It was to Mr. Walter Jones Whitmore that the first start of really scientific croquet is due, and he it was who organised the first tournament in 1867, held at Evesham, when Mr. Whitmore became the champion.
It is only by match practice that this knowledge is gained, and to play in a good tournament handicap is excellent training.
With that tournament ended the record of the single combats of Jacques de Lelaing.
We cannot tell all that took place, but the noble tournamentat Châlons was long afterwards the talk of the country-side.
When his arm had grown strong again he repaired to Châlons, where he opened a tournament of his own, in which he held the lists against all comers.
Tis with our people as with the knights of old; if they win in a tournament they take the armour of the vanquished, the prize from the Queen of Beauty, and many a glance of admiration from bright eyes.
A few days after they reached the capital the king gave a great festival in honour of the visitors, and there was a grand tournament at which the king and all the princes of the blood tilted.
A brief campaign resulted in the capture of Rhynberg, which triumph Prince Henry celebrated with a tournament held at the Hague.
In the midst of their labours, both he and Rupert found time to attend a tournamentat the Hague.
They discussed the coming tournament quite amicably; and Viola even offered to lend her racket, which was superior to Katrine's own.
The competitors who opened the tournament were fairly evenly matched.
It was interesting to compare notes on sports and schools; if any of the strangers were inclined to be shy, the ice was soon broken, and all were chatting like old friends by the time the tournament began.
No mimic warfare of joust and tournament for him now!
The chevalier was delighted to comply with her request, and promised that the tournament should be arranged to take place in a very short while; then, kissing the hand of his fair sponsor, he asked for one of her sleeves.
The tournament was held in good time, some fifteen gallant gentlemen taking part and acquitting themselves much to the satisfaction of the lady for whose amusement the entertainment had been devised.
When this treaty had been concluded, and Richard had recovered, he held a magnificent tournament at Acre, in celebration of peace.
Bayard's first exploit as a knight was to challenge and meet in tournament the invincible Lord of Vaudray.
A military tournament by the 19th (Princess of Wales' Own) Hussars commenced at the Agricultural Hall, Norwich, and concluded on December 4th.
A military tournamentgiven by the 20th Hussars in aid of the city charities, commenced at the Agricultural Hall, Norwich, and was continued until March 1st.
A military tournament given by the 8th Hussars in aid of the local charities, commenced at the Agricultural Hall, Norwich, and concluded on the 23rd.
A military tournament by the 7th Dragoon Guards commenced at the Agricultural Hall, Norwich, and concluded on the 18th.
Now King Pelles was aware how it was with le Chevalier Malfait and that he was unwilling to go to the tournamentat Astolat.
So one day the King took Sir Launcelot aside and he said to him: "Messire, will you not also go with our court to this tournament that King Arthur hath proclaimed?
Summary: Follows Sir Launcelot of the Round Table as he rescues Queen Guinevere, fights in the tournament at Astolat, and pursues other adventures.
Now I bid you tell me this--is it true that you wore as a favor the sleeve of the Lady Elaine the Fair at the tournament of Astolat?
Well," said Sir Gawaine, "this is a strange thing that you should pretend to aspire to that tournament of to-morrow and yet have no heart to meet in friendly tilt two knights whom you encounter upon the way.
So she had the armor of Sir Tyre brought to Sir Launcelot and thus the Lady Elaine purveyed him in all wise for that tournament so that no one might know him who he was.
Then after Sir Launcelot had thus accepted that favor, Sir Lavaine spake and said: "Sir Knight Malfait, I beseech you that you will take me with you unto thistournament as your knight-companion.
Also How Sir Launcelot and Sir Lavaine had Encounter with two Knights in the Highway Thitherward 125 Chapter Fourth How Sir Launcelot and Sir Lavaine Fought in the Tournament at Astolat.
And I would that thou wouldst wear my favor at that tournament so that I might have glory in that battle because of thee.
And the King sent word of this tournament throughout all the land, both east and west and north and south.
During a tournament held in honour of the wedding, Henry II.
Fearing the disaffection of the Norman and Breton nobles, Philip invited a number of them to a tournament at Paris, and there had them put to death after a hasty form of trial, thus driving their kindred to join his enemies.
All of which was to take place at the Firemen's Tournament Field on the outskirts of the town.
He sent him our entry for the tournament events last week, you know.
Tournament day had been declared a holiday in Woodbridge.
Instantly the tournamentgrounds were in a turmoil.
It was in a broad unfenced stretch of valley bottom on the outskirts of town and a grandstand had been erected there for the Firemen's Tournament in the spring, so well remembered by the "smoke-eaters" of Quarry Troop.
The Boy Scout Engineers reviewed the procession from the curb, and when it had passed they hurried by way of a short cut across the fields to the tournament grounds, reaching there just as the Mayor's car turned in at the big gate.
Indeed, the very last coat of varnish was put onto "Old Nanc" the Saturday afternoon preceding the tournament day, which fell on Wednesday.
On tournament day they wandered about with a cheerless air, watching the various companies file into the side streets to await the formation of the parade that would be conducted up Webster Avenue to the tournament grounds.
This was followed by the Woodbridge band and the parade to the tournament grounds was under way.
Until a few days before the tournament the Scouts were working on their equipment.
Let's spring it at the tournament and convention next month.
Dear Sir: Your entry blank and fee for the tournament events reached me.
Lady Seymour was popularly known as the "Queen of Beauty," a title which had been given her in a famous tournament held by Archibald William Eglinton at Eglinton Castle in Scotland.
The Tournamentof Tottenham (Ritson's Ancient Songs, i.
The tournament is exciting, where skilful riders try tilting at rings, trying to take as many rings as possible on lance while galloping by the wires on which these rings are lightly suspended---a difficult accomplishment.
No one could joust at a tournament without a licence; and the price of the licence varied with the rank of the holder.
Samson's contest with turbulent young knights, who hold a Tournament without his authorization.
The queen demands another tournament in three days' time, when Lancelot appears as a white knight, with the same result.
She demands the golden ewer--the red horse comes to his aid, and he wins the tournament in his red dress.
Cosquin's shepherd lad unites the pastoral features with the courtly tournament, the Greek variant retains the flying steeds and gives us the tournament to boot.
At the tournament in honour of the wedding he appears on the horse in a dress to correspond, carries off the honours of the day, and escapes unrecognised.
Thus, while I have found no single insular version which gives the Tournament episode, I have equally found no continental variant which contains the mermaid.
Thus, the tournament episode in Cliges is so close a parallel to that of the Lanzelet that, as we have seen, Professor Foerster declares the one to be the source of the other.
In the Ipomedon alone the prize of the Three Days' Tournament is the hand of the princess.
Many of the cottages had tennis courts, and the different players wished to plan for a grandtournament at the end of the season.
So I move that the prize be a simple wreath of laurel tied with a white ribbon, on which the date of the tournament and name of the club be printed.
This is rather difficult, as it is now thirteen years since I entered for my first tournament in 1896.
There are many ways in which they can assist to make the tournamentas successful as possible.
Pinckney started a great work in 1908, organizing a ladies' volleying league, in which all ladies who entered a ladies' doubles event at any tournament were obliged to volley.
Always bear in mind that a referee at a tournament has a most "worrying time of it.
I have so often sat hour after hour at a London tournament (having only entered for the open events), perhaps playing one match, perhaps not playing at all.
This year I paid my first visit to Newcastle, a tournament which I always look forward to and enjoy as much as any meeting.
Invariably making strokes in a wrong way, tournament play only serves to consolidate weaknesses and check advance.
I was only able to play in the Monte Carlo tournament, after a few days' practice on the Beau Site courts, for it was just at the start of the Nice tournament that the accident to my wrist occurred.
Before one secretary of a fairly large tournament went to Wimbledon he had never seen a canvas background.
On one occasion, having a long way to go to a tournament in which I was only entered for the open mixed doubles, I telephoned to know whether I should be wanted or not.
And there he won at a tournament the gree that King Carados made.
God would that I had part of her conditions; and it is misfortuned me of my sickness while that tournament endured.
The tournament was a token to see who should have most knights, either Eliazar, the son of King Pelles, or Argustus, the son of King Harlon.
And when he was come thither he found there Sir Lionel, his brother, which sat all armed at the entry of the chapel door for to abide there harbour till on the morn that the tournament shall be.
How Sir Tristram and his fellowship came into the tournament of Lonazep; and of divers jousts and matters.
Now, said the lady, sithen ye be set among the knights of heavenly adventures, if adventure fell thee contrary at thattournament have thou no marvel, for that tournament yesterday was but a tokening of Our Lord.
So at-after Christmas King Arthur let call unto him many knights, and there they advised together to make a party and a great tournament and jousts.
And at every tournament he began to make King Arthur to laugh.
So when the tournament was done, Sir Tristram, Gareth, and Dinadan, rode with La Beale Isoud to these pavilions.
And then Sir Launcelot made great sorrow, For never or now was I never at tournament nor jousts but I had the best, and now I am shamed; and then he said: Now I am sure that I am more sinfuller than ever I was.
A herald rode forward and with sound of trumpet proclaimed the tournament that was opened to the honour of the beautiful Magelone.
When she closed her eyes she saw the tournament and the beloved unknown looking up with longing hope.
When the day of the tournament arrived, Peter put on his armour and betook himself to the lists.
He dismounted at an inn to ask for news, and heard from the host that a distinguished knight, Sir Henry of Carpone, had come and that a splendid tournament was to be held in his honour.