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Example sentences for "twinge"

Lexicographically close words:
twin; twinckling; twine; twined; twines; twinges; twining; twinkle; twinkled; twinkles
  1. To his alarm, as he sent in his first ball, there came to his arm that had been twisted on the car, a twinge of pain.

  2. Without a twinge of nervousness he signed his name to long-winded oaths, and unconsciously perjured himself five minutes later.

  3. Peggy turned away, a little twinge of disappointment in her heart.

  4. It is human nature to want to be missed, and Peggy couldn't help her twinge of disappointment in the fact that her absence was going to mean so little.

  5. As she spoke the name de Gobignon, he felt a twinge of anger.

  6. She felt a twinge of guilt, remembering that she had betrayed Daoud by not telling him where Simon was going.

  7. He felt a twinge of fear, and inched away from the Franciscan.

  8. And how could the Great Work have got on while the author was every now and then disturbed by a twinge of remorse?

  9. What they had done to him, he did not know; all that he could remember was two thin bodies twining themselves around him--a sharp twinge of pain at the base of his skull; then absolute helplessness.

  10. After he had been strapped fast, one of the men placed his hands at the base of the bacteriologist's skull; he felt a sudden twinge of pain; and his strange paralysis left him suddenly.

  11. Yonder dear woman would give her foot to spare mine a twinge of the gout; but, when I have the fit, the pain is in my slipper.

  12. Nothing, madam; a twinge in my shoulder," said the lad.

  13. The quiet confidence with which he spoke aroused, suddenly, a twinge of antagonism.

  14. He had a moment's rather complicated twinge of amusement at her reactions if she should know that to an encounter with a female of the Mohammedan species was to be attributed his departure from her party last night.

  15. It was during the forenoon of the next day that the first twinge of genuine worry shot across the sustained resentment which she was pleased to call her complete indifference.

  16. If for one moment a twinge of wry reminder recalled that she had never been able exactly to count upon him it did not dim his mood.

  17. He seemed dull and out of sorts, and complained of a twinge of gout.

  18. And with a twinge he now recollected the unwonted sound of that name from the pilot's mouth as he took charge of the letters and went off.

  19. That little piece of simplicity up there in the country had managed to say him no without being directly asked to say anything--thanks to her truthful honesty; and perhaps, a twinge or two of another sort came to Dr.

  20. As she would immolate herself without hesitation if the necessity should exist, so would she see Florence Burton destroyed without a twinge of remorse if the destruction of Florence would serve the purpose which she had in view.

  21. She understood instantly, as before, and quite without exegesis, the twinge of pain that went across his face.

  22. She knew that this was not quite fair, and the look that it brought to his face--a twinge of pain like neuralgia--awakened a sharp compunction in her.

  23. In my twinge of anxiety about the May Girl I had quite forgotten Ann Woltor.

  24. The great Tecumseh feels a twinge as he whips out this verdict.

  25. Colonel Joe grins with a twinge of conscience.

  26. Philip Hardin feels no twinge as he seals this letter.

  27. Wunpost as the idea suddenly dawned on him and once more he experienced a twinge of regret.

  28. He paused and over Wunpost's scowling face there flashed a twinge that betrayed him--Judson Eells had read his inner thought.

  29. At the same instant I felt a sharp twinge upon my right arm, and my sword dropped from my grasp.

  30. You will not feel the slightest twinge because she was your mistress, if she is shot, Stépan?

  31. Harietta felt some twinge of fear at the strange tone in the Russian's voice, but she was too out of temper to be cowed now.

  32. She felt a twinge of jealousy always that the idea had not first come to her, and of resentment that they should have tastes apart from her.

  33. Greg felt a surge of pity for his brother, and then a twinge of malicious anticipation.

  34. Now as he talked, he felt a twinge of guilt in not mentioning it.

  35. It is brought back to him in some degree with a twinge by Mrs. Le Marchant saying in a relenting tone, and with an accent of remorse, "And you have remembered us all these years?

  36. In the sharp twinge of jealousy which the sight of Kitty's flirtation with Fletcher gave him, and the delight he found in her after conduct, Jack discovered how much he loved her.

  37. It is a gift, this domesticity," said Count Victor, not without an inward twinge at the picture.

  38. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "twinge" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.
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