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Example sentences for "crudely"

Lexicographically close words:
cruciform; crucify; crucifying; crude; crudelis; crudeness; cruder; crudest; crudities; crudity
  1. Thus came the excited calls from those in the rowing craft, as it drifted toward the hut on shore--a palm leaf hut that seemed crudely made.

  2. He put it crudely enough, but the others understood his homely philosophy.

  3. The lip of the jar, too, was only crudely finished in the earliest forms, being left rough and irregular or sometimes haphazardly notched or scalloped with pressure from the potter's finger.

  4. However crudely intelligence and honest scientific effort may work, they soar in a heaven far above the abyss of credulity.

  5. What is called coarse is frequently crudely true.

  6. It was not at all crudely built, and while it had been left to decay, it showed that the owner had some ideas of comfort, and an eye to convenience, as it was located by the side of a spring.

  7. I was about to say, that we went north along the shore, and camped near the beach, and there found a boat, rather crudely made, with which we proposed sailing around the island.

  8. Civic ambition was poorly seconded by builder's skill, and the plans of aspiring architects were crudely materialized.

  9. The few pieces of good furniture which Mowbray had brought with him had suffered during transport and showed signs of age; the others, sent out from Toronto, were crudely new.

  10. They are made of ironwood and often higher than a man, but usually only the upper part is actually worked into shape, though many instances are observed of smaller statues the entire surface of which is crudely carved.

  11. On the day chosen for burning the wood a winnowing tray, on which the outline of a human form has been crudely drawn with charcoal, is hung in the house.

  12. When preparing to be photographed, men, women, and children decorate their chests with crudely made gold plates shaped nearly like a half moon and hanging one above another, generally five in number.

  13. The spears themselves were hardly more than crudely shaped lengths of wood, their points charred in the fire.

  14. Had Shann not released his hold on the log and gone under water, that crudely fashioned piece of wood might, have broken his skull.

  15. With this the officer lashed together the tops of the poles, having planted their splintered butts in the ground, so that he achieved a crudely conical erection.

  16. The St Stephen's Review, whose crudely powerful cartoons, the work of Tom Merry, were so popular, ceased publication in 1892.

  17. That such likenesses, crudely as they are thought out, should have been alleged by Plato and Hobbes and others, is a reason for suspecting that some analogy exists.

  18. After all, her sympathy was genuine, if it was a little crudely expressed.

  19. Any sentiment that was crudely expressed was always distasteful to him; and he at once dropped her hand, and pulled forward an arm-chair with a great show of courtesy.

  20. Thus the Greek conception of life was posed; the Christian conception was counterposed; the synthesis, crudely attempted in the age of the Renaissance, awaits mature accomplishment in the immediate future.

  21. In his immodesty there is nothing morbid, though it is expressed more crudely than suits the moral dignity of man.

  22. More crudely still a bed of sand filled a wooden frame and on this the fire was built, commonly of charcoal.

  23. All the instincts of justice within him revolted at the picture Pete had drawn, coarsely and crudely outlined, but touched with the vivid realities of nature.

  24. The Indian corn and the sparse grass were crudely green in the enclosures about the grey, weather-beaten log-houses, which stood distinct against the dark, restful tones of the forest filling the background.

  25. They all paused to read the letters so crudely forked in the wet sand.

  26. All ran toward her and found tacked on a tree a crudely marked cardboard.

  27. An outline of the chief muscles and prominences upon the human form are crudely imitated in repoussé work, and indications exist upon the backplate of the fastenings by which it was attached to the front (Fig.

  28. The woodcut heading our Preface indicates crudely the armour prevailing in this period.

  29. So we arrive crudely at our theory that war is a continuation of policy, a form of political intercourse in which we fight battles instead of writing notes.

  30. The tones of colour, although placed crudely side by side, present nothing jarring nor offensive to the eye; the sun floods all, and blends them in his light.

  31. The people of Dendera crudely enough called this the "Feast of Drunkenness.

  32. The carvings on slate palettes appear to begin with work crudely accurate and forceful, the heavy limbs being ridged with tendons and muscles (Plate II.

  33. Thus Christian ethics may be said to insist equally on duty to self and duty to others, while crudely egoistic systems become unworkable if a man renders himself obnoxious to his fellows.

  34. On one wall hung a large collection of crudely cured pelts, the fur of wild cats, foxes, and other animals.

  35. These are all contemporary with other English delft dishes bearing crudely painted portraits of William and Mary crowned.

  36. His hands were large and crudely fashioned.

  37. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "crudely" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.
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    grossly; improperly; poorly; roughly; severely; unseemly