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Example sentences for "tracings"

Lexicographically close words:
trachoma; trachyte; trachytes; trachytic; tracing; track; trackage; tracked; tracker; trackers
  1. The great forts of Douaumont and Vaux are outlined faintly, like the tracings of a finger in wet sand.

  2. Tracings of the new survey were hastily finished and sent to press, with the result that a complete preliminary 1/4-inch map in six colours was published before the last members of the Expedition had sailed for England.

  3. Outline tracings of jawbones from Mauer and Le Moustier 41 14.

  4. In the case of one illustration of those tracings (Fig.

  5. Outline tracings of skulls reduced in size to a common dimension, viz.

  6. Tracings of teeth from Krapina and Mauer.

  7. Tracings from casts (in the Cambridge Museum) of the jaw-bone from Mauer and of that of the Moustier skeleton.

  8. All other tracings are designated as "meeting"--M (figs.

  9. Where whorls appear in the thumbs the major division reflects the whorl tracings just as the subsecondary does.

  10. This is accomplished by grouping according to the ridge counts of loops and the ridge tracings of whorls.

  11. It is also necessary that each focal point (cores and all deltas) be clearly printed in order that accurate ridge counts and tracings may be obtained.

  12. The whorl tracings are brought up as I, M, or O denoting inner, meeting or outer ridge tracings of the whorl types.

  13. The accompanying tracings are reproductions of those gained at one of the tests, and are typical examples.

  14. The third group of tracings was gained from W.

  15. Here there was relaxation of the muscles, a general letting go of the whole body, revealed in the tracings taking an abrupt downward direction.

  16. All four tracings resembled each other in a general manner; but we will give only one (see Fig.

  17. The leaves resemble those of the last species, and the movements of two leaflets (the main petioles of both having been secured) were traced during two days; but the tracings are not given, as they resembled that of O.

  18. A few observations were subsequently made on the circumnutation of three leaves, whilst facing a north-east window; but the tracings are not given, as the leaves moved somewhat towards the light.

  19. The tracings showed that they had travelled in zigzag lines.

  20. Both tracings showed that the apheliotropic movement was a modified form of circumnutation.

  21. On the following day it was observed more frequently; and two tracings were made (see A and B, Fig.

  22. As the filaments were fixed in the three last cases to one of the cotyledons, and as the hypocotyl was left free, the tracings show the movement of both organs conjoined; and we now wished to ascertain whether both circumnutated.

  23. All five tracings resembled each other to a certain extent, and it will suffice to give two of them.

  24. But the tracings made under such unnatural conditions are not worth giving; and it need only be said that the lines were decidedly zigzag, and that small loops were occasionally formed.

  25. With this apparatus I succeeded in producing very beautiful tracings of the vibrations of the air for vowel sounds.

  26. Houston, are those statements and tracings all ready?

  27. These were copied exactly into a set of small books which he had brought for that purpose, and he had also made tracings and blue print copies of plats and maps of the most important mines, and of the plans of their underground workings.

  28. The tracings we get can be analyzed to give us a kind of cross-sectional look at the mountain.

  29. The theft of the tracings bothered us, too.

  30. Both the tracings and the sketch are gone!

  31. The tracings meant nothing to them; analysis was a job for trained scientists.

  32. Later, in analyzing the shots and making a new sketch, Jeffrey Williams thought the magma front had grown slightly from the previous day, but since the first tracings were gone, there was no way of being sure.

  33. What was to be gained by stealing the tracings and Jeff's sketch?

  34. We'll have to get tracings before we have any real idea of what's going on under us.

  35. So, he stole the tracings and the dynamite.

  36. He was satisfied that the man had stolen both the initial tracings and the dynamite.

  37. The tracings put us a day behind, and the dynamite might delay us even longer.

  38. The tracings probably were stolen by someone on the hotel staff, because they looked important.

  39. The tracings were spread out on the table when they returned, and the group was engrossed in checking them over.

  40. Breuil ascribes to the early Magdalenian the engraved mammoth tracings of Combarelles.

  41. This convenient volume also includes outline tracings of the more important drawings and sculptures found in western Europe up to the present time.

  42. I have seen tracings of these figures made recently by Mr. A.

  43. And then Flobecq, holding out the threat to publish my letters, forced me to make an attempt to gain the tracings which formed the key.

  44. Our bargain was that I would return your letters on condition that you obtained the tracings of the key.

  45. You actually allowed him to take the tracings from you when you already had them in your possession!

  46. Sometimes it will be necessary to have two tracings of the design, one on the leather and one on the other background.

  47. If any space is left between these two rows of tracings fill in with other rows of uneven darning (Figure 144A).

  48. His lips tightened as again he gazed at the tracings on the paper.

  49. Pond's instrument, and two tracings made by it.

  50. Made Popular by Suggestive Tracings from "Animal Locomotion.

  51. I fancy it was a voluminous work on Reaction Times with numerous plates of sphygmograph tracings (I write subject to correction) and an admirable new terminology, that did the thing for him.

  52. Professor Redwood was one of those scientific men who are addicted to tracings and curves.

  53. I am inclined to think that Redwood thought in tracings and curves.

  54. Accurate tracings from a photograph (short exposures at intervals) of the sun setting.

  55. I give you tracings from some notes I made myself while carving the sheep in Plates V and VI.

  56. You could not do better than make a collection of suitable leaves, press them flat and trace them very carefully, keeping the tracings together in a book for reference.

  57. A complete set of coloured tracings made by him are in the British Museum (Lansdowne Coll.

  58. British Museum possesses some tracings from the Utrecht Psalter, and on confronting them with the Harleian 603, it requires a sharp eye to detect the slight differences existing between several of the illustrations to each of the volumes.

  59. He loved to pore over his father's tracings and maps of the old workings.

  60. When he had finished he left the house, and went directly to that of the mine boss, taking the tracings he had just made with him.

  61. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "tracings" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.