Devotion, hott zeale, and obediens; these Are vertues that become a cloyster best.
And more by much then I do know to use: I would his vertues would in me survive, So should my Unckle seeme in me alive.
Divels seeme Saints, and in these[34] hatefull times, Deceite can beare apparraunt signes of trueth, And vice beare shew of vertues excellence.
Thou seest this maystrie of a human hand, The pride of Brystowe and the Westerne lande, 10 Yet is the Buylders vertues much moe greete, Greeter than can bie Rowlies pen be scande.
Besides, some vertues and some worth he had, That might excuse my pitie to an end So cruell and unripe.
Madam, you'l finde it so: You wrong your Vertues With these weake Womens feares.
Noble Madam: Mens euill manners, liue in Brasse, their Vertues We write in Water.
All Princely Graces That mould vp such a mighty Piece as this is, With all the Vertues that attend the good, Shall still be doubled on her.
What are the Medical vertues of the Sea, especially against Hydrophobia?
A Stone of excellent vertuesfound in the head of a Serpent in the Indies, 6.
In China very ancient Books found of the nature and vertues of Herbs, Trees and Stones, 14.
With the 1st stanza "Beauties rose, and vertues booke, &c.
This is the Soule, and these her vertues bee; Which, though they haue their sundry proper ends, And one exceeds another in degree, Yet each on other mutually depends.
Whose Properties and Vertues here, Shall plainly to the world appeare, And make you merry all the yeere.
My tongue cannot expresse to any eare The sundrie vertues that it doth containe, Or number halfe the Wormes that it hath slaine.
The like vertues haue the other two, but not in such measure: and therefore their operation is not so speedilie perceiued.
Now if it please you to heare of anie of the vertues thereof, I will note these insuing at the request of one, who required me to touch a few of them with whatsoeuer breuitie I listed.
Gentlemen be those whome their race and bloud, or at the least their vertues doo make noble and knowne.
Milites;) or out of the warres for some great seruice doone, or for the singularvertues which doo appeare in them, and then are they named Equites aurati, as common custome intendeth.
His vertuespassed his fame: nothing he did that enuie could with iust cause reprooue.
Sixthly, Although we were satisfied we had the Unicorns Horn, yet were it no injury unto reason to question the efficacy thereof, or whether those vertues pretended do properly belong unto it.
For by a girdle or cincture are symbolically implied Truth, Resolution, and Readiness unto action, which are parts and vertues required in the service of God.
Suffer thy brother Marcus to interre His Noble Nephew heere in vertues nest, That died in Honour and Lauinia's cause.
Kings are no lesse vnhappy, their issue, not being gracious, then they are in loosing them, when they haue approued their Vertues Cam.
No man shed teares for Noble Mutius, He liues in Fame, that di'd in vertues cause.
Hang 'em, I would they would forget me, like theVertues Which our Diuines lose by em Men.
To which are added Some Observations (Collected from modern Authors) of the Nature, Vertues and Manner of Using the Sweet and Sulphur Waters at Harrogate, Leeds, etc.
Neither will I now spend any more time in shewing what vertues it hath in the cure of the Indian, commonly called the French, or rather Spanish disease: because experience hath found out a more certaine and sure remedy against it.
And yet full few which follow them I see For vertues bare regard advaunced bee, But either for some gainfull benefit, Or that they may for their owne turnes be fit.
O, therefore let that happy Muse proceed To clime the height of Vertues sacred hill, Where endlesse honour shal be made thy meed: Because no malice of succeeding dales Can rase those records of thy lasting praise.
What tounge can speake y{e} Vertues of y{s} Creature?
From the Florida they bringe a woodde and roote of a tree that groweth in those partes, of greate vertues and excellencies, healinge therewith grevous and variable deseases.
Sassafras, called by the inhabitants Winauk, a kind of wood of most pleasant and sweet smell, and of most rare vertuesin physicke for the cure of many diseases.
For the description, the maner of vsing, and the manifold vertues thereof, I refer you to the booke of Monardes, translated and entituled in English, The joyfull newes from the West Indies.
But womanly frailtie and feminine weakenesse hath not so much induced me hereunto, as the litle care you haue had to bestow me in mariage, and the great vertues that daily I haue seene in Guiscardo.
And that from thenceforth they should not suffer their vertues to be obscured by the clouds of such execrable vices.
But because I purpose not to staye in the full discourse of his vertues and qualities, I meane but to touche in this Nouell, so muche as Aulus Gellius (in whom I am now conuersant) doth of him make remembraunce.
Never Sir will I Marry, it is a thing within my vow, But if I may have leave to serve the Princess, To see the vertuesof her Lord and her, I shall have hope to live.
A] Let mee bee swallowed quicke, if I can finde all the Anatomy of yon mans vertues unseene to sound enough.
Take heed Bellario, How thou dost drown the vertues thou hast shown With perjury.
Whose excellent vertues begets a world of love, I am indebted to thee for a Kingdome.
Oh noble Sir your vertues Cannot look into the subtil thoughts of woman.
The vertues thereof are no lesse various, then Admirable.
The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "vertues" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.