This is sopposyd verely to be Heydons werke that wyll sette hym verely to do the utterest ayens yow and John Dam in the werst wyse that he can.
Than they sayde one to a nother: we haue verely synned agaynst oure brother/ in that we sawe the anguysh of his soull when he besought us/ & wold not heare him: therfore is this troubyll come apon us.
Verely if there were nothing else common vnto vs with them, yet we both consist of the same elements, and haue all one father and God.
That the wise Lord Baron of Hungerford Hath thee ouerseene, and verely he saith That thou art true, and thus he doeth record, Next the Gospel: God wotte it was his worde, When hee thee redde all ouer in a night.
This verely is the good that we haue gotten by those historiographers, who haue bin so greedy to publish nouelties.
Verely I can see nothyng although some man woulde saye an olde horse.
And he verely thought that his wyfe had so don, whiche in dede for got to do it.
I verelysuppose that when they wer wel waked with cold, they suerly thought that Robin goodfelow (accordinge to the old saying) had bene with them that night.
And I verely doe believe, and thinke I doe not mistake therein, there are deade more then fiftene millions of soules.
And we do verely beleeue, that if there be any man in this world, worthie of admiration, it is Cyrus our Prince and Lorde, whose paragon wee haue chosen you to bee.
But if you will saye, perchaunce with a poore man, I confesse it: and verely it is to your shame, that you haue not vouchsafed to place in highe estate a man so honest, being your owne seruaunt.
Verely (sayd Araspas) I suppose that I and my frendes, might raise a rumour indeede, that I am fled from you for feare.
Quoth Plato being a graue personage, verely in myne opinion this man should be vtterly vnfit for any seruice of greater importance then to driue a Coche.
Lumner wer set yn hys stede, for me thynkyth it wer ryght necessere that ther were such a man in that county that oght you gode wyll, and I knowe verely he owyth you ryght gode wyll; he was with me at Caster but late.
It is tolde me that Sir Thomas wyll ressyng Mautby chyrche, and yf it plesyd yow to geve it to on Sir Thomas Lyndis, I truste verely that ye choulde leke hym ryght well, for he is rit a prystly man and vertusly dysposyd.
Ye know what ye left when ye wer last at hom, and wyte it verely ther ys no mor in thys countray to bere owte no charge with.
I avyse you that ye in no wyse take no charge therof tyll ye know more than ye doo yet; for ye may verely knowe by that your unkell Will.
Arblaster thynketh verely that Hugh a Fen may do moch in your maters, and he thynkyth that he wole do for you faythfully, yf ye wyll, &c.
I undrestonde verely that Mastre John Salet is all on that partye, and no thyng with you.
Verely I thynke that your howshold as well shold haue prosperd, in case you had not salutyd hym at all.
But they verely beleeve he is dead, and that they keepe it secret; yet it may be a pollecie to see whether any will rise against hym in armes.
Yoosen told us a great history of Ogosho Sammas good luck in preveling against Fidaia Samme, and that he verely thinkes he is dead in the fortrese burned to ashes.
And they verely think that, when the body is consumed, the sole flieth directly for heaven, haveing liberty to passe out at any of the 4 gates, eather E.
But I do verely beleeve he will sowne rise againe, yf any wars be moved against his sonne within these 3 yeares.
Sum of the persequutours them selues verely / as thoughe they hadd vsed pitie / did bringe many of our mẽ to the wicked sacrifices / and made a noise as though thay hadd sacrificed / when indeede they hadd not sacrificed.
Wherfore demene yow in doyng of yowr erandes ther aftyr, and if ye shall bryng any masage from the Lords, take writyng, for Darcorts massage is not verely beleved be cause he browt no wrytyng.
I tarye as yette, and trust verely to be with you the Saterday at the ferthest after Seynt Luce.
Please it yow to wit, I have consayvid your writyng right well; and for asmoche as ye desure the stiwardship of Baggeworth for youre wilbeloved Thomas Everyngham, which y trowe verely be right a good and a feithfull gentilman.
And eyf he woll not, lete hym verely understonde that he shall be compellyd to fynd hym suerte of the pes to agry in thys heed, and that shall nowther be profitabyll, ner worchepful.
And John Jeney enformed me, and as I have verelylerned sethen, ye ar inbylled to be made knygth at this Coronacion.
And I beseke you the rather for my sake, for at that tyme the conveyaunce of al materez shal be comounyd of; and I know verely your avyse shall peyse depper in my maisterys conceyt thanne bothyn thers shal do.
Verely as I am hertelye glad for the good fortune of myne especiall friende, so I greatlye alowe your wyse entente.
Verely this ought to be done in those that we haue apoynted to learnynge.
These verely be the clubbes meete for christians, that make disciples of Iesu.
There be rehearsed meruelous examples of seruauntes toward their masters, whome verely they shulde not haue founde such if they hadde kept them vnder only by strypes.
So in this sort I crid quittance with the Spaniardes for geveing out falce reportes of us, yet since verely thought to be true which I reported of them.
And as I am enformed, they verely think that our pretence to discover to the northward is to fynd out som such rich ilandes and not for any passage.
The New Bantam The Trowe The Harlam The Duch Hope I doeverely think the furnishing and setting out these 5 shipps afore named will stand your Wors.
So we dyned at an other place, where I was taken on a sudden with such an extrem wind collick and stoping of my water that I verely thought I should have died.
Truste meverely [that] theris no thynge more peryllous to a man.
In the meane season, they which were appointed to watch about the chamber all night, reasoned with themselves in this sort, Verely (quoth one) I think that this rude Asse be dead.
And I would to God (quoth he) that this Asse (which verely was never seene) could speake as a man to give witnesse of mine innocency: Then would you be ashamed of the injury which you have done to me.
Verely there was nothing to be blamed in him, but that his courage could not stoupe to be lower then a King.
The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "verely" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.