The Colonel was a rather formidable old fellow to meet, if he was in a mood with twinges in his foot, while Mrs. Amy was scarcely well enough known to the people generally to make them care to interview her.
And she realized abruptly that her head ached miserably, that her mouth was parched, that twinges of pain were making themselves evident in various portions of her anatomy.
But these twinges were minor; they were merely physical, and the hurts of the demon had struck far deeper than any physical injury.
Huntington studied it with satisfaction yet with twinges of conscience.
Of course he must be loyal to his friend, but as Cosden seemed to be finding much pleasure in Miss Stevens' companionship his conscience did not suffer any twinges which were too painful to be endured.
Of all the women for whom we feel twinges of conscience or self-reproach in melancholy moments, how many loved us?
No, no; I have a good number of twinges for you to-night, and you may be sure of some more to-morrow.
She had some twinges of conscience in the matter, but she had no strength of purpose, and Jan went his own way.
If the schoolmaster had had any twinges of regret as he bought these things, in defiance of his principles for Jan's education, they melted utterly away in view of his delight, and the glow that pleasure brought into his pale cheeks.
Who the devil can philosophize with such twinges in the foot?
The storm showed no sign of abating and as nightfall deepened the gloom he set the broad fireplace in the living-room glowing, drew the shades, and feeling twinges of hunger explored the kitchen pantry.
There's a good deal about the business I don't know," said Archie with twingesof envy and admiration.
I got somewhat chilled waiting in a carriage near the wharf, last evening, and I feel some rheumatictwinges in consequence.
He had often thought of Rosa meanwhile, not without uneasiness and some twinges of self-reproach.
A new access of tenderness seemed to have come over Fitzgerald; partly because happiness rendered her beauty more radiant, and partly because secret thoughts that were revolving in his mind brought some twinges of remorse.
With most managers these spasms, which may be compared to twinges of conscience, pass as quickly as they come, and they go back to coining money with rowdy musical comedies, quite contented.
Twinges of conscience the caveman may have had when all was over, but at least he had established his right to look after the woman he loved.
Silence and these recollections, and the startling twinges of his rheumatism, changed the expression of his face almost into sternness, and seemed to develop in him another phase of character.
There might be little twinges in unexpected places, but the pain was over, over.
The injured man opened his eyes again and reduced his huddled limbs to some sort of order, not without occasional twinges of pain.
Also there came for the first time twinges of uncertainty as to the outcome.
Perhaps not so natural, a return of thetwinges of conscience that had been afflicting him of late at inopportune moments.
Except when they throw the beastly things," growled Conrad beneath his breath, with twinges of memory.
He realised the difficulty of his task after several distinct twinges of that strange sense developed in the wary at being under unseen eyes.
Arnon had occasional twinges of homesickness, and he had more than occasional twinges of conscience at his failure to begin saving the missing ninety-eight dollars.
The twinges of the gout had not wholly disappeared, but remained bearable.
In the mildest ones there may be a few twinges of pain in the affected ear, but nothing more; and even in the most severe cases the pain does not last longer than a few hours, although it may return on several successive days.
Even that will cause both of us many twinges of conscience, and anything more is impossible.
As for Jack, his conscience gave him few twinges in regard to these surreptitious meetings.
He had accomplished his object, and he was too hardened by this time to feel any twingesof conscience.
After this he dozed off softly, and felt through all his sleep some twingesof his wound, bringing him back, as it were, to the conscious surface of the great deep of slumber, into which he might otherwise have sunk.
You would then feel that there are other twinges worse than those of the gout.
And so they lived and worked and studied; very happy, with only now and then twinges of fear for the future, for it would look a little black at times, do all they could to laugh away the clouds.
Twinges of gout and sharp touches of sciatica backed up the King's argument that to reform were the part of wisdom.
The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "twinges" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.