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Example sentences for "wantonness"

Lexicographically close words:
wantit; wanton; wantoned; wantoning; wantonly; wantons; wants; wantyng; wapentake; wapiti
  1. Never may no knighthood come of such wantonness that shall not cost you right dear!

  2. And so will I swear on all the sacred hallows in this chapel that never did I beseech her of evil nor wantonness nor never had I no desire thereof.

  3. It is not wantonness that impels us, but the most powerful of all the goddesses--Necessity.

  4. Do you think that mere wantonness would have driven, from the days of our earliest ancestors (the legends have treasured it loyally, sadly, and proudly) our almost naked heroes upon the spears of your mailed legions?

  5. Now, through the wantonness of man, he is rapidly disappearing, as is nearly all of our large game.

  6. At any future wantonness of Otto's, gravity and terror would immediately return should any one ask him, What word did the German Heinrich whisper into thy ear?

  7. Briefly, perverse obstinacy is more easily quelled, petulant impudence is sooner dashed, sophistical captiousness is more safely eluded, sceptical wantonness is more surely confounded in this than in the simple way of discourse.

  8. Sometimes it issueth from wantonness and levity of mind, disposing a man to sport with anything, how serious, how grave, how sacred and venerable soever.

  9. Nor out of wantonness should we speak ill, for our divertisement or sport.

  10. This is, indeed, the very wantonness of victory.

  11. It were folly not to be borne, for men, while seeking to escape the wantonness of a tyrant, to give themselves up to the wantonness of a rude unbridled mob.

  12. A horrid contrast--wantonness in the midst of woe!

  13. Puss waxes warm, And with protruded claws Ploughs all the length of Lydia's arm, Mere wantonness the cause.

  14. These barbarous excesses had in fact been directly enjoined by act of Parliament in 1644, and it is not surprising that the rude soldiery carried out the desires of their superiors with wantonness and indignity.

  15. Prithee, is mankind given over to the wantonness of these men, for them to mock and in every way abuse and make of them whatever they please, for filthy lucre's sake?

  16. We not only give the devil his own way in his tricks, but we even strengthen him in his wantonness and increase his pranks.

  17. If such wantonness be permitted in the Sacred Scriptures, it is small wonder if one find there anything one please, even a hundred sacraments.

  18. My chamber-fellow and I diverted ourselves with the sport of venturing our fingers for the raisins; and the wantonness of the thing was to see each other look like a demon, as we burnt ourselves, and snatched out the fruit.

  19. Even the green caterpillar seemed to mock him, for as he looked at it closely, he saw that Sophia in her wantonness had put some minute touches of colour, which gave its head two eyes and a grinning mouth.

  20. It was the middle bar that Sophia had turned into a caterpillar, and in pure wantonness left showing through, when for her own purposes she had painted out the rest of the picture.

  21. Furious to find that he had escaped them, they wreaked their rage on the lifeless furniture, breaking, hewing, and destroying in every way that wantonness or malice could devise.

  22. Bailly, once Mayor of Paris, as has been seen, had sought a base popularity by the wantonness of the unprovoked insults which he had offered to the king.

  23. True, there are men in the world that abuse the grace of God, as some are said to turn it into wantonness and into lasciviousness (Jude 4).

  24. The attire of an harlot is too frequently in our day the attire of professors; a vile thing, and argueth much wantonness and vileness of affections.

  25. This chambering and wantonness is of a more general extent, being entertained by all, insomuch, that sometimes from the head to the foot all are horribly guilty.

  26. Another thing that bespeaks a man or woman inclining to wantonness and uncleanness, it is an adorning themselves in light and wanton apparel.

  27. Plenty begets Wantonness and Pride, Wantonness is apt to invent, and Pride scorns to imitate; Liberty begets Stomach or Heart, and Stomach will not be constrain’d.

  28. Come and listen to this wantonness of wealth!

  29. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "wantonness" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.
    Other words:
    abandon; backsliding; carelessness; carnality; delinquency; dissipation; eccentricity; evil; haste; hastiness; immorality; impulsiveness; impurity; inconsistency; inconstancy; incontinence; instability; intemperance; irregularity; laxity; laxness; lightness; looseness; moodiness; precipitation; prodigality; profligacy; promiscuity; recidivism; recklessness; restlessness; ribaldry; swinging; uncertainty; unchastity; ungodliness; unreliability; unreserve; unrestraint; unruliness; variability; variation; variety; wrongdoing