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Example sentences for "ultraviolet"

Lexicographically close words:
ultramarine; ultramontane; ultramontanes; ultramontanism; ultras; ultro; ulus; uma; uman
  1. Professor Righi has shown that a clean metallic plate acquires a positive charge when exposed to the ultraviolet radiation from any artificial source of light, but that it does not when exposed to solar rays.

  2. He, by the interposition of a proper medium, so lowered the refrangibility of the ultraviolet rays of the spectrum as to render them visible.

  3. But the madness that seized the multitude before the catastrophe--what did you mean by saying that it was the ultraviolet rays?

  4. This atmosphere, notwithstanding its density, may well be diaphanous to the ultraviolet rays, owing to some peculiarity in its composition which I have not had time to study.

  5. At Colorado State University the responses of plants to high-intensity radiation (ultraviolet to infrared) are being studied.

  6. Mars has no detectable oxygen, but does contain small amounts of water vapor, more abundant carbon dioxide, possibly a large surface flux of solar ultraviolet radiation, and estimated daily temperature variations of 100 deg.

  7. The ultraviolet irradiation did not kill subsurface organisms, and a thin layer of soil served as an ultraviolet shield.

  8. Ultraviolet radiation could serve as an extraterrestrial energy source for organic synthesis.

  9. Plants from high mountaintops that are exposed to greater ultraviolet light are being studied for specialized adaptations.

  10. New developments in such techniques as ultraviolet spectrophotometry, polarimetry, and gas chromatography will find use in the detection of biochemicals and other compounds in hospitals and in toxicology and pathology laboratories.

  11. Scientists have shown that biologically important compounds, such as amino acids, can be generated by applying an electrical discharge, ultraviolet radiation, or heat to a gaseous mixture.

  12. The method of exhibiting the action of the ultraviolet rays by their chemical action has been long known; indeed, Thomas Young photographed the ultra-violet rings of Newton.

  13. Better put in the ultraviolet glass shields in our helmets, boys," he called into the jet-boat communicator.

  14. Ozone shield - a layer of the atmosphere composed of ozone gas (O3) that resides approximately 25 miles above the Earth's surface and absorbs solar ultraviolet radiation that can be harmful to living organisms.

  15. O3) that resides approximately 25 miles above the Earth's surface and absorbs solar ultraviolet radiation that can be harmful to living organisms.

  16. So in taking an ultraviolet photograph a screen must be used which will be opaque to these visible rays and yet will let the ultraviolet rays through to form the image.

  17. But by the use of various devices we can, as it were, translate these ultraviolet rays into terms of what the human eye can see.

  18. Glass won't do, for glass cuts off the ultraviolet rays entirely.

  19. Practically all sources of light, you understand, give out more or less ultraviolet light, which plays no part in vision whatever.

  20. While thus everything is favourable to Arrhenius's hypothesis, Becquerel raises the objection that the spores going through space would yet be destroyed by ultraviolet light.

  21. It is possible, however, that there are spores which can resist this effect of ultraviolet light.

  22. The difficulty is a real one since the ultraviolet rays have a destructive effect even in the absence of oxygen.

  23. Minerals that exhibit fluorescence emit visible colors when exposed to ultraviolet light.

  24. Fluorescence--luminescence of a mineral during exposure to radiation (such as from ultraviolet or X-rays).

  25. One of our weather observers, orbiting at four hundred miles, picked up a tremendous flash of hard ultraviolet radiation in the area around the three thousand Ã…ngstrom band.

  26. This bloom is due to the presence of some strongly fluorescent material which is shown up with intensity when mineral oils are exposed to ultraviolet rays such as emanate from an enclosed arc light.

  27. It is well known that the ultraviolet or chemical rays of the sun are most energetic in causing chemical reactions that result in the early decay of certain types of paint.

  28. But did you find that two of the papers look the same under the ultraviolet and a third looked different when you examined it under ultraviolet?

  29. Visually they may look the same and yet under ultraviolet light there may be very dramatic differences.

  30. You are referring to positions in the bottom of the ultraviolet machine?

  31. We have now the ultraviolet machine set up.

  32. This is a portable ultraviolet viewer I used to examine the papers and I think probably what is most noticeable is in the manila tapes.

  33. This is only for color appearance under the ultraviolet light.

  34. Paper, along with many substances, has the property of absorbing or reflecting ultraviolet light rays differently.

  35. Now, we have been unable to find a plug for this ultraviolet machine, so we will temporarily or perhaps permanently bypass this examination.

  36. Have you brought an ultraviolet light source with you?

  37. After examining the papers, comparing them visually and under the microscope, I examined them under ultraviolet light.

  38. You can take two samples of paper and put them under an ultraviolet light, and they may appear to be the same or they may be markedly different.

  39. Der creature may live in an atmosphere of ultraviolet light, which I can generate mineself.

  40. The ultraviolet microscope shows us objects hitherto invisible because smaller than the wave length of visible light.

  41. It is the primary aim of this book to present authentic data of such scope as to be useful to the chemist, physicist, engineer, biologist, ophthalmologist and physician and others interested in ultraviolet radiation.

  42. It is this ozone then which absorbs almost all of the remaining ultraviolet wavelengths up to about 3,000 A, so that almost all of the dangerous solar radiation is cut off before it reaches the earth's surface.

  43. The Academy study notes, for example, that the resultant increase in ultraviolet would cause "prompt incapacitating cases of sunburn in the temperate zones and snow blindness in northern countries .

  44. Probably more important, life on earth has largely evolved within the protective ozone shield and is presently adapted rather precisely to the amount of solar ultraviolet which does get through.

  45. The mechanism for the production of ozone is the absorption by oxygen molecules (O2) of relatively short-wavelength ultraviolet light.

  46. It is possible, however, that a major increase in solar ultraviolet might overwhelm the defenses of some and perhaps many terrestrial life forms.

  47. Thus, the possibility of a serious increase in ultraviolet radiation has been added to widespread radioactive fallout as a fearsome consequence of the large-scale use of nuclear weapons.

  48. Those too short to be perceived as light are termed as a class "ultraviolet radiant energy.

  49. Wounds are treated effectively and water is sterilized by the ultraviolet radiant energy in modern artificial illuminants.

  50. A distant observer picks up the invisible ultraviolet "light" by means of a special optical device having a fluorescent screen of barium-platino-cyanide.

  51. By night a screen was used which transmitted only the ultraviolet rays, and the observer's telescope was provided with a fluorescent screen in its focal plane.

  52. For this purpose a quartz mercury-arc which is rich in ultraviolet rays was surrounded with a chimney which transmitted the ultraviolet rays efficiently and absorbed all visible rays excepting violet light.

  53. The ultraviolet rays falling upon this screen were transformed into visible rays by the phenomenon of fluorescence.

  54. How do you get your ultraviolet rays--by filtration or prismatic dispersion?

  55. All the visible light is cut out, leaving only the ultraviolet rays, and these travel as fast and as far, and return by reflection, as though accompanied by the visible rays.

  56. The ultraviolet rays are beneficial as a germicide, but are deadly if too strong.

  57. As soon as I heard of the first symptom of sunburn, I knew it was caused by the ultraviolet rays, the same as from the sun; and I knew that nothing but my light could produce those rays at night time.

  58. Ultraviolet rays have recently been found very valuable in the examination of questioned documents.

  59. By the use of a lens made of quartz covered with a thin film of metallic silver, there has been developed a practical means of making photographs by the invisible rays of light above the spectrum--these ultraviolet rays.

  60. But ultraviolet photography does not affect the document tested in any way, and it has lately been used practically in detecting forgeries.

  61. This," he explained, "is a source of ultraviolet rays.

  62. For the heat rays a Langley's bolometer strip is placed at F, in fact the bolometer strip might be used throughout, but it is not quite so sensitive for the visible and ultraviolet rays as the eye and the photographic plate.

  63. Evidently, too, the smaller the distance CD the greater the angle, and therefore for the extremely short wave-lengths of light and of ultraviolet rays we require the distance between successive slits to be extremely small.

  64. Violet and ultraviolet parts of spectrum of an arc lamp.

  65. These metallic lines are not always present, and sometimes even the hydrogen lines themselves are lacking, but the spectrum is always rich in violet and ultraviolet light.

  66. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "ultraviolet" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.