Mr. Pickwick sat opposite the tipstaff; and the tipstaff sat with his hat between his knees, whistling a tune, and looking out of the coach window.
Again, in his effort to follow, Mr. Thorndike was halted, but the first tipstaff came to his rescue.
At a door a tipstaff laid his hand roughly on the arm of Mr. Thorndike.
From the friends of Spear there was a ripple of applause, which no tipstaff took it upon himself to suppress, and to the accompaniment of this, Mr. Thorndike walked to the corridor.
The Tipstaff and Crier are the executive officers of the Court of Appeals.
What are the tipstaff and crier, and what are their duties?
A tipstaffbrought him a glass of water, and he finally recovered.
The judge saw that the lad was faint, and ordered a tipstaff to bring him a glass of water.
A tipstaffwas trying to detain Ralph at the door; he had not recognized him.
The tipstaff approached Mole and hit the offending hat with his stick, but it did not move.
But the tipstaff was wroth, and picking up a large law book smashed it flat.
On his replying that no tipstaffcould be found to hazard it, Federigo sent an order to one to do whatever this merchant might require for the ends of justice.
The tipstaff is no doubt already waiting at the public-house opposite," replied the lawyer.
Lord Rotherby had the information from the tipstaff who went to arrest Sir Richard Everard.
You would not, for instance, had you not come hither, have had an opportunity of observing a member of the noblesse seconding and assisting a tipstaff in the discharge of his duty.