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Example sentences for "twinkled"

Lexicographically close words:
twines; twinge; twinges; twining; twinkle; twinkles; twinkling; twinkly; twinned; twinnies
  1. The question was asked by the woman in a business-like manner, but as Faith hesitated before answering the sharp eyes twinkled a little.

  2. There was a sneer on her face while her eyes twinkled with amusement.

  3. The Dean's eyes twinkled as Rex explained things, and then I kissed Aunt Daphne, and explained to her too, and I'm sure that she was relieved.

  4. Cousin Roxy's eyes twinkled with mirth at having caught the Judge in a lapse.

  5. The Dean's eyes twinkled reminiscently as he took the letter.

  6. The office commonly called Compline was said, and the little sanctuary was left again vacant and dark save where the solitary lamp twinkled before the altar.

  7. The stars shone brightly above him, the country lay buried in sleep, scarcely a light twinkled throughout the expanse.

  8. Macallister's hair was going white, but his eyes twinkled humorously, and Kit often found it hard to determine whether he joked or not.

  9. In the background were glimmering surf, lights that twinkled in clusters against dark rocks, and then a gap where the Atlantic rolled back to Africa.

  10. Lights twinkled along the sweep of bay and two that swung across a lower group marked Mossamedes rolling at the harbour mouth.

  11. Whereupon his face beamed with delight, and his gray eyes twinkled like diamonds.

  12. The spectacle of her uncle's discomfiture had not disturbed her so much as this new kind of a person who could bow so courteously, whose eyes twinkled humorously, and whose words were full of gravity on the subject of custard pies.

  13. His face was rather long, and, except for his eyes, which twinkled humorously, bore a look of exaggerated solemnity.

  14. Duke, while his eyes twinkled with a sly malice; "are you imitating the man that bowed down before statues of Hercules and Apollo at Rome, not knowing when the time of those fellows might come up again?

  15. And his eyes twinkled mischieviously, while a laugh on his face was suppressed with difficulty.

  16. And Sam's eyes twinkled mischievously, as his hands fell by his side.

  17. The lights of the old town twinkled in the foggy night in undisturbed serenity.

  18. Lights twinkled in the cottages ashore, somewhat blurred by the mist; but elsewhere it was dark; the nearer rocks were outlined by their deeper black.

  19. Apart from this deformity and the sanguine colour of his face he was a jolly-looking fellow, and his brown eyes twinkled as if they had been transparent, with a flickering light behind them.

  20. But when the venerable cleric so twinkled at the sight of the dusty flagon in the threadbare bid wicker cradle, he was tempted to ask if they had anything very special before them.

  21. Lights twinkled here and there about the garden, and the moon shone broad and bright almost at the zenith, half drowning the lustre of the stars in the haze of light it spread.

  22. Armstrong twinkled again, and she burst into a peal.

  23. A lone star scintillated over the for crest, went out, relit itself, went out again, twinkled for a time, and at last shone steadfast with a diamond lustre.

  24. The stars twinkled over the sky in myriads.

  25. Tall wax-candles twinkled everywhere, in great gilt chandeliers depending from the ceiling, in sconces stuck about the window ledges, in candelabra branching from the walls.

  26. Malka's eyes twinkled and she shook her head.

  27. Time passed on; the sun set; the evanescent twilight faded out of the sky; the stars twinkled forth in all the mellow radiance characteristic of the tropics; and still the adventurous M'Bongwele and his wondrous prize came not.

  28. Beyond them the broad blue river twinkled in the sun, the tugs and barges glided down, the yachts strained their white sails against the purple bluffs of the Palisades.

  29. This she said half to herself, and Caroline and Miss Honey, knowing there was no need to answer her, came and leaned against her knee unconsciously, and twinkled their fingers at the baby.

  30. Darkness came; and the stars twinkled in the heavens, looking sharply and dryly on the earth, as is usual in winter.

  31. The remark was quite casual, and the Major was not looking at Ruth at the moment; but the old lawyer was looking, and his eyes twinkled as he noticed the deep color that rushed up into the girl’s cheeks.

  32. Over all of which nonsense, Miss Blair’s dark eyes twinkled with the pleasure of a girl who is too young to comprehend it quite fully, but yet finds it wonderfully delightful.

  33. I saw the wench that twired and twinkled at thee.

  34. Then a whistle shrieked and lights that twinkled in the distance began to move.

  35. On the whole, I think I'll leave the job to you," Wyndham replied and his eyes twinkled when he saw Marston's surprise.

  36. She had promised to marry Harry on the lawn, one summer night when the yacht's lanterns twinkled in the roadstead and colored fires burned on the castle walls.

  37. On the highest of those, which overlooks the present town in the north, a terraced mound could be distinguished, and from its sides luminous points twinkled in ruddy light.

  38. If Zashue is your father," continued he, and his eyes twinkled strangely, "Say Koitza must be your mother.

  39. Foyle shook hands with him, and his blue eyes twinkled humorously.

  40. A light of amusement twinkled in Foyle's blue eyes.

  41. Thornton twisted his grey moustache and his eye twinkled appreciatively.

  42. Beneath the dimpled surface of the pool, her feet twinkled into a dance, a measure of the moon, slow, rhythmic, and set to the music of the fountain.

  43. A famous prima donna and a brilliant violinist enchanted lovers of music; a French comedian travelled from Paris to recite; minor luminaries twinkled round these fixed stars.

  44. Eyes keen as sunlight twinkled far down beneath the shadows of the brows and a floppy old sombrero hat.

  45. The dark fell, and all the little camp-fires under the trees twinkled bravely forth.

  46. His eyes were the size of two peas, but they twinkled with a kind of knowing wisdom that continually forced you to look away and in the next moment to return and gaze at him again.

  47. His two beady eyes twinkled their strange light into mine as though they were laughing at me.

  48. Ahead of them a few lights twinkled feebly, sometimes visible and then hidden again as they rode over the rolling hillocks.

  49. Before many minutes had elapsed Steinmetz came back, closely followed by the starosta, whose black eyes twinkled and gleamed in the sudden light of the lamp.

  50. His other eye, small and deep-set, twinkled erratically in all directions, aimlessly affable.

  51. How they all laughed at her astonishment, and how Fun's little black eyes twinkled over this exploit!

  52. You have begun already, and when I see those rings where they are, my girl is prettier in my sight than if the biggest diamonds that ever twinkled shone in her ears," answered Dr.

  53. She moved along in time to the music, followed by Paul, whose cunning eyes twinkled with more than a common shrewdness, as he peered here and there through the crowd.

  54. When he was young, he says, in the broad and benevolently frisky manner, he would have signed ere the eye of the maiden twinkled her affirmative, or the goose had shed its quill.

  55. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "twinkled" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.