We shall push you to the uttermost in economizing.
Erda, crouching in a dry spot beside the ammunition, alert to the uttermost for the least hint of Lance, realized this from the very tone of their voices as they talked under their breath to each other.
One moment there is the stillness of the uttermost void brooding over the deep; the next, causelessly, God knows why!
Penulo, since thou so friendly here dost proffer me The uttermost of aid that lies in thee, I do remember that which, brought to pass, Would make me half so happy as I was.
Thanks, honest fellow, for thy love to us; And if I may but pleasure thee in ought, Command me to the uttermost I may.
There I entered upon a wholly new existence as remote from all the social trials which beset shyness as if it were passed in some island of the uttermost sea.
And with all her gentleness there was present I know not what sign and promise of strength, waking in those who saw her an intuitive trust in loyalty of uttermost proof.
He knew the uttermost of human power both to understand and obey his precepts and commands.
He is able to save to the uttermost all who come unto God through him.
He is able to save to the uttermost all who come unto God by him.
We find him as the risen and glorified Lord with power to save to the uttermost all who come unto God by him.
God is able to do for all who look to him for help, exceeding abundantly above all we can ask or think; and in Christ he is able to save to the uttermost all who come unto God by him.
O, that all might hear aright, repent and live, for with the Lord there is plenteous redemption; and he is able to save to the uttermost all who come unto God by him.
And I declare him to you to-day as my Savior and your Savior; able to save to the uttermost all who come unto God through him.
Like uttermost pain, or like the extremity of despair, it must be felt in order to be known.
What the fastenings were Thurstane could guess from the fact that he saw blows given, and heard the long shrill scream of a woman in uttermost agony.
So it was said by many who rose up in startled defence of those forms, many who had never felt the uttermost clash between the things which they wished to believe and the things which Truth allowed them to believe.
The Greek poet, Homer, mentions the Ethiopians as dwelling at the uttermost limits of the earth, where they enjoyed personal intercourse with the gods.
Here at least was a man with a mission--that mission to carry the gospel of Christ to the uttermost parts of the earth.
Determined now to spread his faith to the uttermost ends of the earth, he sent messengers to the rulers of all the civilized kingdoms that he knew.
The final word about this Child will be that having loved his own He loved them unto the uttermost, he loved them without stinting, with the uttermost capacity of love.
It suggests to us that uttermostof Christian virtues, the virtue of entire abandonment to the will of God.
Ministers of religion, and Sunday school teachers, remember your tremendous responsibility to use to the uttermost the opportunity of saying words which will never die!
Let us remember that we are to be God's witnesses in the Jerusalem of the home, the Judaea of our immediate neighbours, and to the uttermost parts of the earth of our profession or daily calling.
Were I to take the wings of the morning and fly to the uttermost parts of the earth, I should probably find there as at Resina Garcia, thriving Scotchman in possession, and a famished Cornishman waiting at his gate.
Now, after nearly forty years of uttermost neighbourliness, the Orange Free State, with machine gun and mauser hurls back the gift once so reluctantly accepted, and forces us to recall what now they still more reluctantly surrender.
In the course of the day I was greatly touched by the sight of an artillery horse that had fallen from uttermost fatigue, so that it had to be left to its fate on the pitiless veldt.
Lord Roberts not only encouraged to the uttermostall army temperance work, being himself the founder of the A.
The uttermost walles were lime and bricke, But thoughe they won them soon anone, Long e'er they wan the innermost walles, For they were cut in rocke of stone.
That baron he to his castle fled To Barnard castle then fled hee; The uttermostwalles were eathe to win, 115 The earles have won them presentl[i']e.
He retired into an uttermost corner of the Lady Gay to consider and lay out his dark campaign.
The happiest use of local color," he declares, "will test to the uttermost one's taste and attainments as a language colorist.
The great religion must carve its daring protest against the whole natural order of the universe upon the flaming ramparts of the world's uttermost boundary.
The uttermost spirit of the universe became in this manner her spirit, and the integral identity of the soul within her breast hardened into an undying resistance to all that would undermine it.
Thyrza's love was a thing for which one would dare uttermost perdition, the blind leap once taken.
And one thing she saw with uttermost distinctness: that boat going down the stream of Thames, and the dear, dreadful head dropped into it from the arch above.
Egremont never entered the library without having that impulse of uttermost unselfishness brought back vividly to his thoughts; on that account he liked the room, and gladly spent a quiet half-hour in it.
Is every ounce that is in us bent On theuttermost pitch of accomplishment?
Clever management, for one knew him to be rapacious: she had heard tales of him lending to the poor and exacting repayment to the uttermost farthing.
Gianapolis was a man capable of the uttermost sacrifices upon either of two shrines; that of Mammon, or that of Eros.
Strung up to uttermost tension, he looked down at her and listened--listened, intently.
His capital was gone, even to the uttermost farthing; he must labour to obtain new capital.
But as theuttermost malice of adversity had not been able altogether to depress her, so neither did returning prosperity exalt her,--as far as she herself was concerned.
Men became rapacious, and determined to extract the uttermost farthing out of the land within their power, let the consequences to the people on that land be what they might.