached from Pré Charmoy, to me, the so familiar home of the late Philip Gilbert Hamerton.

  13. The kingdom of Burgundy (regnum Burgundiae), mentioned occasionally under the Merovingian kings as a separate principality, confined within boundaries apparently somewhat narrower than those of the older kingdom last named.

  14. The force that had enabled them to rule so widely would be all the greater in a narrower sphere.

  15. If the revived Romano-Germanic Empire was less splendid than the Empire of the West had been under Charles, it was, within narrower limits, firmer and more lasting, since based on a social force which the other had wanted.

  16. The Empire became the representative of a narrower but more practicable national union.

  17. But narrower limits were drawn for the Gallic cultivation of the vine by Italian commercial competition.

  18. The Phoenician immigration here confined itself to still narrower bounds than in Africa, and the Celtic mixture did not modify the general uniformity of the national development in a way that we can recognise.

  19. Around this center it may revolve in circles, now narrower now wider, with the view of contemplating it more advantageously, so long as it does not rest too soon in any definite focus of thought.

  20. It is nearly level, and grows narrower towards the two ends.

  21. A certain point being passed, it becomes narrower again, and forms a kind of fall between two large cliffs, where the water runs so rapidly that a piece of wood thrown in is drawn under and not seen again.

  22. An elevated flattened band along the middle of the back, which at the top sends off a narrower lateral band to each avicularian spine.

  23. Back of cell with a broad central band and two narrower bands branching from it on each side; surface of spaces left uncovered by the bands on the back beset with scattered, long setose spines.

  24. Branches narrower than in the preceding species.

  25. The latter, however, is very much smaller, the cells narrower in proportion to their length, and the margin of the opening minutely verrucose.

  26. The saw used should make a cut slightly narrower than the strip, to give the wood a good hold.

  27. Two pins projecting from the narrower sleeper fit into holes in the wider to keep the sections in line at a junction.

  28. He turned the horse's head sharply towards the left, down a narrower road, and leaving the sign-post behind him.

  29. But she was a practical person, and, though herself broad-minded, took stock of a narrower world as she found it.

  30. Those who had no means of knowing what other work she had to do supposed that ministration to the sick, in the narrower sense, comprised it all.

  31. All work of this description must be executed in Portland cement, mortar of good strength, to avoid as much as possible the unequal settlement of the deep courses of stone facing and the narrower courses of the brick or rough stone backing.

  32. In the narrower sense of "Mass" it is first found in St Ambrose (Ep.

  33. It is probable that Moses held the larger rather than the narrower conception of Yahweh's sphere of influence.

  34. In the narrower circle of his friends his birthdays were the signal for congratulatory verses.

  35. Religion, in the narrower sense, was kept in the background, and mainly referred to as a social and political influence.

  36. One part only becomes selected and differentiated so as to form the adult sexual impulse in the narrower sense.

  37. The invaders, pushed and pommelled by dint of such audacity and hard hitting, were cooped up like sheep into narrower and narrower space.

  38. The savages informed us likewise that the great river Hochelega[41] began here, by which was the direct way to Canada; and which river becomes always narrower as we approach towards Canada, where the water is fresh.

  39. In their progress, the strait was found in some places wider and in others narrower than its mouth.

  40. The same form of superstructure, also, on a narrower base, was resorted to for a breakwater in deeper water at San Pedro in California with satisfactory results.

  41. If he will still remember the distinction of poor and rich, let him bespeak him a narrower house forthwith.

  42. The tendency is to slender, spiring tops, while they are narrower below.

  43. And now," said the Major, "I will read a few extracts here from some documents, in support of what I have had the honour of addressing to you.

  44. I'll take the glasses out of his spectacles the morning of the nomination, and then let him read, if he can.

  45. Never fear me," said Egan; "but I won't let him bully.

  46. Here they are, sir," said Handy Andy, running in.

  47. But in the narrower sense of the word--the sense which controls in these inquiries--the great romantic generation ended virtually with the death of Scott in 1832.

  48. Then reaction set in and the stream of romantic tendency ceased to spread itself over the whole literary territory, but flowed on in the narrower and deeper channels of Pre-Raphaelitism and its allied movements.

  49. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "narrower" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.