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Example sentences for "another class"

  • Another class of rules was for mutual assistance, for kindliness among members, and for the obedience and faithfulness of journeymen and apprentices.

  • Another class of laws may seem to have favored the craft organizations.

  • There is another class of instances, of the nature required by the Method of Difference, which seem at first sight to conflict with the theory.

  • Another class of accidents which might also be avoided is that caused by defective floors and platforms in roundhouses and at stations, the failure to keep tools in repair, lack of light, and failure to properly secure lights on switches.

  • Another class of accidents which are of altogether too frequent occurrence are injuries caused by trains not stopping long enough for passengers to alight.

  • Another class of injuries which has come with the safety appliance is that caused by the bursting of air hose, and it is surprising how many of them there are.

  • But there is another class of people who are called Govy, and these are very glad to eat beef, though they dare not kill the animal.

  • There is another class of people called Chughi, who are indeed properly Abraiaman, but they form a religious order devoted to the Idols.

  • Another class of Maya historical documents embraces the surveys and land titles, many of which date from the sixteenth century.

  • There is another class of narrations, about which there can be no doubt as to their purely imaginative origin.

  • There is another class of historical documents, which profess to be the production of native hands, and which are moderately numerous.

  • There is another class of men in the city who are sometimes confounded with the regular force, but who really make it their business to screen criminals from punishment.

  • Another class of street musicians are required to possess a certain amount of musical skill in order to be successful.

  • But there is another class, even more numerous and quite as well skilled in the ways of the street, who transact a vast part of its business.

  • Another class of those who live in open defiance of the law consists of the "Roughs.

  • But there is another class of political facts which interest the mind as much as those which arise out of the play of conflicting forces within a free commonwealth,--viz.

  • And while his tenderness of feeling has made Virgil the familiar friend of one class of minds, his high magnanimous spirit has equally gained for him the admiration of another class.

  • Another class of images reproduced from Homer is that of those in which a mortal is compared to an immortal, as at i.

  • All these new stars that we have been discussing so far have only blazed up once and then died down, but there is another class of stars quite as peculiar, and even more difficult to explain, and these are called variable stars.

  • But there is another class of persons, with whom the fire of affection is harmless.

  • But there is another class of friendships, more important in influence, if not in number, having also the highest sanctions both of law and of custom, and marked by such peculiarities that they constitute a species by themselves.

  • Another class of equilibrists are those who maintain the upright position resting on their heads with their feet in the air.

  • In some cases the tastes of people differ so that an article considered by one race as disgusting would be held as a delicacy by another class.

  • Another class of individuals are those who can either partially or completely dislocate the major articulations of the body.

  • There is another class of abstainers from food exemplified in the exhibitionists who either for notoriety or for wages demonstrate their ability to forego eating, and sometimes drinking, for long periods.

  • There is another class of troops, which may be called depot troops.

  • Hence too, perhaps, the fondness for burlesques of tragedies among the comic writers of the period, reflected in another class of vases.

  • But there is another class of white-ground vases to which we must devote more special attention, namely, those on which the figures are painted either in outline or with polychrome washes on the same white slip.

  • Another class of words, which in many languages agree, differs in the American, viz.

  • Another class of the Oceanic islanders is black rather than yellow, olive, brunette, or brown; and when any member of this division is compared with a native of the continental portions of the world, it is generally with the Negro.

  • Denoting that by some writers the Vanikoro tribes have been placed in another class.

  • Another class of legends has also a home in this locality.

  • There is another class of stories in which the townspeople indulge at the expense of the uninstructed peasants in outlying districts, and which their extreme simplicity and naivete occasionally justify.

  • Another relic of the mining works may perhaps be found in the following instance of another class of stories, though some very like it doubtless refer to an earlier belief in hobgoblins closely allied to our own Robin Goodfellow.

  • Another class of cases occasionally brought before the Provost-Court, at Alexandria, related to loyalty.

  • The above list will hopefully provide you with a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "another class" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this group of words.

    Some common collocations, pairs and triplets of words:
    another article; another aspect; another circumstance; another clan; another creek; another fact; another girl; another gospel; another hymn; another instant; another life; another month; another name; another object; another planet; another portion; another proof; another question; another small; another sort; another thing; another variety; another voice; another woman; early society; will bear