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Example sentences for "deade"

Lexicographically close words:
deacon; deaconess; deaconesses; deacons; dead; deaden; deadened; deadening; deadens; deader
  1. Testimonies of the auncient Fathers, that deade mens soules parted from their bodies, doo not wander here vppon earth.

  2. If those Spirites or bugges be Diuels, why doe you then saye and beléeue that they are the soules of deade menne, whiche desire helpe of you?

  3. But lette vs imagine, that they are the wandring spirites of deade bodies, then is it necessarie, that they be the soules, either of faithfull men, or of infidels.

  4. For if any dyd so perswade himselfe, that he coulde hyre one for mony, which could worke one feate or other to deliuer the deade from torments, then woulde he either delay the amendment of his life, or vtterly neglect it.

  5. Furthermore they say, that vnder the earth there are more places of punishment in which the soules of the deade may be purged.

  6. And it hath come to passe likewise, that some eyther slaine in the warres, or otherwise deade naturally, haue called vnto their acquaintance béeing aliue, and haue bene knowne by their voice.

  7. So doo these subtle spirites lurke, and doo many straunge things vnder the pretence of deade men.

  8. And if the lord Thibault be deade do you thinke to get him agayn by teares?

  9. Wherefore I Requyre you to permytt And Suffre hym to holde And kepe the possession thereof According to the tennour of his Deade Vntill Suche tyme as Apon youre Aduertisement thereof I maie knowe A Reasonable Cause .

  10. For if they haue assumed a deade bodie, whereinto they lodge themselues, they can easely inough open without dinne anie Doore or Window, and enter in thereat.

  11. In the chefest of oure sepulchres bury thy dead: None of vs shall forbydd y^e his sepulcre/ y^t thou shuldest not bury thy deade therein.

  12. But as they haue / so still will they saye: That aswell the liuing as the deade be helped by this their acte applied at their pleasure.

  13. They sett vpp their sacrifice for the quicke and deade / the verie abhomination and God Maozim: which thinges they do defẽde wyth moste peruerse obstinacie.

  14. And that the priestes do saye Masse in the remẽberaunce of sayntes / that they do sacrifice for the synnes of the quicke and the deade / and to be short that they do say masse for euery thinge / for filthie lucres sake.

  15. Blessed are the deade which do dye in the lorde / euẽ so saieth the spret / that they rest from their labours.

  16. And we all wer such / euẽ deade throughe synne / and the children of wrathe.

  17. And I verely doe believe, and thinke I doe not mistake therein, there are deade more then fiftene millions of soules.

  18. At this Coˀte Hewe Placket was rebuked for takeing upon him to heale a pacient who ys deade and comaundement geven that he shall medle no more in surgerie.

  19. The foolish and wanton seing the honour done to that deade bodye, determined from that time forth to renue their former life, and to chaunge the same into a better.

  20. Was not he wont (the teares trickling downe his Princely Face) to say, that better it was neuer to haue children and to be deade without them, than to haue a fruteful wife and children so disordred?

  21. In speciall for the wrytinge of that fantasie or dreame called by my name, that I am thought fawltles, as in deade I am, but still greeved that I am so charged, but that waye seeke no farther to please then with my deutie maye stonde.

  22. When she had thus sayd, she beganne to let fall (as thoughe there had been a fountaine in her head) so many teares, as it was a myracle to beholde her, oftentimes kissing the deade harte.

  23. And so this poore miserable woman, remained in the mercie of that obscure and darke prison, without any other company, then the deade body of her louer.

  24. A litle while after, the king of Englande vnderstanding that the Marshall was dead, and knowing the valour and stoutnesse of Perotto the Picarde, he made him to supplye the rowme of the deade Marshall.

  25. The ladye Alice is deade and gone, And the wormes feede by her syde; And alle for the love of thee, oh prynce, That beauteous ladye dy'd.

  26. The people out start,[325] and cast the cart to ground, And in the middle of the dung they found The deade man, that murdered was all new.

  27. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "deade" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.