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Example sentences for "first visit"

  • I remember writing on the occasion of my first visit to Strasburg, a few years after these events--"There is very little to see at Strasburg now.

  • Since my first visit a handsome bathing establishment has been built, with casino, concert-room, and all the other essentials of an inland watering-place.

  • This was written soon after our first visit to Strood at the end of August, 1888.

  • A few days after Charles Dickens's first visit, my friend Mr. Howard S.

  • I've just come from my first visit to Oldcastle Hall.

  • Cousin Mary Rose, or a Child's First Visit.

  • Such was my first visit to the great battlefield, a dreary looking spot with a general aspect of chalk, broken stumps of trees, and crowded muddy roads.

  • We had the trench all to ourselves and during my first visit to these trenches, which lasted six days, it was a quiet, happy home, with a green field behind and an occasional pheasant crowing in the hedges.

  • And as this was my first visit there it naturally made a great impression on me.

  • On November 14 I paid my first visit to St. Omer, which is a nice town with plenty of good shops.

  • We had tea upon the terrace under the cedar, but old Lady Osprey, being an embittered Protestant, had never before seen the inside of the house, and we made a sort of tour of inspection that reminded me of my first visit to the place.

  • I find myself with a certain comprehensive perception of London, complete indeed, incurably indistinct in places and yet in some way a whole that began with my first visit and is still being mellowed and enriched.

  • Before leaving my Woodbury ancestors, who resided there nearly one hundred and fifty years, I wish to relate my first visit to Woodbury.

  • A delightful incident enlivened my first visit, and gave me an acquaintance with a group of habitués, When I reached the balcony I saw a group of Frenchmen at a table who were singing at the top of their voices.

  • This season never comes round without my repassing in my heart of hearts all the circumstances of those few days--my first visit to your dear family.

  • Illustration: This certificate is dated the year after Kossuth's first visit to England, and is in possession of Edward G.

  • This year was also the date of Kossuth's first visit to our shores.

  • I well remember my first visit to a French cafe.

  • Workmen were scattered over different portions of the building and towers, (this was on my first visit to Paris,) engaged in renewing their ancient beauty.

  • I well remember that on my first visit to Paris, I wandered out of my hotel and saw the Champs Elysees in the evening.

  • In after years I was sometimes questioned as to what had most impressed me during my first visit in London.

  • I write as if I had forgotten the wonderful series of events which had come to pass between my first visit to Rome and this second tarrying within its walls.

  • The above list will hopefully provide you with a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "first visit" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this group of words.

    Some common collocations, pairs and triplets of words:
    first attack; first began; first book; first communion; first down; first expedition; first idea; first meeting; first minister; first night; first page; first part; first performance; first principles; first read; first reception; first refused; first secretary; first section; first session; first story; first thought; first very; stared down; subsistence agriculture; various descriptions