To my father it is as if it had not been; henever quite heard, never quite understood it, and he forgets easily and entirely.
And the passages which may claim that name in the eighteenth century, if never quite so great as the two just mentioned, are very numerous.
It has the doubtful merit (in a satire) of being consistently moderate; and Sir Limpidus, who isnever quite a figure of truth, also misses ever being quite a figure of fun.
Sound lingered on, never quite ceased; the stale odours clung in the narrow street below, though a little wind was creeping about to sweeten the air.
His idealism was roused; and when that is so, one is never quite at ease.
Yet tourists of English blood and American training are seldom or never quite at home there.
And Mrs. Whitely's skilful suggestions had on occasions almost brought him to believe in the reality of the mirage,--never quite.
As a matter of fact, the crowds did flock; but I never quite knew as I looked down from platforms on seas of faces how much of the flocking was spontaneous.
Exactly how the adaptation had been accomplished I never quite understood.
The days when I had ridden to hounds in England as a boy in Cheshire stood me in some little stead, for like swimming, tennis, and other pastimes calling for coördination, riding is never quite forgotten.
In all my childhood I can only remember one single punishment, among not a few which I received, which I resented--and for years I never quite forgot it.
Indeed Lever at different times of his life manifested almost all the gifts which the novelist requires, though unfortunately he never quite managed to exhibit them all together.
He was not very successful with the stage, though henever quite gave it up.
Not with Karl appearing in all parts of the world, never quite dead, never quite alive--and his son Frederick Augustus lurking with him in the shadows.
The above list will hopefully provide you with a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "never quite" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this group of words.