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Example sentences for "various substances"

  • What then, he asks, is this "principle" which can so escape, and be so restored by the action of various substances?

  • But a pharmacopoeia would be requisite to describe the diversified effects of various substances on Drosera.

  • I made a vast number of trials by placing, by means of a fine needle moistened with distilled water, and with the aid of a lens, particles of various substances on the viscid secretion surrounding the glands of the outer tentacles.

  • But, as before remarked, a special pharmacopoeia would be necessary to describe the diversified effects of various substances on the leaves of Drosera.

  • The same phenomenon is to be observed in the action of various substances on water.

  • Air, being a mixture of various substances, may suffer considerable changes in consequence of incidental circumstances.

  • Then, air not unfrequently contains incidental traces of various substances as everyone knows by experience.

  • The addition of various substances to water generally decreases both its compressibility and cohesion.

  • It differs in various substances in virtue of its rarefaction and condensation.

  • This term was applied by the older chemists to various substances to which a vitreous appearance has been given by heat.

  • They prepare pure cultures and cultivate the bacteria on various substances, differing markedly from those on which they originally lived.

  • It is made in several different ways and of various substances.

  • The experiments we have described as well as hundreds of others are used by analysts every day in the testing of various substances.

  • These ornaments are in various substances; the more valuable being in cornelian, and basalt.

  • Next to the cases of sacred animals are two (12, 13) devoted to small statues of various kinds, in various substances.

  • The above list will hopefully provide you with a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "various substances" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this group of words.

    Some common collocations, pairs and triplets of words:
    animal origin; civil practice; considerable force; departing from; following the; going right; moral purpose; quiet tone; support the; various authors; various branches; various breeds; various degrees; various directions; various localities; various members; various names; various occasions; various other; various shades; various stages; various substances; various times; various types; various ways; whole body