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Example sentences for "voluntary attention"

  • Some authorities go so far as to say that much of that which is commonly called "will power" is really but a developed form of voluntary attention, the man of "strong will" holding before him the one idea which he wishes to realize.

  • Voluntary attention is the result of training and practice, and marks the man of strong will, concentration, and character.

  • It is of the utmost importance that one should cultivate his power of voluntary attention.

  • Voluntary attention is attention directed by the will to some object of our own more or less deliberate selection.

  • Voluntary attention, in short, is only a momentary affair.

  • In voluntary attention there is a conflict either between the will and interest or between the will and the mental inertia or laziness, which has to be overcome before we can think with any degree of concentration.

  • Voluntary attention to any one object can be sustained for but a brief time--a few seconds at best.

  • The Attention does not readily fasten itself to uninteresting objects, and, unless interest can be created it requires a considerable degree of Voluntary Attention in order that the mind may be fastened upon such an object.

  • Voluntary Attention is developed by practice and perseverance, and is well worth the trouble, for nothing in the mental world is accomplished without its use.

  • Voluntary Attention is the mark of the student and other thoughtful men.

  • Voluntary Attention is rare, and is found only among strong characters.

  • Having mastered this first step, you must induce a strong burning desire to acquire the art of voluntary attention--you must learn to want it hard.

  • You must argue it out with yourself, until you become convinced that it is necessary and desirable for you to acquire the art of voluntary attention--you must convince yourself beyond reasonable doubt.

  • But there is this important point to be remembered, that interest may be developed by voluntary attention bestowed and held upon an object.

  • A little practice of this kind will greatly develop the power of voluntary attention to sounds and spoken words.

  • This concentration by voluntary attention is essential, but cannot be permanent.

  • To subject such persons to distractions is an unwise expenditure of energy Concentration by voluntary attention should be avoided, but concentration by secondary passive

    attention cultivated.

  • Voluntary attention cannot be sustained for a long period of time.

  • This attention with effort is known as *voluntary attention.

  • The above list will hopefully provide you with a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "voluntary attention" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this group of words.

    Some common collocations, pairs and triplets of words:
    but found; called after; caused them; cold water; deer hunting; dramatic entertainment; federal union; fell from; good grass; hath sinned; inherit eternal; library school; little breathlessly; motu proprio; our position; preserve peace; railroad bonds; religious duty; spiral nebula; the age; voluntary action; voluntary association; voluntary attention; voluntary contributions; voluntary power; will slay