And these woordis in his melancholie, and as it war caryed away in ane transe, repeated hie from tyme to tyme, to the verray hour of his death.
Bot when the mater come to the verray point, the said Johne Heart, and utheris of his factioun, stall away, and tuk with thame the instrumentis apt for thair purpose.
And in verray deid, in deap dissimulatioun, to bring hir awin purpose to effect, sche passed the commoun sorte of wemen, as we will after heare.
For Goddis love, send me down this wyrte, er ell bryng it wyt zow, that I mythe haf fro zow a letter of tydings and comforthe; for I had nevyr verray need of zour labor til now, bod my hert hangithe in gret langor.
A Instruccion and Information of the verray trewe matier betwen the Priour and the Covent of Bromholm and the seyd John and me, as I am enformed, and as I knowe touchant my persone and the[23.
First moost especiall, that for verray trowthe upon Saterday[148.
But how this cas doth Troilus moleste, 880 That may non erthely mannes tonge seye; For verray wo his wit is al aweye.
But, Troilus, yet tel me, if thee lest, A thing now which that I shal axen thee; 1395 Which is thy brother that thou lovest best As in thy verray hertes privetee?
O verray cause of hele and of gladnesse, Y-heried be thy might and thy goodnesse!
Wherfore I wol deffyne in this matere, That trewely, for ought I can espye, 835 Ther is no verray wele in this world here.
Dulcarnon called is "fleminge of wrecches"; It semeth hard, for wrecches wol not lere For verray slouthe or othere wilful tecches; 935 This seyd by hem that be not worth two fecches.
Rekene and knowe which is the day of thy monthe; and ley thy rewle up that same day; and thanne wol the verray point of thy rewle sitten in the bordure, up-on the degree of thy sonne.
That he nis but a verray propre fool *That loveth paramours, to harde and hote.
By Mars, that is the cheef of my bileve, So that I mighte liven and nat faile 2110 To-morwe for tacheve my bataile, I nolde never fro this place flee, Til that ye shuld the verray preve see.
And in that lond let make his ordinaunce As verray lord, and took the obeisaunce Wel and hoomly, and let his shippes dighte, 2480 And hoom he goth the nexte wey he mighte; For unto Phillis yit ne com he noght.
His heed endooryd, and of verray pryde Put out his armys, shewith abrood his face; The fenestrallys be made for hym so wyde, Claymyth to been a capteyn of that place.
He knew the cause of everich maladye, Were it of hoot or cold, or moyste or drye, And where they engendred and of what humour; He was a verray parfit practisour.
So be ther manye, in such a wise That feignen wordes to be wise, And al is verray flaterie To him which can it wel aspie.
And of this constellacioun The verray operacioun Availeth, if a man therinne The pourpos of his werk beginne; 1000 For thanne he hath of proprete Good sped and gret felicite.
Bot of verray necessite The Philosophre him hath betake Fyf pointz, whiche he hath undertake To kepe and holde in observance, As for the worthi governance Which longeth to his Regalie, After the reule of Policie.
Slain is the moerdrer and moerdrice Thurgh verraytrowthe of rihtwisnesse, And thurgh mercy sauf is simplesse 1960 Of hire whom mercy preserveth; Thus hath he wel that wel deserveth.
He wald verray fane that I suld ludge in his ludgeing.
He denyit the same quhill I schew him the verray wordis was spokin.
He said, verray joyfully, And think zow thay will esteme zow the mair of that?
All the Hammiltounis ar heir, that accompanyis me verray honorabilly.
Remember upon zour lufe, and wryte unto hir, and that verray oft.
He is not over mekle deformit,[42] zit he hes ressavit verray mekle.
And he that has nocht thir vertues, is nocht verray Knicht, na suld nocht be comptit as ane of the Ordere of Knychthede.
Desyryng yow to geve credence to the brynger herof, as my verray trust is in yow.
Wherfor of verray necessite I must depute suche a person in all goodly hast to ocupye as my deputee and to have my full power undere me at that season as is bothe of byrthe honorable and one all other wyse lykly.
For righte as the fyn perle congelethe and wexethe gret of the dew of hevene, righte so dothe the verray dyamand: and righte as the perl of his owne kynde takethe roundnesse, righte so the dyamand, be vertue of God, takethe squarenesse.
Of the knouleche and vertues of the verray Dyamant.
Never did he use bad words in all his life, to any class of men: in fact He was a verray perfight, gentil knight.
For I defye the seurte and the bond defy Which that thou seyst that I have maad to the; sayest What, verray fool, thenk wel that love is fre!
Ye," quod he; He dorste nat forverray filthe and shame Seye that he was a somnour for the name.
Ran cow and calf, and eek the verray hogges; the ducks scream, The gees for fere flowen over the trees, and the bees come out of their hives.
And happed, al alone as sche was born, He saugh a mayde walkyng him by-forn, Of which mayden anoon maugre hir heed, By verray fors byraft hir maydenhed.
And we han establisshed that the soverein good is verray blisfulnesse: thanne mot it nedes be, that verray blisfulnesse is set in soverein god.
But now thou mayst wel seen to what ende I am comen for myne innocence; I receive peyne of fals felonye for guerdon of verray vertu.
But I preye that they coveiten richesse and honours, so that, whan they han geten tho false 20 goodes with greet travaile, that ther-by they mowe knowen the verray goodes.
Now whan thou were riche and weleful, as thee semede, with how mochel woldest thou han bought the fulle knowinge of this, that is to seyn, 30 the knowinge of thy verray freendes?
Whylom ther was a man that hadde assayed with stryvinge wordes another man, the whiche, nat for usage of verray vertu but for proud veine glorie, had taken up-on him falsly the name of a philosophre.
Ther ne may be thought,' quod I, 'no more verray thing.
And thar affix ȝour luf and myndis so, Quhar euer is verrayjoy without offens, That all syk beistly fury ȝhe lat go hens.
A new dolfnes dissoluyt hys membris tyte; For verray dreid and for gret horrour als Vp stert hys hair, the voce stak in hys hals.
Netheles, Plynyus in his natural history reherssis that Triton is a verray monstre of the sey, and that in the tym of Tyberius the emperour syk ay was hard and seyn.
Evander tellith till Eneas, but baid, The verraycaus quhy this sacrifice was maid.
Bot, war it lefull to compar prophane fabillis to haly Scriptour, Sanct John the ewangelist is verray Jovis egill, and clepit son of thundir.
Hail, verray child of Jove; hail, honour hie Adionyt to the goddis in maieste!
Of verray rayson malewrus hait is he; And ȝit, by grace and hys fre volunte, He may recovir meryt agane alsso.
Thow affermis that the quene is verray plesand, and wilbe auld and young quhen scho pleissis; scho mackis any kyng quhom scho pleisis, and lyis with any scho lykis'.
And in verray deid the malice of the craftismen, quho wer suspectit to be the occasioun of that tumult, bare na gude will to dyvers of thame that wes with the Provost.
Your behaviour toward your wyff is verray offensive unto many godlie.
We knaw that his resurrectioun was confirmit be the testimonye of his verray ennemeis; by the resurrectioun of the deid, quhais sepulturis did oppin, and thay did arise and apperit to many within the Citie of Jerusalem.
He is not over mekle deformit, zit he hes ressavit verray mekle.
He spak verray braifly at ye beginning, as yis beirer will schaw zow, upon the purpois of the Inglismen, and of his departing: Bot in ye end he returnit agane to his humilitie.
He said verray joyfully, And think zow thay will esteme zow the mair of that?
He denyit the same, quhill I schew him the verray wordis was spokin.
Syne[327] into pilgrimage to pas-- The verray way to wantounes.
Abraham, and Ysaac war ryche, and verray gude; Jacobe and Josephe had prosperitie.
The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "verray" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.