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Example sentences for "various colors"

  • The bricks, to which allusion has been made, are of various colors; some of a bright red, others dark brown, various shades of purple and yellow.

  • The whole surrounding plain is covered with broken pottery and earthen ware, painted in various colors.

  • The cavities in the adjoining mountain were found to contain heaps of human remains perfectly preserved in their shrouds, which were made of cotton of various colors.

  • The fruit of a fig tree, which is of round or oblong shape, and of various colors.

  • The most common animal in these woods is a leopard or false lion, with a red skin and with spots of various colors.

  • A hard veined stone of various colors, four feet high and ten feet and a half in circumference, carved into a representation of a monster's head with protruding tusks, a front view of which is given in the cut.

  • At Santa Rita seven have been explored in all, each containing 1 to 49 effigies, some very crudely and roughly made from sun-dried clay, others nicely modeled and painted in various colors.

  • A few half-developed herbs and trefoils occasionally meet the eye, together with small patches of wild verbenas of various colors.

  • The phenomenon is very noticeable in the case of the image of a colored lantern-slide projected upon a screen and is readily observed when the image consists of letters of various colors.

  • In constructing such a pattern of various colors it is also desirable to have the final mean brightness approximate that of the general surroundings.

  • This aspect was touched upon in Chapter III, but the differences in the sensibility of various areas of the retina to various colors are of sufficient importance to be discussed further.

  • A genus of shrubby plants bearing opposite leaves and large heads of showy flowers, white, or of various colors.

  • Lamps were burning in the interior; hence it was possible to see that the walls were formed of planks perforated like lace, and that these walls were protected from the wind by curtains of various colors.

  • On the floor were divans, at the doors and windows were curtains with stripes of various colors.

  • All these were carved with artistic skill, and inlaid with precious stones or enamel of various colors.

  • The Cherokees when going to war dyed their hair red and adorned it with feathers of various colors.

  • Lithography adapted to printing in inks of various colors.

  • The flowers of the cactus are of various colors, white and yellow being the prevailing hues.

  • His whole face was hideously painted in various colors running in stripes backward from the nose, across his forehead and chin.

  • His whole face was hideously painted in various colors, and his countenance was set and expressionless.

  • The above list will hopefully provide you with a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "various colors" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this group of words.

    Some common collocations, pairs and triplets of words:
    after hearing; jest then; pose they; rubbed smooth; that score; thus replied; various authors; various branches; various breeds; various countries; various depths; various descriptions; various kinds; various members; various methods; various names; various organs; various periods; various proportions; various quarters; various readings; various shades; various species; various substances; various writers; young officer