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Example sentences for "tourned"

Lexicographically close words:
tourment; tournament; tournaments; tournant; tourne; tourner; tourney; tourneying; tourneys; tourniquet
  1. When the winter comes they weare no capes because of their haire tourned up.

  2. My mother gott me presently a sack of meale, 3 paire of shoos, my gun, and tourned backe where the 2 stayed for us.

  3. Priming our pistols, we went where our fancy first lead us, being impossible for us to avoid the destinies of the heavens; no sooner tourned our backs, but my nose fell ableeding without any provocation in the least.

  4. They tie the prisoners to a poast by their hands, their backs tourned towards the hangman, who hath a bourning fire of dry wood and rind of trees, which doth not quench easily.

  5. But Fortune enuious of that pleasure, so long and great, with dolorous successe, tourned the ioye of those twoo louers into heauie and sorowefull ende.

  6. But Panthea followed him priuelie, till he tourned and spied her, to whome he sayde: “Be of good conforte Panthea, Adieu and farewell.

  7. Whereat the maide laughed and saide: “I thincke the man is in a dreame:” and with that she tourned her selfe and shut fast the window.

  8. For that loue, whiche fayled, and was fledde from him, tourned and retired into her.

  9. For whiche cause my loue was tourned into furie and dispayre, so greate, as I watched her so nere, that vppon a daye fayning my selfe to goe abroade, I hydde my selfe in the chamber where now shee remayneth.

  10. And the feare which either of them had of the assembly of the king and of the Gentlewoman, was tourned to desire, which made the Gentleman to go more oft then he was wonte to doe into the countrye, being not past halfe a mile of.

  11. The fyrst future, which may be tourned XXXVI maner of wayes as the indicatyve.

  12. Sythence oure fourtunie havethe tourned foe, Gader the souldyers lefte to future shappe, To somme newe place for safetie wee wylle goe, 720 Inne future daie wee wylle have better happe.

  13. Marcellus knoweyng how Lucius Bancius a Nolane, was tourned to favour Aniball so moche humanitie and liberalitie, he used towardes him, that of an enemie, he made him moste frendely.

  14. YOU have tolde, how the souldiours maie be tourned to faight, with speakyng to theim: doe you meane by this, that all the armie must bee spoken unto, or to the heddes thereof?

  15. Many have corrupted the water, and have tourned the rivers an other waie to take Tounes.

  16. Every of tho joyes is tourned in-to his contrary.

  17. Paydest nat thou for some of her dispences, til they were tourned out of Selande?

  18. With that, his heed he tourned at the last For to behold the ladies everichon; But ever in oon he set his ey stedfast On her, the which his thought was most upon.

  19. And with the sentence of the popes bulle As for to doon the folk payen obeye, The chirche is tourned al another weye.

  20. Now the Lord had tourned my mourning into joy and gladnesse againe, in granting me the sight of that day wherof I had many hundred tymes dispaired of before.

  21. Phocion on a daye, treatynge a longe oration to the people of Athenes, plesed them very wel; and whan he sawe that they all to gether allowed his wordes, he tourned to his frendes and sayd: haue I vnwarely spoken any hurte?

  22. The sely olde man was so sore agreued that, as he sat and rested hym on a ryuers syde, he threwe his asse in to the water; and so whan he had drowned his asse he tourned home agayne.

  23. Whan she tourned to haue taken her[164] money, and sawe her chapman go his waye, she made after apace, but faster with her voice than with hir fote.

  24. Antony tourned his backe to him and lette a great ***** agaynst his face.

  25. He tourned towarde his frendes and sayde: I am nothynge affrayde: for in that space, either I, the asse, or elles my lorde may dye.

  26. And so whilst he desirusly herd hym / at the lenghth by hearinge he was tourned form the sect of the Manichees / vnto the true catholiques.

  27. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "tourned" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.