Mr. Diggs, strutting up to the young planter with a smile he thought becoming a District Attorney.
There is a place for me," said Diggs, strutting about with his hands in his pockets and expectorating profusely.
I can prove that all generals were small men," said Diggs, strutting about.
The beginning of his Undergraduate life was marked by his strutting about in fine clothes with a feather in his cap, and running up heavy bills at the booksellers and tailors.
A boy with a cockade on, and a little sword by his side, appears to observe the familiarities already mentioned, and is strutting up fiercely towards the staymaker, while a girl is spilling some liquor in his hat.
The cock is a noisy fellow, strutting about, and displaying his plumage with great ostentation; he is also very quarrelsome.
Lord Clare strutting forth to give his orders, Arthur Wolfe moving slowly homeward with a worn and troubled face.
He's strutting up and down the landing-stage at Brest, with Tone and Hoche, and all the rest of the jays in peacock-plumes.
They wanted to see if I had juice in me," he explained, strutting beside Sam with an amusing little swagger of his shoulders.
The word was then given to march, when we all ran up together just as we were when the strutting captain Parker reviewed us on the deck of the Tenedos.
There was no longer any gallant Tom Thumb wit strutting about her eyes and mouth, no little tender cheeping voice to distract the attention from the hideous ruin time had worked in her.
She went down and ate her breakfast before a long window that showed a glittering, rimy world and in the foreground a plump, strutting robin.
He was ruffling his wings, erecting his tail and neck feathers, strutting and wheeling about in a most strange and stately fashion.
Temple dashed his hand into the cap first 'Like my luck,' he remarked, and pocketed both fists as he began strutting away to hide his desperation at drawing a blank.
The thought of the day in store for us sent me strutting as though I had been in the presence of my drill-master.
While thus occupied, they occasionally halt to look out for the female, and then resume their strutting and puffing, moving with as much rapidity as the nature of their gait will admit.
There were the actors apparelled in the gorgeous costumes of old Cathay strutting mechanically through their parts, the female impersonators squeaking in shrill falsetto and putting in a lot of subtle fan-work.
He has a kind of strutting dignity and is tall by walking on tiptoe.
Among the humourous little conceits is a couple of strutting cocks carrying between them a dead fox slung on a rod.
Then all of a sudden he was relieved of his rider, for Peter-Kins leaped from his back onto a turkey gobbler that was strutting around the yard all swelled out with pride, every feather spread out to its fullest extent.
Peram, clearing his throat and struttingover the floor.
In that very spick-and-span farmyard ducks were swimming leisurely on the greenish pond, white pigeons strutting and preening on the eaves of the barn, and his keen eye noted that some tiles were out of order up there.
Some pigeons were strutting and preening their feathers in the pools of sunlight between the shadows of the plane-trees.
For what or whom was she waiting, in the silence, with the trees dropping here and there a leaf, and the thrushes strutting close on grass, touched with the sparkle of the autumn rime?
He had thought of himself as a young Bashaw strutting round among the people of his seigniory.
On the front porch little Junius Brutus Ponk was strutting back and forth, chatting with Laura.
If he could be husked out of himself and let the community get down to the kernel of him he is really fine wheat," York said, conscious the while that he had not meant, for some reason, to praise the strutting fellow.
Let me close all these windows," he urged, strutting from seat to seat.
Of more strutting and bowing and no end of luggage clearing itself away.
A pale anxious youth stepping softly on long legs was being chaffed by a strutting and rubicund globe-trotter about his purchases in the bazaar.
Sherif Ali's emissaries had been seen in the market-place the day before, strutting about haughtily in white cloaks, and boasting of the Rajah's friendship for their master.
They performed all the rites and dances, and in addition did a good deal of strutting up and down, loafing and 'yarning.
Their fear at the approach of the strutting male was manifest.
By eight o'clock the girls were dressed and strutting up and down the hall to exhibit themselves to the gaze of their companions.
But he really is a splendid devil as he goes strutting down the long platform between the gendarmes, all alone among his enemies, alone in the last moments of his life.
The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "strutting" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.